• Volume 30,Issue Z1,2011 Table of Contents
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    • >翡翠
    • Mineral composition of the purple jadeite from Guatemala and its significance

      2011, 30(Z1):1-7.

      Abstract (3508) HTML (0) PDF 2.82 M (4368) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Guatemala purple jadeite jade (jadeitite) was studied by such means as thin section, cathode luminescence, LIBS and LA-ICP-MS. The results show that the common assemblage includes jadeite, albite, grossular, titanite and rutile, and the sequence of their crystallization is in order of titanite-white jadeite-bluish purple jadeite+grossular-albite, suggesting the evolution of fluids at decreasing temperature. The blue purple jadeite has higher Ti content. In appearance, the Guatemala purple jadeite shows that the pink purple mass is caused by grossular and the blue purple mass is caused by jadeite with higher Ti content and colorless transparent albite in association with these masses. These characteristics can distinguish Guatemala purple jadeite jade form Myanmar purple jadeite jade.

    • A mineralogical study of "ink painting" jadeite jade

      2011, 30(Z1):8-12.

      Abstract (1838) HTML (0) PDF 658.37 K (3607) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:"Ink painting" jadeite jade is a new variety of jade on the market. It is named after its ink painting-like appearance, which is caused by the black nontransparent material dispersed irregularly on the substrate. Based on such analytical means as EMPA, XRD and IR, the authors studied "ink painting" jadeite jade. The results show that "ink painting" jadeite jade is mainly composed of jadeite and omphacite, with a small amount of plagioclase and magnetite as well as black nontransparent impurities. Black impurities and magnetite constitute the main factors responsible for ink painting-like appearance.

    • Characteristics of the geologically-formed colors of the hidden primary jadeite jade ore body in Pharkant, Myanmar

      2011, 30(Z1):13-17.

      Abstract (1871) HTML (0) PDF 601.68 K (3515) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The primary ore body of jadeite jade in the lenticular form intruded into the serpentinous ultrabasic rock. The formation of the ore body can be divided into four geological processes in order of magmatism (rock forming)→metamorphic recrystallization→tectonic stress→jade forming. Three colors of occurrence in the ore body are respectively light purple, black and green. It is considered that the violet color of jadeite jade is the earliest primary color formed by magmatism, the black color results from the torendrikite formed by metamorphic recrystallization of trapped massive in the ore body, and the green color of jadeite jade is the latest color caused by the formation of jade. Chrome in the green color of jadeite jade is derived from the trapped massive in the ore body and is related to tectonic stress.

    • A preliminary study of white secondary substances of jadeite jades

      2011, 30(Z1):18-22.

      Abstract (1976) HTML (0) PDF 716.99 K (3293) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:White secondary substances usually coexist with brown secondary substances in the jadeite jade. The phenomena show that both of them were formed in the same exogenic environment, which is also known as the oxidizing environment. The white secondary substances are the main component of the white shells, and can exist in the fractures and the gaps among granules, looking like white floccules or white spots. White secondary substances are small collections of mainly clay minerals existing on the edges and in the cracks of the grains of jadeites. They belong mainly to metasomatic texture and subordinately to cavity filling texture. Infrared absorption spectroscopic and electron microprobe analyses show that the white secondary substances are mainly kaolinite or kaolinitic, and there are paracelsian and agrellite which seldom occur in rocks. It is shown that the composition of white secondary substances is relatively complicated.

    • Distribution regularity of the green color of jadeite jade

      2011, 30(Z1):23-26.

      Abstract (1902) HTML (0) PDF 588.47 K (3805) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The green color of jadeite jade was measured and placed in the CIE LAB even color space. The distribution of color was analyzed in order to establish a relation of L*, a*, b*, C*, hab for the green color of jadeite jade. When L* is low, hab keeps relatively unchanging and C* and L* are linearly interrelated. When L* increases, the scope of hab increases a little and C* reaches its peak when L* is approximately 40. This information will have a positive effect on grading jadeite jade to a great extent in that it simplifies and guides the manufacture of jadeite jade color chips.

    • >软玉
    • Structure and mineral composition of green nephrite from Xinjiang

      2011, 30(Z1):27-32.

      Abstract (4398) HTML (0) PDF 832.35 K (4860) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper analyzed the structure and mineral composition of green nephrite from Hetian-Yutian County of Xinjiang by means of scanning electron microscope, electron microprobe, X-ray powder diffraction, infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The result reveals that the main microstructure of the green nephrite is the woven felt-like cryptocrystalline blastic texture, the arrangements of the mineral particles result in its delicate texture and high toughness. SEM characteristics illustrate its clean topography and compactness. The major mineral in green nephrite from this region is tremolite, and it subsequently turns into actinolite with the increase of iron oxide. There are also many other minerals, such as chromite, chlorite, serpentine, clinopyroxene and apatite.

    • Gemological research on Manasi green jade

      2011, 30(Z1):33-38.

      Abstract (1923) HTML (0) PDF 1.04 M (3693) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mineralogical, gemological and spectral characteristics and chemical constituents of all kinds of green Manasi nephrite were studied by using slice observation, electron microprobe analysis and infrared spectra. The results indicate that the main mineral components are tremolite and actinolite and that the emerald green spotted structure "Cuihua" of Manasi green jade is formed from early actinolite. The material composition features indicate that green Manasi nephrite is a product of the alteration of ultrabasic rock.

    • Genesis of the nephrite from the Alamas in Hetian, Xinjiang

      2011, 30(Z1):39-46.

      Abstract (2525) HTML (0) PDF 889.93 K (3841) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Hetian nephrite deposit located south of the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang is a typical superlarge dolomite-related nephrite deposit. In this ore deposit, the Alamas ore belt explored about two hundred years ago is an important ore belt, and, since 1975, it has produced more than 100 tons of wonderful white nephrite. In this ore belt, different nephrite zoning structures exist as veins or lenses vertically or horizontally within the contact zone between dolomite marble and granodiorite. Nephrite zonings also stay with a variety of other mineral assemblages such as zeilanite, diposide and tremolite, boltonite dolomite marble, and serpentinized dolomite marble. Sometimes, there exists bicolor nephrite or nephrite and tremolitized nephrite zoning, i.e., one specimen representing a zoning transition can be easily found in this location. However, among nephrite deposits, obvious nephrite zonings are very uncommon, and there are few reports documenting them. Therefore, to explain the causes and genesis of such nephrite zoning structure, the authors carried out chemical analysis of samples collected from these nephrite zonings by means of electronic microscope probe analysis (EMPA) and ICP-Ms. All the amphiboles in the nephrites have very low content of Cr (Cr=8.95×10-6~178.7×10-6) and Ni (NiO=0.05×10-6~3.95×10-6) relative to serpentinite-related nephrite (Cr2O3=0.07%~0.43%; NiO=0.08% ~0.36%). The results indicate that such color-causing elements in nephrite as Fe, which mainly occur in tremolite, exhibit decreasing concentration as color changes from green to white, a trend which is consistent with the zoning structures. Based on these observations, the authors have further concluded that the variations from high to low temperatures are consistent with the distribution of zonings, as clearly demonstrated by the tremolite grain size. Therefore, these geochemical characteristics and mineral assemblages in the contact zone are strongly indicative of a dolomite-related ore deposit with metasomatic origin for the Alamas nephrites.

    • The discovery and a preliminary study of Dahua tremolite jade in Guangxi

      2011, 30(Z1):47-52.

      Abstract (3160) HTML (0) PDF 858.23 K (4626) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The tremolite jade newly found in Dahua County of Guangxi was studied by such means as polarizing microscope, X-ray diffraction, electron microprobe, infrared spectrum and scanning electron microscope. The results show that the major mineral composition of Dahua tremolite jade is tremolite. A study of the texture and structure shows that its major texture is almost the same as that of Hetian jade, suggesting that Dahua tremolite jade is also a typical tremolite jade. It could be classified as gemstone according to its gemological characteristics, and it has been carved into ornaments for selling on the market. The genesis of the jade and the significance of its detection are also discussed in this paper.

    • A study of gemological features of nephrite from Jilin Province

      2011, 30(Z1):53-57.

      Abstract (1895) HTML (0) PDF 645.71 K (3359) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Chemical components, structure and thermal faces of nephrite from Jilin Province were studied by means of electron probe, X-ray powder diffract ion (XRD) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). Nephrite was determined by chemical components and spectrum of X-ray powder diffraction of the jade. (OH)- was dehydrated from tremolite together with the production of new minerals when the minerals were heated to 874℃. The color of nephrite is white, and the data of its hardness, density and refractive index coincide with data of nephrite from Xinjiang.

    • The discovery of the Luodian nephrite deposit in Guizhou Province and its petrological and mineralogical characteristics

      2011, 30(Z1):58-62.

      Abstract (3148) HTML (0) PDF 862.18 K (4390) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new kind of jade was recently discovered in Guizhou Province. The jade is mainly white and light-green, and occasionally brown, blue or green. It is mostly of lipidic-waxy luster. FTIR and XRD tests show that the mineral composition of the jade is of tremolite series, similar to things of Xinjiang nephrite. The textures observed under SEM can be systematically classified into such types as fibrous, pillar-like and leaf-like textures. It also has fine texture and compact structure, and the jade assuming the fiber interweaved texture especially has the best quality.

    • A study of gemological characteristics of a new nephrite jade material

      2011, 30(Z1):63-72.

      Abstract (2206) HTML (0) PDF 1.20 M (3455) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The research on the origin and locality of jade is one of the most important items in the study of gemology and jade archaeology, and a basic method for study is to comprehend the detailed characteristics of jades from different producing localities. Based on the conventional gem constants and the analysis using such means as X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis, and laser ablation plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICPMS), this paper reports for the first time the gemological characteristics of a new nephrite material from a new locality of Guizhou Province in China. With mainly the porcelain white-gray color and micro-leaf-like crisscross and microporphyroblastic fiber-crossed structures, The transparency of this material is a little lower than that of common nephrites. The other data, such as the Mohs hardness scale of about 5.8, the refractive indexes of 1.600~1.608, the S.G of 2.88 and the compressive strength of 357.4~446.75 MPa, are slightly below the standard data of nephrite. The results show that the mineral components of the new nephrite type are mainly tremolite, with subordinate diopside, calcite, albite (?) and quartz mineral inclusions. The crystal chemical formula of tremolite is (Cr0.02Al0.03 Fe0.03 Mg4.94)(Cr0.02 Na0.023 K0.01Ca1.98) (Si4.246 O11)2 (OH)2. As for major elements, silicon is rich, but there exists no titanium. The content of rare earth elements is high, with obvious HREE and LREE differentiation. LaN/YbN ratios vary from 30 to 60. There exists depletion of HREE, with negative Eu, Ce anomalies. The REE distribution pattern is of relatively steep rightly-oblique type. In comparison with the nephrites found in other areas, the authors hold that the nephrite material studied in this paper is unique and seems to be a new nephrite jade material.

    • Microstructure and vibration spectrum study of nephrite from Taiwan

      2011, 30(Z1):73-77.

      Abstract (2284) HTML (0) PDF 645.85 K (3633) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The composition, structure and vibration spectrum of nephrite in Fengtien district of Taiwan were studied by using such means as electron microrobe analysis (EPMA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and laser Raman spectroscopy. The results show that the main mineral composition of this nepheite is tremolite with minor chromite and essonite (Cr). The interwoven fibrous-crystalloblastic texture is the main microstructure, with some tremolite fibers assuming orientational arrangement in the direction of schistosity. Occasionally there exist malcrystals of chromite and pseudomorph of metasomatism. This paper also gives the information on the infrared absorption spectra and Raman spectrum of the nepheite and the category of its vibrational spectrum.

    • Material composition and color origin study of Russian nephrite

      2011, 30(Z1):78-82.

      Abstract (3118) HTML (0) PDF 746.75 K (3945) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fourier transform infrared absorption spectra, UV-Visible spectra, X-ray diffraction, X-ray Fluorescence spectra, polarizing microscope and electron microprobe analysis were used to study Russian nephrite that is very common on current markets, especially its chemical composition and color causes. The results show that Russian nephrite's main minerals are amphibole group minerals, and the light green mineral is mainly tremolite. With the gradual change of color toward darkness, the main mineral grades into actinolite. Russian nephrite contains a small amount of carbonate minerals. The black spot inclusions in the Russian nephrite is chromite. The greenness of Russian nephrite is caused mainly by iron, and the degree of the greenness is determined mainly by chromium.

    • Gemological and structural characteristics of nephrite from South Korea

      2011, 30(Z1):83-88.

      Abstract (2684) HTML (0) PDF 1015.59 K (3718) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In recent years, a lot of jade products from South Korea nephrite are sold on Chinese market. In order to find out the differences of the nephrites from different provenances, the authors studied the gemological and structural characteristics of South Korea nephrite for further analysis, with the purpose of distinguishing the provenances. The typical samples from South Korea were studied by using the conventional gemological methods, hardness test, polarizing microscope and scanning electron microscope test. The results shows South Korea nephrite's density is from 2.88 g/cm3 to 2.95 g/cm3, and its hardness is from 5.45 to 6.17. A comparison of the basic properties of these products from different provenances reveals evidently that South Korea nephrite's density and hardness are lower than those of other kinds of nephrite. Compared with particles of Hetian nephrite, South Korea nephrite's particles are relatively in uniform distribution. By microscopic observation, the South Korea nephrite is mainly of microaphanitic texture. The metasomatic pseudomorphic texture, metasomatic relict texture and cataclastic texture exist widely in the South Korea nephrite samples. Recrystallization is not obvious. Scanning electron microscope test reveals that the South Korea nephrite is of fibrous texture. Column-shaped and fibrous tremolite phenocrysts are abundant. Directional orientation of fibrous tremolite is very distinct.

    • A mineralogical study of the Chuncheon nephrite, South Korea

      2011, 30(Z1):89-94.

      Abstract (2022) HTML (0) PDF 1.06 M (3213) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Chuncheon nephrite of South Korea is becoming more and more common on Chinese market. It is usually called the Chuncheon nephrite or Chuncheon jade, and on the market it is often referred to as "Han Guo Liao". In this study, polarizing microscope and electron microprobe (EPMA) analysis were used to study Chuncheon nephrite samples with the emphasis placed on the mineralized zone. The results show that the major mineral component of Chuncheon nephrite is tremolite, followed by diopside, calcite, dolomite and talc. The mineralized zone is classified into marble zone, alteration zone, nephrite+alteration zone and nephrite zone. The mineralized zone of the Chuncheon nephrite was formed by metasomatism and deformation of the dolomitic marble zone.

    • A study of gemological characteristics of green nephrite in New Zealand

      2011, 30(Z1):95-100.

      Abstract (2563) HTML (0) PDF 741.42 K (4374) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:New Zealand is one of the main place of production of green nephrite; nevertheless, green nephrite jade from New Zealand is uncommon on present Chinese gem market, and little research has been devoted to this green nephrite. In this paper, characteristics of mineral compositions and chemical components of green nephrite samples from New Zealand were studied by means of the conventional gemmological testing,X-ray powder diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and LA-ICP-MS. The results indicate that the microtexture of New Zealand green nephrite is not very compact and the thicknesses of mineral grains are different. Its main mineral component is actinolite. In addition, the black impurity in it is chromite. A comparison of New Zealand green nephrite with the green nephrite from Xinjiang shows that the content of main elements and that of trace elements in these two kinds of nephrite are different.

    • A preliminary study of fluorine-bearing canasite microcrystalline glass, a kind of imitation nephrite

      2011, 30(Z1):101-104.

      Abstract (2201) HTML (0) PDF 499.58 K (4169) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The conventional gemmological methods, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction and infrared spectrometer analysis were used to investigate samples of imitation nephrite sold recently on the market and to analyze their gemological, mineralogical, spectral and surficial characteristics. The results show that the imitation nephrite material is fluorine-bearing canasite microcrystalline glass, a product of gradual crystallization of the main components of silica-based glass under the specific temperature conditions. Infrared spectrometer and XRD can be used to effectively identify fluorine-bearing canasite microcrystalline glass.

    • >其他
    • A study of the composition of Shanpaolü and its impact on quality

      2011, 30(Z1):105-110.

      Abstract (2267) HTML (0) PDF 717.30 K (3928) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Shanpaolü from Zhejiang Province belongs to non-pyrophyllite-type species of Qingtian Stones. With its fine quality and beautiful color, Shanpaolü becomes a new variety of carving stone. In this paper, the authors made some experiments by such means as EPMA, XRD, XED and IR differential thermal analysis, focusing on the components of Shanpaolü. The results show that the main composition of Shanpaolü is dense directional alignment sericite, containing a small amount of quartz, andalusite etc. with a certain amount of structural water. The influence of these components on the quality of Shanpaolü was also discussed.

    • A study of structure and composition of Tianhuang Stone from Changhua

      2011, 30(Z1):111-118.

      Abstract (2475) HTML (0) PDF 948.91 K (4824) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using such means as EMPA, SEM, XRD, IR, TG, XEDS and RAMAN, the authors studied the structure and composition of Tianhuang Stone from Changhua. The results show that the samples are dominated by cryptocrystalline texture and massive structure. The main minerals include dickite, kaolinite, and transitional minerals of kaolinite, dickite and alunite. The structure and composition are quite similar to those of Tianhuang stone from Shoushan. It is held that the yellowish massive stones which are composed of such kaolinite-group minerals as dickite, produced in slope wash materials and paddy fields, and consistent with six morality standards can be called Tianhuang Stone without exception.

    • Gemological identification and mineral compositions of Qingtian Stone

      2011, 30(Z1):119-125.

      Abstract (1931) HTML (0) PDF 725.81 K (3633) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on field geological observation, nearly hundreds of Qingtian Stones which belong to more than forty types were tested by such means as normal gemological identification, X-ray powder diffraction, and infrared spectrum. The results show that there are a great variety of mineral compositions and groups in Qingtian Stones. Most Qingtian Stones belong to pyrophyllite type, together with minor illite type, dickite type and sericite type.

    • A preliminary study of gemmological characteristics of Dandong green jade

      2011, 30(Z1):126-132.

      Abstract (2100) HTML (0) PDF 863.74 K (3492) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mineralogical and spectral characteristics of Dandong green jade samples were studied by using polarizing microscope, electron microprobe (EMP), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR), X-ray fluorescence spectrometer and HR-ICP-MS (Element I). The results show that the main mineral of Dandong green jade samples is serpentine and the minor minerals include forsterite, dolomite, brucite, chlorite and illite. Dandong green jade is a kind of serpentinized forsterite skarn.

    • A study of mineral and chemical compositions of Xiaosigou serpentine jade, Hebei Province

      2011, 30(Z1):133-143.

      Abstract (2182) HTML (0) PDF 1.48 M (3110) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on geological field work, the authors studied mineral composition and chemical composition by using modern testing methods of observing microscopic sections and such means as EMPA, XRD, IR, XRF and ICP-MS. The results indicate that the Xiaosigou serpentine jade was formed through alteration of Mg-rich carbonate,and its main mineral is lizardite,and subordinate minerals include calcite, dolomite, diopside, phlogopite, magnetite, pyrite etc. REE of serpentine originated from marble and surrounding rock. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of Xiaosigou serpentine jade are quite similar to those of sedimentary rocks, with steeply rightly-oblique shape, characterized by low REE amount, rich LREE and negative anomalies.

    • A discussion on the negative ion emission function and mechanism of Yingkou serpentine jade

      2011, 30(Z1):144-150.

      Abstract (2466) HTML (0) PDF 1.01 M (3788) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Serpentine jade from Yingkou is a special kind of traditional Xiuyan jade. Its physicochemical characteristics and metallogenic type are considerably different from those of Xiuyan jade. In this paper, the negative ion emission function and mechanism of Yingkou serpentine jade were investigated using the modern analytical techniques such as ETS-2 Energy Measurement system, polarizing microscope and ICP-MS. It is found that the serpentine jade from Yingkou has a good function of releasing negative ions whose concentration is similar to that in the city park and higher than that of tourmaline, which is regarded as an excellent environment material. The negative ions are generated because of the ionization of surrounding air and water which is caused by the radioactive elements in the serpentine jade. The serpentine with biological and chemical activity and the radioactive trace elements in the Yingkou jades work on the air and water and consequently generate high quantity of negative ions.

    • Geochemical and gemmological characteristics of Yuanyang Jade from Wushan County, Gansu Province

      2011, 30(Z1):151-161.

      Abstract (2771) HTML (0) PDF 1.69 M (4113) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Geochemical and gemological characteristics of serpentine jade (Yuanyang Jade) samples from Yuanyang Town of Wushan County in Gansu Province were identified, analyzed and studied. The results show that Yuanyang Jade is serpentinite formed by superimposed alteration of Mg- and Fe-rich pyroxene-peridotite through post-magmatic multiphase hydrothermal activity, with serpentinization being the main mechanism of the alteration. The main mineral of Yuanyang Jade is serpentine, mostly lizardite. The minor minerals include tremolite, talc, dolomite and metallic minerals composed of magnetite, limonite and hydroniccite. The jade samples are dark green or blackish green in color and have fine texture, suitable for grinding into such handicrafts as jade cups for wining and jade bowls. There are transport facilities in the mining area of Yuanyang Jade, and the mining cost of the ore is low, thus constituting a good developing prospect for the jade.

    • Mineral combinations of diversiform Dushan Jade

      2011, 30(Z1):162-168.

      Abstract (1771) HTML (0) PDF 606.16 K (3444) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Dushan Jade, called "Nanyang Jade" or "Du Jade" in business circle, is named after the place of its origin, i.e., the Dushan Mountain in the suburbs of Nanyang City, Henan Province. As one of the most widely used jade enjoying a long application history, Dushan jade plays an important role in Chinese jade culture, and holds a unique position in Chinese colorful and magnificent jade culture. Dushan Jade is indispensable in Chinese gem industry because of its good quality and rarity. Dushan Jade is in a unique class in the world with high research and economic value as well as art level. Dushan Jade is the only zoisite-plagioclase in the world which can meet jewelry technologic requirements. Multicolor is one of the important characteristics of Dushan Jade. This paper deals with the mineral species, paragenetic order and correlative speciality of Dushan Jade. The authors have affirmed the existence of sphene, tourmaline and prehnite in Dushan Jade. Besides, the appearance, the main minerals and minor minerals, and the structures of Dushan Jade are described in detail and, what is more, the mineral combinations characteristics of Dushan Jade are analyzed concretely.

    • Mineralogical and petrological characteristics of Taishan Jade

      2011, 30(Z1):169-174.

      Abstract (6061) HTML (0) PDF 897.09 K (4682) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, Taishan Jades were tested by such means as electron microprobe analysis (EPMA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), whole rock chemical analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). They were discussed systematically in the aspects of colors, mineral composition, chemical composition, trace elements, texture, structure and physical properties. There are three types of Taishan Jades, namely Taishan green jade, Taishan black jade and Taishan piebald jade. The jade consists mainly of antigorite, with minor magnetite, carbonate, talc, chlorite, orthorhombic pyroxene, mica, pyrite, limonite and vaesite. The minerals in Taishan jades were formed in order of schistose serpentine→veined serpentine→talc→veined carbonate. The color of Taishan green jade and piebald jade is caused by Fe2+, and the color of Taishan black jade results from particles of magnetite. Taishan Jades consist of more Cr and Ni in comparison with Xiuyan Jades.

    • A study of a serpentine gravel in Jiuquan

      2011, 30(Z1):175-180.

      Abstract (1756) HTML (0) PDF 906.61 K (3243) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Jiuquan in Gansu Province has a long history of jade development, which is known as "Grape wines in luminous wine glass". This object of this study is a river floodplain gravel of Jiuquan. On the basis of enquiring geological data and information of Gansu, the samples were observed by visualization and the specimens were studied under the polarizing microscope. The basic gemstone properties were also tested by some instruments. For further study, chemical analysis, infrared absorption spectrum and X powder diffraction were employed to analyze the mineral composition of gravel. It has been found that the type of the rock sample is serpentinized marble probably with some serpentinized ultrabasic rocks. Serpentinized marble mainly contains antigorite and carbonate, thus suitable for engraving. This type of gravel has high gemological value and economic prospects. The results of this study have some theoretical guidance and reference values for the development and utilization of the gem resources.

    • Characteristics of common natural turquoise and identification of impregnated turquoise

      2011, 30(Z1):181-186.

      Abstract (4268) HTML (0) PDF 838.98 K (9718) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As more and more treated turquoises appear on Chinese gem market, the authors collected lots of turquoises from different deposits on Chinese gem market in order to sum up the characteristics of the natural turquoises on Chinese gem market. At the same time, different types of treated turquoises were studied to find general difference between them and natural turquoises. The results show that natural turquoise and treated turquoise have different shades of color, inclusions and appearances. IR spectra of both natural and treated turquoises were studied, indicating that there are absorption peaks at 1 735, 1 600 and 1?500 cm-1 in treated turquoises, which are caused by the man-made polymer. If the turquoise is treated by polymer, there are absorption peaks at 1 735, 1 600 and1 500 cm-1 in a turquoise, and this can serve as convincing evidence in this aspect.

    • A study of the origin of turquoise deposit in Zhushan County, Hubei Province

      2011, 30(Z1):187-194.

      Abstract (2483) HTML (0) PDF 1.11 M (3684) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A study of distribution, formation and geochemistry of turquoise deposit in Zhushan County of Hubei Province indicates that the formation of the deposit is controlled by certain layers, lithology and fracturing conformations. The black rock series of lower Cambrian Shuigoukou Formation with black carbonaceous clay slate and Cu- and P-bearing carbonaceous siliceous slate constitute the main layers and the main source of the turquoise deposit in Zhushan. The fracturing conformations of linear distribution control the distribution regularity and confine the size of turquoise deposit. The turquoise deposit was formed by weathering and leaching action of the surface water and sedimentation (precipitation). The temperature of the ore solution was between 17℃ and 35℃.

    • A tentative discussion on gemmological characteristics of "lemon jade"

      2011, 30(Z1):195-198.

      Abstract (2765) HTML (0) PDF 527.81 K (4982) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:"Lemon jade" is a yellowish green opaque jade with vitreous and porcelain luster, and has dense structure. Its refractive index and Mohs' hardness is 1.53~1.55 and 4~5 respectively. Under the polarizing microscope, its structure is close to aphanitic structure. According to an analysis of Fourier transform infrared spectrum, it has characteristic absorption peak (1 537, 886, 745 cm-1) of magnesite. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that there is magnesite(MgCO3) in "lemon jade". The electron microprobe analysis (EPMA) indicates that the main chemical component of the sample is MgO, with minor NiO. The well-distributed yellowish green fluorescence surface is caused by the injected glue and wax in the process of working. The "lemon jade" is a kind of nickel-bearing magnesite.

    • A study of the factors influencing the transparence of Balin Stone

      2011, 30(Z1):199-204.

      Abstract (1887) HTML (0) PDF 821.59 K (3336) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Balin Stone consists predominantly of kaolinite group of minerals comprising kaolinite and dickite. The major chemical compositions are Al2O3 and SiO2, with minor oxide of iron, manganese, titanium etc. Balin Stone has many varieties according to the different colors, and the samples collected in this study are yellow in color. Transparence is an important factor affecting the evaluation of jade. In this study, several tests were done to investigate the factors related to the transparency. Transmittances were obtained from the ultra-violet and visible spectrophotometer, and then the transparencies of the samples were divided into three levels: good, medium and poor. The scanning electron microscope provides information on the texture of the stone. The kaolinite crystals mostly form a scaly or micro-granular texture. The authors also obtained the particle sizes in samples with different transparencies. The results of the particle size analysis indicate that the smaller the average sizes are and the more homogeneous the size is, the better the transparency is. X-ray diffraction were performed for the sample power, and the X-ray pattern was consistent with the pattern of kaolinite group of minerals standard. The crystallinity was also calculated to check its relation with the transparency, and the authors have reached the conclusion that the sample with the maximal crystallinity has the finest transparency while the one with the smallest crystallinity has the poorest transparency. It is thus held that there are several factors that can affect the transparency of the Balin Stone, i.e., ① the average granular size: stone with small size will have better transparency; ② the homogeneity of the grain: the more homogeneous the stone is, the more transparent the stone is; ③ the crystallinity: the crystallinity is a parameter that represents the degree of order, and it is inferred that the more transparent one has better degree of order or has a higher crystallinity; ④ the inclusions and cracks in the stone: it is obviously that their existence will degrade the stone's transparency. The transparency is a prior factor for the value of the jade. This study can provide information for researchers, who can apply the methods to other kinds of jade. The result obtained by the authors can also be useful to the customers. While choosing the Balin Stone, they may at least take the inclusions and cracks into consideration.

    • Mineralogical characteristics and genesis of Hua'an Jade in Fujian Province

      2011, 30(Z1):205-211.

      Abstract (2044) HTML (0) PDF 998.24 K (3381) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Field geological observation, microscopic observation, electron microprobe analysis and X-ray diffraction patterns of the Hua'an Jade indicate that the green stripes of Hua'an Jade are formed by diopside, the red stripes are formed by K-feldspar, and the white stripes are formed by quartz and calcite. Based on a study of tectonic setting, original rocks and genesis of Hua'an Jade, the authors have found that Hua'an Jade was formed in surrounding areas of the lagoon-tidal flat on the edge of the passive continent, and the original rocks are mainly made up of calcareous sandstone, mudstone and siliceous rocks. The Hua'an Jade hornfels was formed by multi-phase thermal contact metamorphism and metasomatism of Yanshanian magmatic activity.

    • >方法与应用
    • Some applications of FESEM to the study of gems

      2011, 30(Z1):212-218.

      Abstract (2043) HTML (0) PDF 1.16 M (4578) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper briefly describes the functions and characteristics of the SEM-EBSD-EDS-CL system(FEI Quanta 650 FEG SEM). Based on the system, the authors studied mineral and elemental characteristics of garnet, dolomite and nephrite. This system has many significant advantages, such as multi-work mode, easiness of sample preparation, high quality spectra, digital information processing and application of technological integration. The SEM-EBSD-EDS-CL system has a good vista in its application to the study of gems.

    • Cathodoluminescence study of jadeite

      2011, 30(Z1):219-224.

      Abstract (1839) HTML (0) PDF 1.17 M (4364) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cathodoluminescence is a new kind of non-destructive method for revealing the structure of jadeite, and comprehensive utilization of the cathodoluminescence color and its structural characteristics is employed in the identification of jadeite. Based on the cathodoluminescence experiments on a number of jadeites and other jades, the authors observed the different types of jadeite, the treating jadeite products as well as other jades similar to jadeite in such aspects as fluorescence color, luminous intensity, band features, particle morphology and fracture conditions to identify the jadeite, the treating jadeite and other jades. At the same time, cathodoluminescence characteristics of different types of jadeite can provide the basis for the division of quality, color, and other properties of jadeite.

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