1985, 4(3):193-202.
Abstract:The study of the mineralogical,petrochemical and geochemical varuations of monzonito-granutic xenoliths resorbed in the shihlunite indicates that a fused mass, which is riched in potassium and other incompatible mantle elemeats, could not be produced by resorption of these xenoliths. Accordinglly, it should be considered that the hypothesis proposed by Gorai, interpret吨the shihlunite as a product of soda-alkalic basalt magma contaminating granite, could neither explain the petxochemical, geochemical and geological characteristic of shihlu- niter nor consist with the conclusion of experimental petrology. It is indicated that shihlunite may have been derived from a kind of primary potassic magma which was formed as a result of lower degree of partial melting of phlogopite- rich mantle rocks in the deeer layer of the upper mantle. And the contam- ination of granite could only decrease the basicity of the rock.
1985, 4(3):202-209.
Abstract:By way of comparing the composition of meteorite chrome spinets with the chrome spinets in some chromite deposits may raise the understanding of the genesis of the earth chramite. The average composition of chondrite chrome spinet can represent that of all sort meteorites, hence it can be used as a standard for the earth chrome spinets. The characteristic of the composition of meteorite chrome spinets is related with the high ferrous medium, extremity low pressure, reducing condition, as well as undergone a very slow process of cooling and crystallization. The variation of the chemical composition of chrome sninels in the various meteorites is similar to that of the main kind of earth at a depth of about 50-100Km. chromite deposits (i.g.ophiolite yype and layer).The coefficient of the ferrous in .the chromium end member indicates the better differentiation of the begin- ring substa}ate.
1985, 4(3):210-224.
Abstract:Fangsb.an; Tashan, Guafushan, et al. from Liuhe county, Jiangsu provin- ce are known pliocene volcanos which cosist of basanite and alkali olivine basalt. Lherzolite inclusions and megacrysts of augite and anorthoclase occur血these rocks. Lherzolites have inequal-grained, porpyroclastic, inequal crystalIobtastic texture. The last two types are predominant. Chemical compositions of the host rock are characterized by enrichment of incompatible elements K,P,Ti and higher Na2O and Al2O3/CaO ratio.These basalts show rapizily fractionated transition metal and REE distribution pat- terns: Above mentioned facts indicate host rocks are products of Iow melting of ,mantle-peridotites. Their M-value is lower which may. suggest primary ba- saltic magma underwent fractionation at high pressure. Lherzolites are enriched in fusible components and have lower 100Mg/ (Mg+TFe) ratios.;Transition metals and REE have slightly fractioned distri- bution patterns belonin} to f estile mantle. Fusible components vary with de- gree of partial meltiug Mineralogical compositions of Lherzolites alsoindiccate this pooint. The calculated results oftemperature and pressure for Lherzolites are 1026 -1237℃ and 16-32 Kb respectively which indicate inclutions have been formed
1985, 4(3):225-231.
Abstract:In this paper systematic data on morphological characteristics, physical and optical properties, chemical composition, thermal properties and trace ele- ment geochem:istry are given for pitchblende from uranium deposit Nq. 8411. The pitchblende occurs in the form of grapeform and reinform. Iis association minerals are mainly the various sulfides of Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co, Mo, magnetite, microquartz, ankerite and calcite etc.. The pitchblende always replaces pyrite, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and so on. Reflective power of the pitchblende is 11.98%一14.92% (in green light), 10.12%一12.51%(in red light).Microhardness V120 is 504-760.5kg/mm2. Specific gravity is 7.583-7.721.Unite cell a0 is 5.436 A-5.420A.The D: T. A curve has a weak exothermic peak at 450-490°.It is rich in ca, As,Ba, V. The pitchblende is formed between 200一170℃.The geneses of texture of the ore and the pitchblende are discussed. These featul-es support a composite genesis of the uranium deposit and can be regarded as typomorphic for pitchblende from the uranium deposits related to syntectic type granite intrusive bodies. Some of the uranium and other me- tallic elements of this deposit are mainly differentiated from the quartz-syeni-- to magma. The others are drawn from the host rock.
1985, 4(3):231-237.
Abstract:This paper introduces the general theory and method on analysis the co- mposition of fluid inclusions with MOLE raman microprobe. At present, the destructive analytic method is bing used in the ana lysis of the composition of fluid inclusions. But 'this method can't distinguish orignal and seconoary fluid inclusion and the solution of host minerals affects analytic results. The analysis of fluid inclusion with MOLE raman microprobe is non-destructive and point analytic method. The analytic results are satisfactory. Seven fluid inclusions have been analysed by the MOLE raman miceoprobe One of them is the fluid inclusion in quartz from Danzhai mercur y depcsit. The compsition of gaseous phase are CO2 42%,N2 37 % CH4 21%.The compsi- tion of liquid phase is mainly water the salinity 8 wt % . The douehter minerals in the fluid inclusions also have been determined to be calcit. The sample is fluorite of mineralization period in No 335 uranium deposit, Guang-Dong province. The fluid inclusions in fluorit from No 681 uranium ,deposit,Zhe-Jiang province contain CO2, H2S. The article also introduces Dhamelincourt's work on study of fluid inclu- sions with MOLE raman microprobe.
1985, 4(3):238-242.
Abstract:Based on the results of studing a lot of rock samples by radioactive trace- experiments, a rapid method for sample preparation in Rb-Sr dating has been suggested. A new type of ion exchange column called "double bed type" has been designed. In this column AG 50W × 8 (200-400 mesh) ion exchange resin has not only been used but also an inorganic ion exchanger-ZrP (prepared in our laboratory), the former for seperating Rb and Sr from the main elements in rock and mineral, the latter for removing a trace Rb in Sr isotopic samples. For raising the efficiency of Rb-Sr separation, the techniques of burning organic. carbon at high temperature and extracting Rb and Sr from the salt and oxide by H2O have been taken, too. In such a way, the separation of Rb and Sr can be completed rapidly. It takes about 8 hours to finish the whole procedure. Only in the whole tun is 38. ml the total volume of acid elution. According to the results ofv analysing a standard K-feldspar NBS 70a; 45 samples of"granite, metamorphic and sedi- mentary rocks and ten minerals, it has been fonad that the method may be applied successfully to many kinds of rock and mineral.
1985, 4(3):242-245.
Abstract:In study of daughter minerals in fluid inclusion the scanning electron microscope (SEM) has the advantages of high magnification, good image of the morphology, great depth of focus and ease of sample preparation. In addi- tion, it is equiped with XTray detector and photograph apparatus. In the first part of this paper the image-forming principle and the work way of SEM have been introduced in brief. In the second part the selection and preparation of samples and the experimental:procedures of the SEM study have been described in particular. In the third part application of SEM in the sthdy of daughter minerals in fluid inclusion has been introdu- ced. The authors have observed the daughter minerals in fluid inclusions from the Xihuas}aan tungsten deposit, South China and investigated sylvite, halite, wolframite, chlorite of them under SEM. Besides, the dautgher minerals of fluid inclusions were studied in SEM by Metzger and other authors from the Santa Rosa porphyry. copper (Peru),the Zabargad gemstone deposit (Red Sea), the Jamestown fluorite deposit (Colorado),the Witwatersrand Au depo- sit (Azania) and the Cu deposits (Namibia).The above-mentioned results indicate that the study of daughter minerals in fluid inclusions by use of SEM bas a bright prospect.
1985, 4(3):248-253.
Abstract:The characteristic spectra of azomethine-H (R) and the B-R complex were surveyed in detail. The behaviors for R and its complex with boron are diffe- rentiated by extraction with TBP in the presence of diphenplguanidine. It is confirmed that a complex formed between boron and R is present and the molar ratio is 1:2. This. method has been applied to the determination of boron in tourma- line after the interfering ions were separated by 2, 2, 4-trmethylpentanediol- 1,3。
1985, 4(3):253-257.
Abstract:In formic acid medium at pH 2.8-3.6, antimony (III) alizarin comiplexan complex shows an zdsorption single sweep derivative polarographic wave at about-0.54v (vs. S. C. E.).The height of the wave is proportional toantimony concentration between 0.01 µg/ml to 0.4 µg/ml.Down to 0.005 µg/ml antimony can be determined. The optimum condition for determination of antimony is 2-4 % HCOOH,and 2.10-5一4·10-5 M alizarin complexan at pH 2.8-3.6. Many metallic ions except tin (IV),selenium (IV) and chromium(VI ),do not interfere. Chromium ( VI ) and selenium(Iv)can be reduced by adding ascorbic acid before extracting antimony with benzene. Some an ions such as chloride, bromide,nitrare etc., do not interfere, but succinic acid increases the wave height by 18%.
1985, 4(3):257-259.
Abstract:In the underexposed section of plate emulsion calibration curve.the density of lines is directiy propording to line intensity, and directly propprti- oral to contrast of emulsion. Acacording to this phenomenon, an empiric formula is derived.
1985, 4(3):259-264.
Abstract:In H2SO4 medium both Nb and Ta form complex with 5-Br-PADAP with maxium absorptions at 605 nm respectively. If the absorbances of the complex mixture and the individual complexes are all measured at both 605 and 506 nm, the contents of Nb and Ta can be calculated easily with an electronic calculator.But the sum of the individual absorbances are not always in good congruity with the absorbance of the complex mixture.By regulation of the concentrations of the reagent and the complexing agent for Nb and Ta and adding alcohol to the solution the absor- bances can be made in good congruity, and linear calibration curves can be obtained.The common elements such as Ti,Fe,Al,Sn, W,Mo,Zr,Mn, Ca, Mg, F-, Cl- etc.do not interfere.
1985, 4(3):264-267.
Abstract:Determination of ferrous iron in sillcates containing S and Cu was studied.A two step procedure was given .The sample (S<5%) was first treated with HAc-HF-HGI-NH4F;if the sample containing S more khan X% was treated with H2SO4-CnSO4-HF;and acid solubie ferrous iron was titrated"with standard potassium dichiomiate solution; then the residue was fitteed out and igaited,which turns sulfide into oxide, then the iron oxide was dissolved in acid and detertizined by potassiura dichromate titration. Tie ferrous. iron content was calcuited as the total of both results.
1985, 4(3):267-269.
Abstract:A liquid anion exchange resin N-1923 has been used as an extractant,for thorium. The mechanism is; (R-NH3)2 SO4(OR) + Th(SO4)3(2-)=(R-NH3)2Th(SO4)3(OR) + SO2-4(AR) The metal which forms a sulphuric complex `anion with the resin is extra- cted. Alkali and RE metals have no interferences; REE, U,Ti,. Zr, cad, be eluted by 3 M-H2S04; fernxic ion can be masked by ascorbic acid. The menthod is suitable for determining Th heighet then 0.000x% in ores.
1985, 4(3):270-272.
Abstract:The ion exchange behavior of silver and bismuth ions on sulphydryi cotton was studied. Ag+ and bi3+ were adsorbed from HNO3 solution and eluted easily with 3 ml of 6 N-HCL.The detection limits were estimated to be 0.003 μg for Ag,0.007 μg for Bi. The relative standard deviations of Ag (0.04 μg) and Bi (0.26μg)were about 6.94 and 13.1% respectively (n=15).
1985, 4(3):272-278.
Abstract:K-Ar age can be determined by means of isotope dilution method with
mass-spectrometer MM-1200. Suitable amounts of S0Ar spike- range from 10-11
to 10-12 mole. A standard biotite ZBH-25 is used for the calibration of 38Ar
spike. Initial value of 38Ar spike and its standard deviation are calculated by
least-squre method. Approximate weights of samples (40Ar/38Ar=1) are listed
by computer according to known potassium contents and appoxiraate age.
W (mg) can be obtained from that table. when proper (40Ar/38Ar)m is chosen,
the appoximate weight of a sample is (40Ar/38Ar)m·W (mg).
Estimated precision for angle age measurements is calculated by using a
fozmula. Estimated standard deviation at of the spike calibration is ± 0.6%,
obtained from the experiments of 38Ar spike calibration. On the basis of repli-
cate experiments ak is estimated. When K2O%<0.1%,σk=±1.3%. when O.1%
1985, 4(3):278-283.
Abstract:This review describes mainly the adsorption-extraction of forty ions by polyurethane foam and the relevant chemical reactions.