1996, 15(2):97-109.
Abstract:Melting, crystallization and quenching experiments were conducted on some typical basaltand andesite samples from Fujian, Jiangxi and Henan as well as columbrecitic tephrite samplesfrom Vesuvius of Italy. According to results of the experiments, the present paper has analysedthe effects of magmatic melt composition on initially-crystallized minerals, illustrated therelationship of crystallization temperature, growth speed and nucleus formation density tocrystal form, studied crystallization features of plagioclase and leucite as well as theirmineralogical and petrological significance, dealt with compositional characteristics of olivineand pyroxene as well as the evolutional trend of magmatic melt composition after theircrystallization and, finally, probed into the quenching effects and pressure effects ofclinopyroxene.
1996, 15(2):110-125.
Abstract:Most researchers consider that Chijiadian garnet lherzolite in Datan of Shandong Provinceincludes mainly eclogite composed chiefly of omphacite garnet, with small amounts of intercalated garnet diopsidite. There exists controversy on relationship and material sources of eclogite and garnet diopsidite. Some geologists hold that the two sorts of rocks were derived fromdifferent sources, and some believe that garnet diopsidite was formed through alteration of eclogite. The author observed the existence of transitional relationship between eclogite and garnet diopsidite in garnet lherxolite of this area, with the former at the center, and the lattermaking up the fringe; in diopside of the fringe there appears irregular and lamellar omphacite.Based on investigations into petrological and mineralogical features as well as equilibrium T-Pconditions of rocks together with a comparison with the same sorts of rocks in different areas,the author holds that the two sorts of rocks are both basaltic rocks (e. g. gabbro) derived fromthe upper mantle. The elevation of pressure led to the appearance of garnet and the reduction ofplagioclase, forming the garnet, pyroxene and plagioclase assemblage. At that time, pyroxenewas dominated by Di, and at high temperature, Jd and Di made up a mixed binary system.Further elevation of pressure resulted in urmixing of solid solution, forming omphacite in diopside. At the same time, the ratio of garnet to pyroxene increased, and plagioclase became moreenriched in sodic materials, leading to the formation of garnet diopsidite assemblage. Under thehighest pressure, sodic plagioclase was decomPOsed into jadeite and entered solid solution toform omphacite. Moreover, Jd in diopside also increased and was gradually converted into omphacite, thus forming the mineral assemblage of eclogite.
1996, 15(2):126-137.
Abstract:In the Nanjing-Wuha area Mesozoic volcanic basin there occur volcanic and intrusive rocks. Volcanic rocks are mainly basaltic trachyandesite, trachyandesite, and trachyte, with small amounts of andesite and phonolite. Characterized by high potassium and rich alkali, the volcanic rocks are defined as shoshonite. Dominated by gabbro-diorite porphyrite-gabbro-diorite, intrusive rocks are characterized by high sodium and low silicon, together with the existence of gabbro and granite. According to geological and Nd, Sr, Pb isotopic data, intrusive rocks and volcanic rocks belong to the same magmatic series formed by magmatic differentiation (mainly crystallization fractionation) in a low-degree hybridization environment when alkaline basaltic magma intruded into the upper crust after low-degree AFC mixture in the lower crust.
1996, 15(2):138-145.
Abstract:P values of the nonmodal partial melting model depend on the melting mode. Different Pvalues will result in variation of melt composition. Abundances of compatible and weakly incompatible elements in melt vary greatly when P values chanse, so P values of these elementscan not be replaced by D0 in the melting model. However, abundances of moderately and highly incompatible elements only show small variation when P values are different. It is thoughtthat P values of moderately and highly incompatible elements are equal to D0 values in the nonmodal partial melting model. When P values are different, a primary rock may form melts different in LREE enrichment or depletion under the same degree of partial melting.
Zhi Xiachen , Li Binxian , Su Yongjuan , Chen Daogong
1996, 15(2):146-152.
Abstract:Chemical compositions of the coexistent mineral phases (olivine, spinet, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene) in the spinet lherzolite and harzburgite xenoliths from Fanshan and Panshishan,Jiangsu Province, were determined by the electron and proton microprobe. The equilibrium oxygen fugacities were calculated by two oxygen geobarometers calibrated by Ballhaus et al.(1991) and Bryndzia and Wood (1990 ) respectively. The difference between the two results is lower than 0. 5 log(fO2)`FMQ unit. The oxygen fugacities of the spinet peridotite zone in subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath Eastern Yangtze Block are flog( fO2)FMQ=-2.0-0. 5, the typical values for subcontinental lithospheric mantle worldwide. The accurate Fe3+/Fe2+ atio of spinet is a key factor for the calculation of oxygen fugacity.
Liu Qinfu , Ding Shuli , Song Lijun , Zhu Zaixing
1996, 15(2):153-157.
Abstract:With XRD and IR, the authors conducted studies on the intercalation of acrylamide and salts of fatty acids in kaolinite of coal-bearing strata and its stability. The acrylamide and thesalts of fatty acids were successfully intercalated into kaolinite by virtue of polar organic compounds which acted the part of entrainer. The basic spacing expanded from 7.18A to 11.22Aand 11.32A respectively after the intercalation was perfectly accom-plished in kaolinite. Thephenomenon that organic compounds are intercalated into kaolinite and form a stable interlayeris probably related to the formation of hydrogen bonds between the inner-surface hydroxyls andthe intercalated molecules.
1996, 15(2):158-169.
Abstract:The sole gem marialite deposit in China is located at the western foot of Mount Muztagh,Akto County, Xinjiang, which is tectonically belongs to the Central Famirs fold belt. Gem marialite orebodies occur as veins along a structural shetter zone in the Proterozoic garnet-biotite-plagioclase gneiss. There is an obvious rock zonation from the middle to both sides of the structural shatter zone, generally from marialite orebody through diopside-felsite,biotite-albitite to the host Proterozoic rocks. This deposit was formed by hydrothermal metaso-matism。 Mainly in association with albite,marialite assumes tetragonal prism form,generally (0. 5-1 .2)×(1-2)cm in size with a few grains smaller than 0 .5 cm; transparent to translucent (attributed to the existence of gas-liquid inclusions) in hand specimens, and light to dard purple in color. Under mioroscope, it is colorless, optically uniaxial negative, with measured refractive indices No=1.541, Ne=1.537. Measured density 2.561 g/cm3;Moh’s hardness 5.5-6. X-ray powder diffraction data: tetragonal, I 4/ m,a0=12.0(3),c0= 7.53 (4)A, V=1084.3A3.wet chemical analysis and electron microprobe analysis give the composition of marialite as follows(in wt %):Na2O 11.37-11.60, A1203 18.94-19.98, SiO2 60.51-62.09, K201.20-1.88, Ca01.81-2.02, Cl 4.10-5.17, F<0.1, H20+ 0.27,suggesting that it is the Na end member of scapolite. The composition of scapolite has been traditionally expressed in term of Ma and Me ( Me=100×( Ca+Sr)/(Na+K+Ca+Sr)(Shaw, 1960;Ma= 100一Me),and the Ma and Me values of marialite from this deposit are Ma= 93.5-91.9 and Me=6.5-8.1. Almost all naturally occurring scapolites fall in the compositional range Ma 20-80 ( Orville, 1975 ).Pure marialite does not occur in nature and 80%Ma is the maximum attained ( Shaw, 1960 ).Ma of the marialite from this deposit is higher than 91, indicating that the mineral is a rare type in ature. Marialite from this deposit can be used as gem and can be cut into facet or cabochon,which has distinct chatoyancy. Research shows that the color of marialite is mainly caused by color center.
1996, 15(2):170-179.
Abstract:Lying at the exocontact zone of Baimashan granite in the Xuefengshan ductile nappe belt on the southeastern margin of the Yangtze massif, the gold deposit is an altered rock type deposit in a structural shatter zone。Three NW-striking ore vein zones lie obliquely on the eastern side of a SN-trending regional compresso-shear fault. The ore deposit was formed through silicification,sericitization,pyritization and arsenopyritization of shear-tensiletectonite,with the western part dominated by metasomatismand the eastern part characterized obviously by filling. The ore-forming epoch might be di vided into quartz-pyrite-arsenopyrite stage,sulfide-native gold stage and quarta-carbonate stage。 With Ag 0.65%一26.39%and small amounts of Fe and Cu,gold minerals are mainly native gold,argentiferous native gold and,to a lesser amount,electrum。In the form of xeno-morphic fine crystals,they have fineness of 736-993 (averagely 896)。In the shal-low part,pyrite is mainly{100};toward the depth,combinations of (210} and{100} increase,and gold becomes richer。S/Fe=1.92-2.02, sulfur content is high,Co/Ni ratios averagel.17,Se/Te=12.4,S / Se=7.8×104,δ34S values vary in the narrow range of +0.320--7.58%0,Au/Ag is as high as 12.58%,as content averages 5816 × 10-6 , similar to features of magmatic-hydrothermal gold deposits in eastern Shandong。Gas-liquid inclusions are numerous in quartz,being from lum to 18um,with gas to liquid ratios 5%-5% and homogenization temperatures 180-320℃ 。Gas phase is dominated by H2O and CO2, and deficient in N2,H2O,H2O>>CO2,Na+/K+=0.8-4.47,CI->F-。At the quartz-pyrite-arsenopyrite stage,δ18OH2o =0.79%-7.14%0,similar to values of Baimashan granite,and δDH2o=-54.7%0-91.2%0,suggesting character of magmatic water。 The ore deposit was medium-low temperature magmatic-hydrothermal origin with orebodies formed at medium to shallow depths and hydrothermal solution migrating from north to south and from west to east, It is medium-large sized,and ore-prospecting work is most promising in the western part as well as at depth of NO. I ore vein zone。
1996, 15(2):180-185.
Abstract:Sinhalite,a rare borate mineral,was found in the Huayuangou boron deposit,K uandian County,Liaoning Province. It is associated with suanite,yuanfuliite,anhydrite and some other minerals in the boron orebody·Mineralogical studies show that it is yellow in color,granular in shape and longor short columnar in crystal form,similar to that of olivine. Weak pleochrosim:Ng-pale yellow,Np-nearly colorless;-2v =54º,H=6-7,D=3.48. Chemially, it is relatively enriched in A1 and Fe2+ but deficient in Mg. Unit cell parameters;a=9.893 (6),b=5.676 (4),and c=4.335 (3)A,larger than unit cell parameters of sinhalite from Sri Lanka. Sinhalite in the Huayuangou boron deposit was formed under the condition of regional metamorphismamphibolite facies.
Yang Yuchun , Gao Fei , Zhao Guifang
1996, 15(2):186-190.
Abstract:Repots on bementite, caryopilite and alleghanyite are very rare in literature of China. Theywere first discovered in the Xiaotianjing manganese deposit in Heqing County, Yunnan Province.On the basis of petrological and mineralogical studies of high-quality manganese deposits aroundthe Yangtze platform and in its neighboring areas, these minerals were successively found in suchareas as Laolong, Dounan and Yuhu of Yunnan, Jiaodingshan of Sichuan, Quijiashan og Shaanxi,Chatun of Guangxi and Bapa of Guizhou. As manganese silicatminerals like bementite are closelyassociated with manganese oxides such as braunite and hausmannite and genetically connectedwith the formation and evolution of manganese minerals, they may serve as indicator minerals ofhigh-quality manganese deposits. Bementite, caryopilite and alleghanyite are as a rule closely associated with each other andresemble each other in appearance. They are brownish red, transparent to semitransparent, assumevitreous or waxy luster, and usually take thin-layered, veinlet and massive form. Theirphysicalproperties are given in Table 1, chemical composition is shown in Table 2, and X-raydare are listed in Tables 3,4 and 5.