• Volume 10,Issue 3,1991 Table of Contents
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    • Further Discussion on the Classification and Nomenclature of Granulites

      1991, 10(3):193-204.

      Abstract (2329) HTML (0) PDF 4.34 M (2172) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The metamorphic grade of granulites must reach to the granulite facies but not all the rocks of granulite facies are exclusively granulite. The granu- litc` always contains some hypersthene and>10% of plagioclase and posse- sses the granoblastic texture and granulitic structure. Based on their mine- ral modal composition a further classification of the granulites is made in a triangular compositional diagram, with feldspar(plagioclase士orthoclase士quartz) -anhydrous ferromagnesian minerals (Hypezsthene+diopside1garnet, etc)一 hydrous ferromagnesian minerals(hornblende士biotite) as its three vertices. The 0-30, 30-60 and 60-100 percent of plagioclase(1orthoclase1quartz) contents are taken as the ranges of the melanocratic, mesocratic and leucogranulite, respectively. The mineral modal composition of monomineral rocks ranges from 90% to 100%.The distingction of granulites from plagioclase-amphibolite and gneises has set up and 14 granulites and related rocks have been subdivided.

    • A humble Opinion about Magmatism and Geodynamic Cited the Coastal Area of Southeastern China as Instance

      1991, 10(3):205-210.

      Abstract (1693) HTML (0) PDF 2.39 M (2090) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Magmatic activity is a important aspect of geodynamic events. This paper, based on this, dealt with the effect of evolution of geodynamic environment during Mesozoic-Cenozoic era on the magmatic activities in the Coastal area of Southeastern Chints.

    • Comprehensive Textural Coefficient of Arenaceous Rocks and Analysis of Sedimentary Environments

      1991, 10(3):210-220.

      Abstract (2306) HTML (0) PDF 3.76 M (2191) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The comprehensive textural coefficient of arenaceous rocks can be used for analysis of sedimentary environments. A formula for defining the textural maturity of arenaceous rocks is put forward based on microscopic grain-size analysis in thin sections. The aim that we proposed this iormnla is to establish a numerical relationship between sorting and roundness of gains as well as matrix content and maturity of rocks. "hhe comprehensiva textural coefficient can be obtained according to the following formula: T=(SoΦPo)/(PΦC) Since the roundness of a grain is determined under a petrographic micro- scone, it is always smaller in thin section. The projecting of a grain often reflects its angular Goners and grain roundness is corrected by (Po2+(R-A)2)0.5 The developed comprehensive textural coefficient Td is thus Td=SoΦ[P02 (R-A)2]0.5/(PΦC) In most cases Td is similar to T. When grains are very well rounded, Td is more useful for checking the superm ature sandstone. Four maturity stages are divided, i. e. immature(T<10),submature (T= 10-40),mature (T=40-100),and supermature (T or Td>100). The usage of the comprehensive textural coefficient is illustrated by some examples in this paper.

    • The Theory of Dissipative Structure and Its Significance in Igneous Petrology

      1991, 10(3):221-227.

      Abstract (1926) HTML (0) PDF 2.92 M (2362) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper deals with the theory and research methods of dissipative structure, and its application in igneous petrology, which involves the follow- ing aspects:(1)Layering of basic complex;(2) Orbicular structure in granite;(3) Oscillatory zoning in plagioclase; and (4) Compositional zoning in granite. The four dissipative structures and their formation mechanisms are discussed. These are formed under conditions far from equilibrium; through internal nonreverstble nonlinear processes and the unstability of nonequilib- rium steady state due to external disturbances and internal fluctuations. The oscillatory zoning in plagioclase is thought to be temporal dissipative struc- ture-limit cyole. At last, the theory of . dissipative structure is used to explain the genesis of the Erdaogou granodiorite in Liaoning Province.

    • Discussion on the Genesis of Iron-Spherules in Granitoid Rocks

      1991, 10(3):228-232.

      Abstract (1727) HTML (0) PDF 1.52 M (2632) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genesis of iron-spherules in granitoid rocks has been studied from the angles of crystallochemistry and thermodynamics. The authors hold that the iron-spherules are probably the terrestrial materials, and not all the extrater- restrial cosmic dust as considered by earlier workers. The iron core of the iron-spherule may be the reduced product of iron-bearing minerals in the course of metamorphism, oa- the remained iron of the iron-bearing basaltic basement rocks, oa- the native iron in iron-bearing basaltic magma having assimilated basement socks. With the evolution of granitoid magma, the reac- tion series of Fe-→FeO→Fe304 is gradually formed, and the sphericity which has the core of Fe and the rims of Fe0 and Fe304 is produced. The amount and characteristics of iron-spherules in granitoid rocks depend on the composition of the material source of granitoid magma, the oxygen fugacity and the temp;rature of granitoid magna, etc.

    • Crystal Structure Determination of Ankangite with One Dimensional Incommensurate Modulation

      1991, 10(3):233-245.

      Abstract (1815) HTML (0) PDF 4.13 M (2080) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ankangite is a new mineral discovered in the Shiti barite deposit, Ankang County, Shaanxi Province, with approximate formula Ba1.2(Ti5.3 V2.8)8.1O16.One dimensional incommensurate modulated structure is found along its c-axis, and the wave vector is q=1/2.30 c*. Ankangite (its average structure) is isostructural with hollandite. Space group 14/m, a=10.139(4)A,b=2.961(2) A,Z=1 .The intensity data of the average structure were abtained on a CAD -4 diffractometer, and R=0.039 (535 independent reflections).Its Supercell is 14 times as large as its subcell. Space group P4/m, a=10.126(4)A,c=41.41 (2A,Z=14.8696 independent reflections, including main and satellite reflec- tions, were collected by RASA-II S type diffractometer (RIGAKU),and R= 0.2157 (2353 observed reflections).The vacancies and displacement of Ba atoms were determined in square-prismatic tunnels. The determination indica- tes that the incommensurate modulation of ankangite is a combination of occupancy modulation and displacive modulation, and is a square wave modu- lation along c--axis.、

    • Crystal Structure of(Ca0.5, □0.5)BaCe2(C03)4F

      1991, 10(3):246-251.

      Abstract (1719) HTML (0) PDF 1.85 M (2612) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper deals with a fluor-carbonate mineral of Ca-Ba-REE(Ce-series) recently discovered in China by the authors, whose crystalstructure has been thoroughly studied. The data collection was completed on a RASA-5RP auto- matic four-circle single crystal diffractometer in our university (graphite monochromator, Moka, 50kV/150mA, 2θ=2-65º).The cell parameters refined on this device are a=b=5.093(6)A,c=23.017(6)A and V=517A3. 821 reflec- tions were collected, of which 344 show F>3σ(F).The structure was solved by threedimensional Patterson P(uvw) and the differential electron density map using space group P62c, Isotropic refinement led to the value R=0.06 for all 344 independent reflections, and anisotropic refinement to R= 0.05. Atomic coordinates, site occupancies and isotropic thermal vibration parame- ters are given in Table l .The structure has a layered feature(// c axis).All heavy atoms (Ba, Ce) and C03 group form a hexagonal base-centered net-like framework. At z=1/4 and z=3/4 the hexagonal layer consists of Ca and F atoms; in which each kind of atoms is also arranged in a hexagonal. base- centered net-like framework. Those hexagonal layers of atoms are stacked along c axis in the sequence of Ba-Ce-Ca-Ce-Ba…. The plane of CD3 group is normal to c axis.

    • Types, Typomorphic Characteristics of Garnet from Kimberlites in Shandong and Liaoning Province and Its Relationship with Diamond

      1991, 10(3):252-264.

      Abstract (2261) HTML (0) PDF 4.12 M (2156) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Pyrope in kimberlites is an important indicator mineral in search for diamond,Electron microprobe analyses of garnet from kimberlites in Shandong and Liaoning were used to calculate its end member percentage and other chemical parameters by means of molecular number partitioning (Table 1). The transmittance dispersion values of garnet were determined by MPV-1 type microphotometer, and the color indices were calculated by equivalent ordinate method with equalenergy light source S_E as illumination means (Table 3). In this way, the colors of garnet have been described quantitatively. Aocording to classification by Dawson and Stephens (1975), our studied samples are mainly chrome--pyrope (DG 9), and subordinately knorringite-uvarovite-pyrope (DG 12), uvarovite-pyrope(DG 11) and low-calcium chrome-pyrope (DG 10), with small amounts of titanium pyrope (DG 1) and magnesian almandine(DG 5).A discriminant diagram showing relationship between garnet and diamond was drawn with Cr, Mg and Ca as components (Fig. 7), and this diagram can be divided into five areas (A, B, C, D and E). Pyrope falling into Area A has the closest relationship with diamond. The typomorphic characteristics of such pyrope are as follows.1. Chrome-pyrope(DG 9), low-calcium chrome-pyrope(DG 10) and uvarovite-pyrope(DG 11) are dominant.2. Chemically, it is relatively high in Cr and low in Ca(generally Cr2O3=5.73-16.41% and CaO=3.22-6.38%),belonging to pyrope which contains fairly high uvarovite and knorringite members(Table 2).3. Its color is mainly purple and red with various hues and, next, bluish green and yellowish green (Table 3).4. Its refraction indices increase with increasing Cr2O3 content, and pyrope with N 1.765-1.779 is most closely related to diamond.5. Genetically, it might have been mainly derived from xenoliths of dunite-harzburgite and websterite.

    • New Advances in the Mineralogical and Petrological Study of the Bayan Obo Ore Deposit

      1991, 10(3):265-270.

      Abstract (2750) HTML (0) PDF 2.38 M (2364) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper deals with the new advances made in recent years in the study of mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry and metallogenesis of the Bayan Obo ore deposit. In mineralogy, besides the previously-studied more than one hundred minerals, a lot of other minerals have been found and studied in succession, which include niobanatase, niobian perovskite, crichtonite, brockite, beiyunoboite,unnamed new species of fluorocarbonate, perrierite, magbasite and taeniolite. New relations of minerals, mineral paragenesis and replacement have also been found. In petrology, fenite and fenitization have been identified,and the existence of igneous carbonatite has been confirmed. In geochemistry and ore deposit genesis, the idea is put forward that REE and RE mineralizations are genetically related to carbonatite magaa atic activity. This idea, however, remains to be verified through further thorough investigation and various means of exploration. The results of our recent work have deepened the study of mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry and metallogeny of the Bayan Obo deposit.

    • X-ray Powder Diffraction and Infrared Absorption Spectroscopic Study of Sericite from Guangfu Porcelain Stone, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

      1991, 10(3):270-278.

      Abstract (1948) HTML (0) PDF 2.49 M (2109) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Guangfu porcelain stone deposit is of gigantic size, and the porcelain stone consists mainly of fine-grained quartz (making up some 62%)and seri- cite (about 36%).It is noted for rich potassium, high silicon, poor aluminium and low iron in chemical composition and shows quincuncial texture typica- lity of porcelain stone from China. The sericite in the porcelain stone belongs to dioctahedral type with polytypa being 2M:and unit cell parameters being a=5.15A,b=8.97A,c=20.10A and β=96.18°.It is characterized by high crystallinity and low degree of hydration. The approximate equality of the peak width W1 and W2 of basal reflection 10A and 5A suggests that sericite in Guangfu porcelain stone does not contain montmorillonite (interlayer) minerals. According to characteristics of values of d(060) and 530cm-1 frequ- ency band, there are almost no such harmful impurities as iron and magnesium in octahedra of the sericite. The chemical formula of seriCite is (K0.809Nao.o37 Cao.oo3)o.849(Al2.083Feo.oo6Mgo.o75 )2.164[(Si3.272Alo.728)4O10] (OH)2.It is therefore concluded that Guangfu porcelain stone is excellent in quality and will serve as a kind of good raw materials for ceramic production.

    • Alpha-Goldamalgam, a Hg-Au-Ag Variety of Au-bearing Minerals Found in the Sanjia Gold Deposit, Hebei Province

      1991, 10(3):278-282.

      Abstract (2166) HTML (0) PDF 2.42 M (2081) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Samples containing alpha-goldarnalgam were collected from the Sanjia gold deposit, Qinglong County, Hebei Province. Alpha-g01damalgam was found in polished sections, heavy mineral samples and bulk ore samples. Electron microprobe analyses indicate that the mineral is composed of Ag 41.53%, Au 22.34% and Hg 36.09%, its average molecular formula is (Ag(2.14)Au(0.63))(2.77)Hg, and its simplified chemical formula is (Ag, Au)3Hg. Au, Ag and Hg are uniformly distributed in the mineral. Alpha-goldamalgam occurs as very fine spherio particles or irregular gra, nular aggregates with bright yellowish white color, strong metallic luster and low hardness(Vickers hardness 92.23 kg/mm2, corresponding to Mohs' hardness 3.05). Under microscope it is homogeneous with rosy bright yellowish white and bright white colors but without double reflection and pleochroism. The reflectance data are as follows: Wavelength (nm) 480 546 591 654 Reflectance (%) 76.22 82.70 86.35 89.05 Its X-ray powder analytical data are 2.382(9)(111),2.060(6)(200),11461 (7)(220),1.245(10)(311) and 1.194(5)(222), comparable with the data of alpha-gold-merCury. Its crystal structure is of isometric system with a being 4.129 and space group Fm3m.

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