In order to separate As, P and Si one an other. in practical analysis paper chromatographic method was used. A developer butyl acetone: methy isobutyl acetone:hydrofluoric acid:nitric acid=10:10:4:1 was selected. The Rf values were 0.75, 0.4 and zero for As, P and Si respectively. Si, Al and V were separated from other elements with butyl acetone:me- thyl iso-butyl acetone : nittic acid : water = 12. 5 :12. 5:2.5:1·25 as chromatogra-phic reagent, theR,values of Si, Al and V all were zero. The analytical data were reported.
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李乙雨,高思登,1985,砷、磷、硅的低层析分离及微量砷钇矿的系统分析[J].岩石矿物学杂志,4(1):78~80.,1985,Paper Chromatographic Separation of As, P and Si and Analysis of Chernovite in Micro Amount[J]. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica,4(1):78~80.