A comprehensive summary of the definition, mode of occurrence and remaining problems in the studies of C-type adakitic rocks is given in this paper for better understanding the implications of C-type adakite rocks in East China. It is pointed out that C-type adakitic rocks are high-K calc-alkaline and are likely derived from partial melting of intermediate- to high-K meta-andesitic-basaltic rocks under the high pressure condition. Unlike things of O-type adakite, the origin, source rocks and partial melting processes of C-type adakite remain unclear and hence more experimental work may have to be involved in future work.
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张旗,2011,关于C型埃达克岩成因的再探讨[J].岩石矿物学杂志,30(4):739~747. ZHANG Qi,2011,Reappraisal of the origin of C-type adakitic rocks from East China[J]. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica,30(4):739~747.