1999, 18(2):97-107.
Abstract:The rock associations of the and second cycle of early Cretaceous at Yunshan caldera,Yongtai County,are composed of sedimentary rocks-basic lava-acidic volcanic rocks.Intermediate volcanic rocks are absent in these rock associations; therefore, they can beclassified as typical bimodal volcanic rock associations, Geochemically;basaltic volcanic rocks in these bimodal rock associations are rich in alkali (especially potassium),aluminum, iron LILE and LREE and poor in magnesium,HFSE and siderophile elements ,and have relatively high Isr ratios and obviouslv low εNd (T) values (Isr = 0.70682~0.70770,εNd(T) = -7.42~3.22).Rhyolitic volcanic rocks are generally characterized by rich alkali, silicon, aluminum,and poor calcium, magnesium. They have relatively high Rb,Th and rather low Ba,Sr,Ti,P,and exhibit obviouslv negative europium anomaly (δEu=0.16~0.44).The εNd(T) values of the rhyolitic volcanic rocks range from -5.93 to -2022.Basalts and rhyolites in different cycles show clear geochemical variance.On the basis of an integrated analysis of the geochemical features of these volcanic rock associations,this paper concludes that thebasalts originated mainly from interaction between mantle-derived magma and low-crustal materials, and rhyolitic volcanic rocks resulted from thermal and chemical interaction between basaltic magma and the upper part of crustal materials.Basalts and rhyolites in different cycles have different source regions,and they are products of multiperiodic pulsive layer partial melting.
YANG Jianmin , WANG Denghong , MAO Jingwen , ZHANG Zuoheng , ZHANG Zhaochong , WANG Zhiliang
1999, 18(2):108-120.
Abstract:The study of silicalite is a rather difficult yet quite important subject, and the petrochemical method is an important means for studing its genesis and rock-forming environment. Based on a preliminary test of nearly twenty common ration methods and graphic methods, this paper has examined their feasibility. The "Jingtieshan type" iron deposits are distributed in Middle and Upper Proterozoic Jingtieshan Group in the western part of North Qilian Mountain, where tens of iron deposits(ore spots) have been disvovered. Among them, the Jingtieshan iron deposit is large-sized, and the Liugouxia and the Baijian iron deposits and belongs to grrenschist facies epimetamorphic rocks, with its bottom being medium-thick stratiform quartzite. Within the Jingtieshan type iron deposits there exists ferrojasper rock associated in banded form with specularite, and hence the study of the formation environment and genesis of ferrojasper rock means the study of the formation environment and genesis of Jingtieshan type iron deposits. The authors colleted ferrojasper rock samples and surrounding quartzite samples from the Huashuaguo and the Liugouxia iron deposit, used petrochemical research method for silicalite and compared the silicalite with typical silicalite in the world. The conclusions reaches are as follow:(1) the quartzite in wall rocks of the Jingtieshan type iron deposits shows character of biogenic silicalite and results mainly from surface weathering, while the ferrojasper rock in iron orebodies exhibits igneous character and is derived from submarine exhalation; (2) geochemical characteristics of quartzite and ferrojasper rock in Huashugou and Liugouxia demonstrate that these two iron deposits were formed in similar geological environments and should both belong to Jingtieshan type iron deposits.
1999, 18(2):121-127.
Abstract:The albitite dispdrsed over the Qinshan-Zhulinguan area consists of a series of small intrusive and metasomatic bodies disintegrated from the “Jiuliping Formation” which is sandwiched between Zhuling-Qinshan fault and Shanyang –Doufujian fault in the East Qinling orogenic belt. Comprehensive studies show that the albitite was formed by intrusive-metasomatic activity of alkali fluids (a kind of special magma or solution).Rocks of the albitite can be mainly divied into three types ,viz.,lumpy albitite,breccia of albitite and brecciated albitite.Among them ,the first type was formed by intrusion and the last two types were formed by cryptoexplosion and filling-metasomatism..Both the lumpy albitite and the brecciated albitite have the same Rb –Sr isochron age of 364.9±10.9 Ma, indicating that the activity of the alkali fluids occurred in Devonian.
1999, 18(2):128-133.
Abstract:The Middle Ordovician Majiagou Formation is in unconformable contact with both t he underlying and the overlying strata. It is a carbonate_evaporated tidal sequ ence deposited on a large shallow water carbonate platform. Cycles formed by suc h rocks as limestone, dolomite, gypsum or such sedimentary structures as birdeye structure, cracks,pseudocrystals of gypsum and halite are obvious. 84 cycles were recognized in the field and Fischer plots were used to analyse the cyclics equence. 3 third-order and 12 fourth_order sea level curves were differentiated. The 84 cycles are considered to be of a kind of Milankovitch rhythms formed by the eccentric variation of the earth. The Fischer plots are proved to be and effective tool for analysing the cycles formed in tidal environment.
1999, 18(2):134-140.
Abstract:A study of red granite reveals that the color-forming mineral in red granite is hematite. Hematite mainly occurs in cleavage cracks and microfissures of such mi nerals as feldspar, and the higher the hematite content, the deeper the red color. Based on a brief analysis of the genesis of hematite, the authors hold that hematite in red granite was mostly produced under the condition of high oxygen fu gacity. Hence, this paper has designed a technology for artifically synthesizing hematite, with important technological parameters illustrated. The artificial synthesis of hematite in granite can turn the color of common ligh-colored granite from grey or yellowish pink to red, which is of some significance in raising t he utilization coefficient of common granite.
1999, 18(2):150-156.
Abstract:Pyroxmangite was discovered for the lirst time during the study of Wujiateng section of the Bajiazi lead-zinc pyrite deposit in Laioning Province. Occurring commonly in lead-zinc pyrite orebodies and near-ore skarn, it is associated with spessartine, pyrite and alabandite. Being reddish brown in color and short rismatic in form, it has two sets of cleavages and refractivities of Ng 1 .749~1 .753, Np 1.737~1.748, Nm 1.734~1.741,(+)2 V 430 and Do3.786~3.792. Chemical composition of the pyroxmangite depends largely on Mn and Fe,which cause remarkable variation of its color. The mineral formula for this mineral is Ca0.27~0.43Mg0.43~0.57)0.57~1.00(Mn4.94~5.77Fe0.36~1.36)6.16~6.37[Si6.86~7O21].The mineral falls into the anorthic system and can be divided into two sorts of colors with different X-ray powder diffraction patterns. The reddish brown mineral has X-ray spectral lines of 3.133 (1 00),2.958(34),2.503(7),2.183(15)and 1.919(26)while the rose red mineral shows 3.133(100),2.960(42),2.502(13),2.183(18) and 1.919(45).Both sorts of pyroxman- gite have such cell parameters as a= 6.690~6. 697A, b=7.573~7.592A,。C=17.41~17 .40A, a =113.84;~113.88A β=82.35A~82.30A and;γ=94.64; ~94.74;Its formation is related to the contact replacement between igneous rocks and Mn-containing dolomite, and the Pb, Zn and S mineralization is so closely connected with the origin of pyroxman}ite as to have ore-hunting significance.
1999, 18(2):157-163.
Abstract:The Xiaoban gold depsit, belonging to altered fractured rock type ,is a medium-low temperature magmatic hydrothermal deposit controllex by the low angle detachment fault northwest of the puyang metamorphic core complex. In the Early Yanshanian, mineralization of the deposit took place. The mineral association of the gold ore consists of quartz, calcite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and tellurobismuthite.Gold occurs mainly as independent gold minerals, and subordinately as mechanical mixture,solid solution and adsorbed matter in auriferous minerals. The essential gold mineral is native gold with average gold content of 91.13%(1000×Au/(Au+Ag)=933); the auxiliary minerals are electrum with 79.77%Au and 19.98% Ag(1000×Au/(Au +Ag)=797) and Te- bearing native gold with 79.77% Au and 13.17% te.Gold minerals in the msjor auriferous minerals (pyrite, chalcopyrite, quartz, calcite and galena)occurs in the interganular, interlocking, crevice and enclosure forms,and gold in quartz and calcite is higher than gold in other minerals. Mainly as hypidiomorphic- granular ones and secondarily as idiomorphic-granular and veinlet ones, the gold minerals are commonly mediumfine grains, with 0.05~0.005 mm grains making up 59.13~84.45%.The high Au/(Au+Ag)ratio of the gold minerals in the area is similar to things of other deposits in the greenstonebelt of China but is different from character of the volcanic hydrothermal type gold deposits such as the Zhilingtou gold deposit in east China .These features show that the source materials of the deposit were mainly derived from the metamorphic rocks of Middle Proterozpic Mayuan Group and that the metallization of gold was closely related to the intermediate-acid intrusive rocks at a relatively high temperature in Early Yanshanian. The high Te content indicates that metallization was also rrrelated to the magma. Although there are quite a few differences in country rocks, attiudes of orebodies, types of mineralization and alterations between Xiaoban gold deposit and Shangcun gold deposit, the similar characteristics of gold minerals suggest that they result from different structural dynamic conditions in the same mineralizing process and identical mineralizing setting. These conclusions are consistent with the genetic understanding of the ore deposit.
Yang Mei Shen Shangyue Tan Xiaojun Chi Bo
1999, 18(2):164-171.
Abstract:The surface modification of inorganic powder is one of the important te chniques for the utilization of natural mineral resources. The paper studied the surface modification of calcite type heavy calcium carbonate (HCC) as well as its application to rubber. The samples used in the research were collected fr om weste rn Hubei and have a high purity of calcium carbonate. The techniques of both dry and wet chemical surface modification were employed in the research. The modifi cation effects of the samples were assessed by determining their active indices and sedimentary volumes. The research shows that such factors as grain sizes of the samples, pulp concentrations, types and amounts of modification agents and modification time will greatly affect the results of modification. The determ inat ion of the best conditions for the tests depended on appraising modification res ults of the products. The action of modification agent upon the surface of HCC was also studied. The result shows that the main action mode between the modifica tion agent and the surface of HCC is chemical adsorption,and the modification e ffects is excellent. The experiments of putting both modified ultra_fine HCC and light calcium carbon ate as a filler into rubber products were carried out in Wuhan Factory of Rubbe r Pro ducts. The results show that the former is more compatible with rubber.The exte nsometer and pull_apart strength of the products filled with modified HCC are ob viously higher than the products filled with light calcium carbonate, while the hardness and modulus (at a definite elongation) of the products filled with the former filler are nearly the same as those filled with the latter filler. Nevert heless, pull-apart permanent deformation of the products filled with modified HC C is larger than that of the products filled with light calcium carbonate. In sh ort, modified ultra_fine HCC, with which the rubber products show good propertie s, has a bright application prospects.
Li Zhen Shen Shangyue Wang Wenqi
1999, 18(2):172-177.
Abstract:Through superfine pulverization and modification, heavy calcium carbonate powder , a kind of common filling agent, can be changed into superfine heavy calcium carbonate (SHCC) powder, which is a sort of function material with excellent prop erties. The authors collected SHCC from calcite mines of western Hubei. First, the authors tested different surface modification methods for SHCC, defined the types and dosages of modification agents, found out the conditions of modification and appraised the results of tests. In the modification process, the authors applied two kinds of surface chemical covering methods, i.e., dry method and wet method, to change the surface properites of the SHCC, and used metal ester coupling agent and silane finish as surface modification agents to perform the test acco rding to different dosages of the agents under various conditions. In the final test, the SHCC was changed from lyophilic to lyophobic. The authors decided the better test plan for the surface modification of SHCC by comparing and appraising the whitenesses, grain sizes and infrared spectral features of the SHCC. At the second step, the authors filled a few kinds of modified SHCC powder which were treated with different surface modification agents into the polypropylene plastics, and then produced a few kinds of compound polypropylene plastics by means of the compound shaping skill. Through comparing the properties of different kinds of compound polypropylene plastics, the authors conclude that (1) the functions of compound polypropylene plastics filled with modified SHCC were better than those of polypropylene plastics not filled with modified SHCC except for tension intensity, and (2) the functions of polypropylene plastics filled with the SHCC which was modified by metal ester coupling agent are better than those of polypropylene plaastics filled with the SHCC which was modified by silane finish.
1999, 18(2):178-185.
Abstract:4A zeolite is being increasingly used in detergent in place of sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) .Inthiss paper ,4A; zeolite was synthesized directly from kaolin without adding aluminium compound.The results show that the exchange capacity of calcium is 280~310mg.CaCO3/g(dry) ,the average diameter of a particle is 4.10 um, the relative whiteness is 85~91% ,and pH≤11 The raw materials were collected from Jiahe of Xuzhou in Jiangsu Province and Datong kaolin mine in Shanxi Province. The optimum SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratios of these two sorts of kaolins are about 2, being highly pure (kaolinite﹥95%) and easy to pretreat by means of calcination. The activity of kaolin in the process of calcination, the formation and aging of gel and the crystallization of 4A; zeolite were studied through experimentation.The optimal processing conditions were selected for different kaolins in accordance with their different structures and compositions.The recycle of mother liquors was resolved in order to reduce costs of the process.The author investigated the effect of reaction time ,alkalinity ,solid contents in synthesized mixtures and mechanical forces on the synthesis of 4A; zeolite.
1999, 18(2):186-192.
Abstract:Shoushan stone, the most famous agalmatolite in China, occurs around Shoushan Village near Fuzhou, Fujian Province. People once considered shoushan stone to be made of pyrophyllite. Recently, many detailed studies about shoushan stone show that shoushan stone is composed of dickite and nacrite instead of pyrophyllite. Based on field investigation and XRD, IR, EPR and chemical analysis, the authors made mineralogical and petrographical studies in such aspacts as the mineral composition and the relationship between outh character and inner structure of shoushan stone near the Shoushan River. XRD and IR studies show that shoushan stone on the northern and southern sides of Shoushan River is composed of kaolin minerals such as dickite and nacrite, while shoushan stone on the western side of Shoushan River is composed of pyrophyllite. This suggests that mineral constituents of shoushan stone are different in d ifferent places. Furthermore, the transparency of shoushan stone is closely rela ted to the degree of order of dickite: the higher the degree of order of dickite , the higher the transparency and the quality. Chemical analysis shows that the chemical composition of shoushan stone is similar to that of dickite, and the ex istence of Fe3 in shoushan stone is responsible for its color. EPR studie s of shoushan stone also prove the existence of Fe3 in its crystal lattice, and demonstrate that the content of Fe3 in the red part of shoushan st one is higher than that in white part.