• Volume 15,Issue 1,1996 Table of Contents
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    • Lithogeochemistry and Metamorphism of the Early Proterozoic Xingzi Group of Lu Shan Area, Jiangxi Province

      1996, 15(1):1-9.

      Abstract (1791) HTML (0) PDF 2.81 M (2056) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The early Proterozoic Xingzi Group was subjected to regional dynamothermal meta- morphism of Luliang period,dominated by low amphibolite facies with temperature 530-600 C and pressure 400一570 MPa. On the basis of its rock association and lithogeo chemistry,it is inferred that the Xingzi Group was formed in an epicontinental environment

    • AFC Mixing Model and Origin of Intrusive Rocks from Tongling Area

      1996, 15(1):10-20.

      Abstract (1627) HTML (0) PDF 4.51 M (2175) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mesozoic intrusions in Tongling area consist of gabbro,quartz diorite and granodiorite with an age of 137 Ma士·These intrusions are characterized by relatively high K2O,whole alkali and Sr contents but comparatively low Cr and Ni contents,belonging to K-high calc-alkaline series. They contain homoeogene enclaves such as pyroxenolite.hornblendite and hornblende-pyroxnolite.which are cumulates. The basic member of the intrusive rocks is silica undersaturated .which formed silica一oversaturated rocks by assimilation. Petrological and isotopic data show that the intrusive rocks from’ I'ongling area might have been formed by AFC mixing process,with the basic end-member being alkali basaltic magma and the acidic end-member being old granulite facies rocks in lower crust. AFC modeling calculation shows that AFC mixing curve with r=0. 75 ,DNd=0.5 and Dsr=0.5can can well fit the modal data of the intrusive rocks from Tongling area.

    • The Principle and Method for Mutual Prediction of Compositional Trend Lines of Cumulates and Magmatic Rocks

      1996, 15(1):21-29.

      Abstract (1826) HTML (0) PDF 3.38 M (2030) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the equation of element abundance relationship between cumulate and residual magma during fractional crystallization of magma, this paper prososes the principle and method for the mutual prediction of compositional trend lines of consanguineous cumulate rocks and magmatic rocks formed at the same crystallization stage. If the abundance constant R (the slope of the compositional trend line of magmatic rock) and the bulk partition coefficient D are known, the compositional trend line of the relevant cumulates could be predicted and vice versa.1. When R> 1, the compositional trend line of cumulates lies to the lower right side of the trend line of relevant magmatic rocks.2. When R<0, the compositional trend line of cumulates lies to the lower left side of the trend line of relevant magmatic rocks.3. When 0

    • The Formation and Evolution of Magma for J2-K1 Volcanic-Intrusive Complex in Eastern Yanbian, Jilin Province

      1996, 15(1):30-39.

      Abstract (1740) HTML (0) PDF 4.14 M (2253) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In Yanbian area located at the intersection between the EW - trending Paleozoic tectonomagmatic belt and the NE-trending tectonomagmatic belt,two suites of moderate-high potassic calc-alkalinc volcanic-intrusive complexes were formed in Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous. Due to the influence of subduction of Farallon plate in the period of 180-70ma (Middle Jurassic),two-stage melting of pytolite at the depth of 80-90 km and under the condition of 24-27×108 Pa and 1078℃-1230℃pioduced basaltic-ndesitic magma,which in turn formed a suite of REE-deficient and well-differentiated volcanic rocks through unceasing differentiation and evolution. In 160-195 ma of Late Jurassic, there occurred northeastward transcurrent movement of Farallon plate and,as a result,magmatic activities.wexe weak in this area. In 14 0-130 Ma of Early Cretaceous,low-angle subduetion of Izanagi plate toward Eurasian continent took place. At the depth of 85-95 km and under the condition of 25. 5-28. 5 ×I O8 Pa and 1117℃ -11380℃,basaltic-andesitic magma was formed,which in turn produced a suite of REE-high and poorly-differentiated volcanic rocks.

    • Fluorbritholite-(Ce)- A New Mineral from Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada

      1996, 15(1):40-45.

      Abstract (2103) HTML (0) PDF 2.02 M (1998) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The new mineral fluorbritholite-(Ce) occurs in nepheline syenite,marble xenoliths,sodalite syenite xenoliths and pegmatite dikes at Mont St. Hilaire,Quebec,Canada. It is associated mainly with analcime,microcline,aegirine,zircon,biotite,pyrophanite,astrophyllite,ancylite,natrolite,monazite etc.. The mineral is hexagonal P63/m,with a=9.517(5)A,c=6.983(4)A,c/a= 0.7337 and V=547.7(8)A3;Z=2.The strongest X-ray powder diffraction lines and their relative intensities (visual)are:2.845(100),2.747(10),1.966(10),1.865(10) and 1.825(10). Fluorbritholite-(Ce) crystal is shown prismatic. Color is pale yellow,tan and reddish brown. Streak colorless to pale brown;luster adamantine;opaque to translucent; hardness 5;brittle;cleavage {0001} distinct;fracture even to conchoidal;density 4. 66 (1)g/cm3 (meas.)or 4. 66 g/cm3 (calc.);non-fluorescent. Optically uniaxial(-),ω=1. 792(5),ε=1.786(5)in Na light;nonpleochroic. Electron microprobe analyses correspond to (Ca1.77Ce1.35 Lao.96 Ndo.21 Nao.21 Mno0.15 Sro.09 Pro.o8 Tho.o5 Yo.o2 Smo.o1)4.90 (Si2.17 Po.79)2.96 O11.95 F1.05.The ideal structural formula is (REE,Ca)5(Si,P)3 O12F. Ǻ

    • Dislocation Microstructures of Olivine from Songshugou Ophiolite and Their Rheological Implications

      1996, 15(1):46-52.

      Abstract (1760) HTML (0) PDF 3.77 M (2020) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Dislocation microstructures of olivine from metaperidotite of Songshugou ophiolite in eastern Qinling were studied by means of transmission electron microscope (TEM),and the result shows that there exist several kinds of dislocations,such as free dislocations,dislocation walls,subgrains,dislocation bows and dislocation loops .These dislocation microstructures resulted from complex creep of olivine in the process of high temperature plastic flow in the upper mantle·According to the average free dislocation density of olivine (2.51 ×108cm-2) and the average size of subgrains (1.636um),their flow stresses (δ1-δ3), flow strain rate (ε) and viscosity (η) should be 151.3 MPa, 1.17 × 10-15/s,4.31× 1023 Pas and 113.0 MPa,1.307 ×10-9/s,2.88 × 1017 Pas,respectively. Based on the average size of recrystallizations (0.89}um),it is estimated that the flow stress of the upper mantle is about 15. 8 Mpa,the flow strain rate about 9. 89×10-8/s,and the viscosity about 5.3 × 1014 Pas. These different types of dislocations suggest the different phases of plastic deformation that the host mineral experienced.

    • The Crystal Structure Refinement of Monazite- (Ce) and Xenotime-(Y)

      1996, 15(1):53-59.

      Abstract (2111) HTML (0) PDF 2.50 M (2169) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The crystal structures of monazite-

    • Characteristics of Messbauer Spectra of Valleriite

      1996, 15(1):60-64.

      Abstract (1992) HTML (0) PDF 1.99 M (2751) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Valleriite is a typical interstratified mineral with its basic structural sheet in different classes. In its structure, iron ions may occupy two sites: tetrahedral site in sulfide sheet and octahedral site in hydroxide sheet. On the basis of the Mssbauer data obtained at room temperature, the spectral pattern and Mssbauer parameters of valleriite are obtained. The results suggest that high-spin Fe2 is present in tetrahedral site with isomer shift (IS) of 0.42-0. 48 mm/s and quadrupole splitting (QS) of 0.81- 1.28 mm/s, also with a random distribution at this site and lower symmetry of coordination environment;low-spin Fe3 is present in octahedral site with IS of 0.32-0.36 mm/s and QS of 0.44- 0.59 mm/s.

    • Metamorphic Evolution of Amphiboles in Medium Temperature Eclogite from Southern Henan

      1996, 15(1):65-0.

      Abstract (1885) HTML (0) PDF 3.03 M (2060) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Microtextural relations and mineral compositions indicate that medium-temperature eclogite in southern Henan underwent a clockwise P-T path.A prograde evolutionary stage of the eclogite is recorded by composition zoning and inclusions in garnet. The eclogitic event produced the assemblage of garnet, omphacite,rutile and coesite. The composition zoning of matrix eclogitic amphibole (Amp 2) reveals that the subsequent evolution of the eclogitic factes must have experienced a late reequilibration under reduced pressure. The formation of Amp-P1 symplectite represents the early result of the destabilization of omphacites and granets in the amphibolite factes. Subsequent retrogression resulted in the complete breakdown of omphacite recorded by amphibole growth, with no relict of the high pressure assemblage preserved.

    • The Minerageny of Two Groups of Zircons from Plagioclase-Amphibolite of Mayuan Group in Northern Fujian

      1996, 15(1):73-79.

      Abstract (1880) HTML (0) PDF 2.97 M (2006) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two groups of zircons were collected from plagioclase-amphibolite in Jianyang County,northern Fujian. The rock belongs to the Mayuan Group which was formed in Early Proterozoic and is a part of the Zhejiang-Fujian stable crystalline basement. The U-Pb isotopic age of single zircon grains from the first group (No. M-y) is 2300 Ma士and that from the second group (No. M-b) is 40U Ma土. Their mineralogical data show that there exist notable differences between the two groups of zircons: 1. Zircons of No. M-y group exhibit euhedral growth zoning and long columnar crystal form,similar to features of magmatogenic zircons,whereas zircons of No. M-b group display equant rounded crystal form,have no euhedral growth zoning but show rounded crystal nuclei in their crystals,which is similar to features of metamorphogenic zircons. 2. Chemical composition zoning:from core to rim in a No. M-y zircon crystal,the ZrO2/HfO2 ratio decreases and the content of HfO2 increases gradually,which is coincident with features of the magmatogenic zircons reported by Bao Xuezhao (1995);nevertheless,in No.M一b group zircon crystals,the ZrO2/HfO2 ratio increases and the content of Hf0 decreases gradually,similar to features of the metamorphogenic zircon reported by Bao Xuezhao (1995). 3. Raman spectra of zircons:background level is higher in the Raman spectra of No. M-y but lower in the Raman spectra of No. M一b (a feature of metamorphogenic zircons that crystallized under medium to low grade metamorphism),suggesting that No. M-y group zircons have higher impurities of fluorescent radiation than No. M-b group zircons.It is further proved that No. M-y group zircons crystallized in magma of higher temperatures and No. M一b group zircons crystallized during metamorphism of lower temperatures. Moreover,there exists reverse evolution trend in Raman peak intensity from the center to the edge of a crystal,which may he attributed to the reverse chemical composition zoning.

    • A Study of Telluride Mineral Series from the Detiangou Gold Deposit, Beijing

      1996, 15(1):80-91.

      Abstract (1996) HTML (0) PDF 4.30 M (1929) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Detiangou gold deposit in Beijing is of gold-pyrite-polymetallic sulfide quartz vein type, generally controlled by ductile shear zones adjacent to the ore-control fault zone (F1 ). Tellurium in the ores has been economically concentrated. Lots of interesting minerals have been discovered, such as tellurium-bearing minerals like altaite, petzite, volynskite, hessite and tellurbismuth, binary tellurides like sylvanite, stuetzite,unnamed minerals like AgS1+ x Te1-x (x= 0. 09-0. 58 ) (M1 ), (Au0. 92 Ag0. 98 ) (Te3. 75 S0.25 ) (M2 ), (Au0. 71Ag0.44 ) (Te1.83S0. 17 ) (M2 ), (Ag0.74Pb0. 80 ) (S1.61Te0. 39 ) (M3 ), and PbS1.18Te0. 82 (M4 ), and native tellurium. The paragenetic sequence of telluride minerals might be divided into three stages: (1)altaite + petzite + volynskite + hessite + tellurbismuth ; (2) sylvanite + stuetzite ( + Native tellurium), and (3 ) M1 + M2 + M3 + M4 + native tellurium, fTe2 of the oreforming fluid was increasing in the process of Te-Au-Ag mineralization

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