1983, 2(3):161-174.
Abstract:Having studied in detail the primary rock-forming minerals, metallic min- erals and petrological features of the Xin Jie layered basic and ultrabasic rocks, the authors suggest that the rocks may have been formed by crystalli- zation from a liquated magma ixe different compositions after having undergone gravitative and liquid differentiations. The main evidences are, (1)The contents of Mg,Cr, and Ni ire silicates, in oxides of iron and titanium, and in pico- tites, all increase along with the basicity of the layered rocks. This is obvi- ously related to the concentration and distribution of Mg, Cr and Ni in the liquated magma] (2)The chemical composition and the mineralogical assem- blages of sulphides change regularly with the basicity of host rock. The rela- tively high content of Ni and the very low oxidizing potential of sulphur in sulphides from ultrabasic rocks indicate that they might have been formed from a ultrabasic liquated magma relatively rich in Ni and poor in oxygen, whereas the relatively low content of Ni and the rather high oxidizing potential of sulphur in sulphides from basic rocks reveal that they might have been formed from a basic liquated magma with relatively high fugacity of oxygen and poor in Nis (3)The studies of the paragenesis of the primary rock-forming minerals and the composition of solid solution, as well as the synthetic analysis of the textures and the mechanism of the formation of fluidal and banded structures have proved that the layered rocks may have been formed by equatation at first and crystallization later.
1983, 2(3):174-178.
Abstract:The northern part of "Kang-Dian Axis" is situated in the western margin of the Yangzi platform. Here are distributed S type granite of the Jinning- Chengjiang period and I type granite of the Lndosinian-Yenshan period. The S type granite is located within the Yangzi platform. It associated closely with rhyolite and is related to tine and tungstun ores. The I type granite occurs in the transitional belt of the trough and stage. It is associated with the gabbro, Emei mount basalt and syenite, and is related to the deposit of rare-earth, niobium and tantalum.
1983, 2(3):179-180.
Abstract:The four-axis cleavage method and twin method are used now as main means in determining C∧Ng of monoclinic pyroxenes and amphiboles. However, these methods can not determined satisfactorily in case mineral's Nm is nearly parallel or method in determination of C∧Ng of these minerals with five-axis universal stage, which not only counteract the weakness of the former meth- od, but also make the determination of the monoclinic pyroxene and am- phibole species more rapid and accurate.
1983, 2(3):182-189.
Abstract:The Yangshan granite is a multiple rock body,in which the Yantou rock body, Gaide rock body and Kukenzi rock body are rather similar to one ano- they in structure and texture, but their typomorphic characteristics of minerals are different, therefore, we can classify these rock bodies into two petrological} types. In the Yantou rock body and Gaide rock body, the degree of order of the K-feldspar is lower(0.37-0.74),the Ab content of the K-feldspar is rela- tively high, the ratios of Fe0/Fe0+Mg0 and Al2O3/FeO+Fe2O3+Mg0+A1203 of the biotite are lower, ranging from 0.665 to 0.724 and 0.2557 to 0.375 res- pectively;while in the Kukenzi rock body,the degree of order of the K-feldspar has increase to 0.77-0.95, the ratios of Fe0/Fe0+Mg0 and A1203/Fe0+Fe2O3 +Mg0+A1203 of the biotite are higher than that of the Yantou-and Gaide rock body. Moreover the typomorphic characteristics of Zircons for the two types of the granites are obviously different. The paper has also confirmed that the conclusion drawn from the typo- morphic study of the minerals coincides with the result of petrological and geochemical studies of these granites.
1983, 2(3):190-196.
Abstract:In the Jianshan iron deposit, minerals of a complete grossular andradite series are developed and closely related to mineralization. This article deals with occurrence, physical and optical properties, chemical compositions, assem- blages and genetic conditions of these minerals. From altered granite to exo- contoot zone grossular gradual changes into andradite, and accordingly their physical and optical properties change regularly. Andradite is closely associated with magnetite mineralization and occurs in the exocontact zone whereas grossular is closely associated with molybdenite mineralization and occurs in altered granite zone.
1983, 2(3):197-205.
Abstract:The systematic determinations of the chemical compositions, physical pro- perties, crystal structures and the fabric characteristics of 37 samples of pyro- xene, garnet and magnetite collected from the iron-bearing formation have been made. On the basis of these data connecting with the nature of the prim- ary rocks it may be considered that the iron deposits in this district are meta- morphic volcanosedimentary iron deposits. The disi:ribution coefficients of Fez+, Mg, Mn between these minerals axe nearly constant. In comparison with the distribution coefficients of Kondapalli granulate, Madras granulite and Ruby granulite, we found that they are very similar. It may be concluded that physicochmical balance was attained in the process of metamorphism and the metamorphic facies in the district belongs to the granulitic facies. The P-T conditions of metamorphism in this district have been determi- ned by using four methods of pyroxene geothermometer. The temperature of metamophism was about 750-800℃. and the pressure was about 7-9 Kb.
1983, 2(3):206-209.
Abstract:The homogeneity index, σ/}/X , is reported for several major constituents in 14 minerals. Among them five were found to be homogeneous and may be useful as microprobe standards. These are two silicate minerals (forsterite and epidote),one tektite, one oxide mineral (cassiterite),and one sulfide mineral (pyrite).They were analysed by wet chemical methods.
1983, 2(3):209-210.
Abstract:Trace tantalum can be quantitatively extracted into benzene with tri-iso- octylamine (TIOA) from aqueous solution of 0.4N HF-1.3 N HN03. The opti- mum conditions for Ta-phenylfluorone-tartaric-CTAB complex formation have been studied. The lower determination limit is approximately 0.025 ppm of Ta. ε=1.38 105. The calibration curve for Ta is linear within a range of 0-5 ug/10 ml.
1983, 2(3):211-213.
Abstract:The ionic exchange behavior of silver ions on sulphydryl cotton has been studied. Silver ion is adsorbed from HN03 solution and eluted very easily with HCl or HBr solution. The rate of adsorption and elution are rapid The detection limit is estimated to be 0.06 ppm (1g sample) and the relative standard deviation of very low content (0.1-0.2 ppm) of silver ions is about 20% and that of moderate low content (1-3ppm) is about 6%
1983, 2(3):213-214.
Abstract:In sulfuric acid medium at pH 2-3,uranium can be sorbed by 30mg of Type -742 anion resin (250-400) in competing eqilibrious sorption. Then the resin and the sorbed uranium is filtered on a circular paper. Intensity is measured by VRAXRF-spectrograph using a x-ray tube with a Mo anode at 50 KV, U La I ray and a LiF crystal analyser The method has been used for determination of uranium (0.00X-X%) in ores and samples of mineral-dressing and metallurgy.
1983, 2(3):215-216.
Abstract:An extraction chromatographic method fo: rapid separation of Ce- and Y-group of rare earth in ores using HDEHP resin has been studied. The Ce- group was separated quantitatively from Y-group by elution with 50 ml of 0.4 N hydrochloric acid and the Y-group was eluted quantitatively with 50 ml of 4 N hydrochloric acid. Each component can be determined by direct photometric method.
1983, 2(3):216-218.
Abstract:The procedure includes two steps, the first is extracting REE from the rocks, and the second is the separation of Nd and Sm from other REE and separation of Sm and Nd from each other with strong acidic cation resins.The effect of the above separation procedure were checked up by means of radio activity and mass spectrometer.
1983, 2(3):219-222.
Abstract:In this paper the analytical procedrure for determination of 21 elements in these samples with Ge (Li) γ-ray spectrometry and group separation were described . After neutron irradiation, the samples were decomposed with a mixture of HF-HNO3-HC1O4, the group separation was achieved by passing the solution through strong basic anion exchange columns. The (51)Cr was sorbed on the co- lump with the solution acidity of 0.5 M HCl, 59Fe and 60Co were sorbed on another column with the solution acidity of 9 M HCl, and 46Sc was sorbed on a reversed-phase chromatographic column with solution acidity of 0.01 M HCI. The results were close to those already published in the literature.
1983, 2(3):222-223.
Abstract:This paper presents a direct rapid spectrophotometric method to deter- mine the cerium-group rare earth elements in minerals and rocks with chlorophosphonazo-mN as a developing reagent. Oxalic acid, phosphoric acid a} sodium pyrophosphate were used as masking agents for yttrium-group earths and Zn-EDTA-diethylester as masking agent for other foreign ions.
1983, 2(3):224-225.
Abstract:A new column extraction chromatographic method with p507 as stationary phase, silicon-treated porous silica-gel bead as carrier and dilute hydrochloric acid as a mobile phase is suggested for the separation of cerium from minerals arid rocks. By using oxalic acid, sodium pyrophosphate and phosphoric acid as masking agents, for other elements cerium were determined with chlorophos- phonazo-mN. More than twenty kinds of foreign ions of 5 mg do not interfere in the determination.
1983, 2(3):226-228.
Abstract:The polarographic catalytic waves of gallium and indium have bean studied by oscillo-polarogrphy in potassium chloride-sodium acetatealizarin S at pH 5.0. The peak potential appears at -1.13 v (Vs. S. C. E) for gallium and -O.63 v for indium. The wave height is direct1y proportional to the concentration of gallium in the range of 1.5 × 10-7 M to 6 × 10-6 M and indium in range of 4 × 10-6 M to 4×10-6 M. This method has been used for simultaneous determination of trace gallium and indium in ores.
1983, 2(3):226-230.
Abstract:In this paper, the author discussed the properties of natural clinoptilolite and mordenite rocks in ian-exchange for Fe2+ and the influences of various experimental conditions, such as acidity,. concentrations, and flow rate etc. The results show that the Na-cli}toptilolite can be used to remove Fe2* ions from waste water.
1983, 2(3):235-239.
Abstract:The method is based on an electrodeless discharge lamp excited by micro- waves to serve as a light source and is applicable to non-dispersive atomic fluorescence. The KBH; solution is used as a reducing agent to generate hy- drides of As, Bi, Sb and metallic vapour of Hg from samples. These hydrides are introduced into a heated quartz tube by a small amount of argon, to which a hydride generator is attached in order to maintain the combustion and atomization of hydrides. The sensitivity of the determination is as follows:As 8.5 × 10-10g, Sb 4 × 10-10g, Bi 1.9 × 10-10g and Hg 2.6 × 10-10g.