Abstract:Up to date, one of the essential rock-forming minerals-hauyne, occurring in a main rock series of alkaline volcanic complex of Niangniang sham Nanjing -hauyne phonolite series, is still named incorrectly as "nosean". After a lot of work have been proceeded, the authors of this paper depend on enough data to suggest that the feldsparthoidal mineral of the phonolite series is actually hauyne, but not "nosean" as named by some geologists and mineralogists. The hauyne occurs as dodecahedral crystals 1.2-1 .5 mm in maximum dimensions. It ranges in color from dark grey to greyish black, luster vitrous, and translucent. Under polarizing microscope, the fresh hauyne is transparent and colorless to pale blue without pleochroism. The trigonal and hexagonal sections are al- ways to be seen. Cleavage {111} is perfect, {110} is good. Isotropic, N=1.5058 (phonolite)-1.5062 (trachyte)· X-ray study shows the mineral to be isometric, ao=9.073A (phonolite)- 9.14A(trachyte).The strongest X-ray lines are:3.80(10),2.65(6),2.15(7),1.81 (5) (phonolite),3.72(10),2.62(8),2.14(6),1.78(5)(trachyte)· Microprobe analysis of a hauryne crystal from hauyne phonolite gives: SiO, 35.28, A1203 29.76, Fe0 0 .30, Ca0 9.93, Na2O 10.65,K2O 0.06, SO3 10.43, sum 96.41.Chemical analysis of hauyne from trachyte porphyry gives:SiO 34.13, Ca0 7.92, Mg0 0.69,A1203 25.10, TiO2 O.O6, Fe203 1.12, Mn0 0.05, K2O 0.80, Na2O 15.33, S03 11.46,C1 0.05, CO2 1.36, sum 100.80%, leading to the formula (Na5.39K0.02 Ca1.42)[Al5.36Si6.59Fe0.01(3+)O24][SO4S0.56Cl0.02OH3.3]. In the infrared spectrograph there are Si-O and Si-O-Si deformation vibra- tions at 440-1000 frequency region and SO4-2 deformation vibrations at 620一 1110 frequency region,