• Volume 26,Issue 2,2007 Table of Contents
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    • >专题研究
    • Geochemical characteristics of low-temperature eclogites from the subduction-accretionary complex in the North Qilian Mountain

      2007, 26(2):101-108.

      Abstract (1600) HTML (0) PDF 440.14 K (3189) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The low-temperature eclogites from the subduction-accretionary complex in the North Qilian Mountain occur as lenses within blueschists and phengite_schists. Based on REE and trace element analyses as well as Sr-Nd isotopic data, the authors divided the eclogites into two types. Type Ⅰ eclogites are characterized by nearly flat REE normalized patterns and a distinctly positive Eu anomaly, suggesting cumulate protoliths, while Type Ⅱ eclogites have slightly Eu anomalies and an enriched LREE pattern. The values of εNd(t) from Type I eclogite group vary between 2.5 and 6.9, indicating depleted mantle sources. The values of εNd(t) from Type Ⅱ eclogites vary between -3.3 and 1.4.These datasuggest that the protoliths of Type Ⅰ eclogites originated in an oceanic environment. Type Ⅱeclogites show apossible mixing with a continental crust contaminant during the emplacement of the rotoliths, suggesting the probable derivationfrom a continental/oceanic transitional zone or a continental margin.

    • Geochemical characteristics of A-type granitic gneiss in Lanshantou of Jiaonan and the genesis of its protolith

      2007, 26(2):109-122.

      Abstract (1955) HTML (0) PDF 751.79 K (2826) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Chemical components of Jiaonan granitic gneiss indicate that SiO2 and Al2O3 contents of the samples range from 68.4% to 78.2%and from 11.34% to 15.84%, respectively. TiO2, Fe2O3, FeO, MnO and MgO contents are obviously low; Fe203=0.69%~2.12%, FeO=0.18%~1.56% and MgO=0.05%~1.53%. Na2O, K2O contents of the rock are high and CaO is evidently low, with Na2O+K2O being 8.32%~10.33%, k2O 3.87%~5.24%, and CaO 0.19%~1.27%.The REEpatterns are characterized by obvious enrichment of light rare earth elements, clear deficiency of heavy rare earth elements, and medium-intense negative Eu anomalies. In the MORB normalized multi-element variation diagram, multi-element variations show the relative concentration of K, Rb, Ba and Th, evident depletionof Ti, Nb and Ta, and clear negative P anomalies. The protolith of granitic gneiss in Jiaonan belongs to A-type granite formed in volcanic arc tectonic surroundings under the action of tensional force. The source rock of A-type granite might have been derived from partial melting of the lower crust K-rich metabasalt formed in Neoproterozoic. It was formed at the temperature up to 1000℃,pressure from 0.8 GPa to 1.0 GPa, and partial melting degree lower than 10%. The formation of A-type gran-ite might have been related to the volcanic arc activity on the northeast margin of the Yangtze block in Neoproterozoic, which is supposed to be the reflection of the Neoprotorozoic Rodinia supercontinent breakup event in Sulu area.

    • 3.3 Ga magmatic events in the Anshan area:new SHRIMP age and geochemical constraints

      2007, 26(2):123-129.

      Abstract (1614) HTML (0) PDF 392.76 K (2965) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Anshan is one of the very few localities in the world where abundant Archaean geological records are preserved. The SHRIMP age data and geochemical results of the Palaeoarchaean dioritic gneiss and fine-grained trondhjemite of the ancient Dongshan rock belt from the Anshan area are reported in this paper. The dioritic gneiss is rich in rare earth elements (ΣREE =145×10-6), and the light REE is weekly differentiated from the heavy REE [(La/Yb)n = 2.8]. The fine-grained trondhjemite is slightly rich in REE (ΣREE =169×10-6), and the lig ht REE is strongly differentiated from the heavy REE [(La/Yb)n = 49.9]. Weighted average 207Pb/206Pb ages of 3321 ± 6Ma and 3321 ± 5 Ma have been obtained for the dioritic gneiss and trondjhemite respectively. It is demonstrated that the late Palaeoarchaean is a significant stage of the continental crust growth in the Anshan area, witnessing two types of magmatism, one originated from the depleted mantle source and an-other from recycled crustal source

    • Water in minerals from peridotite xenoliths of Hannuoba basalts,Hebei, China:micro-FTIR results

      2007, 26(2):130-140.

      Abstract (1635) HTML (0) PDF 452.59 K (3283) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Anhydrous minerals (olivine, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene) from 12 peridotite xenoliths hosted by basalts in Hannuoba of Hebei were investigated by micro_Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR). No distinct OHabsorption bands can be found in olivines, whereas all the analyzed clinopyroxene (Cpx) and orthopyroxene (Opx) grains contain structural water in the form of OH. The structural water contents of pyroxenes show inhomogeneous distribution within individual grains characterized by higher contents in the core and lower in the rim. Low water contents at grain rims probably result from hydrogen diffusion after pressure decrease upon rock ascending. The range of the average core water content of multi grains (>10) from the same sample for the twelve Hannuoba peridotites is 48×10-6~152×10-6 and 20×10-6~55×10-6 for Cpx and Opx respectively. On the basis of water contents of the minerals and their volume proportions, the water contents of the whole rocks are estimated to be 11×10-6~48×10-6. Combined with the available data of peridotite xenoliths worldwide, it is held that, under the physical and chemical conditions of lithospheric mantlethe water partition coefficient between clinopyroxene and orthoproxene should be 2.2±0.6, and the water distribution in lithosphere seems to be heterogeneous both at global and regional scales.

    • Mineral chemistry and geological significance of clinopyroxenes from Middle Devonian picrite on the southern margin of the Altay Mountain

      2007, 26(2):141-146.

      Abstract (1786) HTML (0) PDF 280.60 K (4003) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Picrite in island arcs has been rarely reported.However,several thick layers of picrite,which were rarely found in the world,were recognized in the Middle Devonian strata on the southern margin of the Altay Mountain. this paper presents new data of electronic microprobe analvses on clinopyroxenes from the layers of picrite and associated basalt in this area. It is shown that the clinopyroxenes from the picrite are exclusively diopside, whereas those from the basalt are diopside and augite, suggesting a continuous variation in composition. The crystallization temperature, pressure and depth of clinopyroxene phenocrysts from the picrite and basalt were calculated on the basis of the clinopyroxene-melt equilibrium principle. The temperature of mineral crystallization in depth, which represents the condition of picritic magma chamber, is estimated to be in the range of 1350~1387℃, and the corresponding pressure and depth are 16.6~21.3 kPa and 55~70 km, respectively. In contrast, the depth of mineral crystallization in the shallow part, which represents the condition of basaltic magma chamber, is in the range of 37~41 km, indicating that the basaltic magma might have been an mineral chemistry of the clinopyroxenes shows that the volcanic rocks in this area belong to subalkaline series and were probably formed in and island arc setting.

    • Characteristics of heavy minerals from Upper Devonian Donghe sandstone and Silurian sandstone in western Tazhong area, Tarim Basin, and their geological implications

      2007, 26(2):147-154.

      Abstract (1751) HTML (0) PDF 383.39 K (2870) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The distribution of heavy minerals in sediments is affected by such factors as provenance, uplift and erosion, paleo-topographic features, palaeo-climate and palaeo-environment. The analysis of heavy minerals can be applied to the explanation of the sedimentary response to tectonic cycles based on the provenance and sedimentary environment. The heavy minerals of Upper Devonian Donghe sandstones and sandstone of Lower Silurian Kepingtage Formation from six wells in western Tazhong area were studied in this paper. The results show that heavy minerals from Donghe sandstone were mainly derived from the re-sedimentation of basement rocks and granite, and then underwent alteration or mixing of basic volcanic and magmatic-hydrothermal activities, while those from Lower Silurian sandstone were mostly transported from the sediments of underlying carbonate rocks, granite and re-sedimentary rocks, indicating the stability of the sedimentary and tectonic movement characterized by multi-source sediments, with the transportation direction of sediments probably from southeast to northwest.

    • A study of elemental correlation and elemental variation in different layers of the Co-rich crusts from the Mid-Pacific WM1 and WX seamounts

      2007, 26(2):155-163.

      Abstract (1704) HTML (0) PDF 3.06 M (2216) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The elemental correlation in Co-rich crusts from the Mid-Pacific WM1 and WX seamounts and elemental variation in different layers of the crusts were studied in this paper. Some conclusions have been reached: 1) the amount of hydrosyalite and quartz increases gradually from the lower layer to the upper layer,which is probably related to the evolution of Asian monsoons and the uplift of the malayan_Tibetan plateau; 2) the in-crease of the ratio of TFe/Fe2+ from the lower layer to the upper layer indicates that the oxidation of the crusts also increases correspondingly, which may be caused by the sinking ofthe seamounts;3) the positive correlation between the values of TFe/Fe2+and the contents of Co, Pb, As, Mn and Fe shows that these elements occur in anoxidization environment, whereas the negative correlation between the values ofTFe/Fe2+ and the contents of Ca, P, Pt and ∑REE suggests that these elements occur in a reduction environment; 4) the remarkable positive correlation between Fe and Co in these crusts is different from things of the crusts in other places, which is an unique crustal feature of this zone;5) the correlation between Co and (Fe+Mn) is greater than that between Co and Fe as well as Co and Mn; 6) P and Co almost have no correlation when the content of P in the crusts is below 1%, but they are notably negatively correlated with each other when the content of P is above 1%, which means that the enrichment of P restrains the adsorption of Co by crusts; 7) the elements of Pt, ∑REE, and Ca〖CM(46*2〗are assigned to the same group by cluster analysis, suggesting that Pt and ∑REE occur in carbonate fluorapatite,〖CM)〗 and that phosphatization plays animportant role in the enrichment of Pt and ∑REE.

    • >综述与进展
    • Characteristics of construction marine sand deposits in offshore area of China

      2007, 26(2):164-170.

      Abstract (1623) HTML (0) PDF 224.47 K (3292) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the data of the construction marine sand deposits along the offshore area of China, the authors have classified the construction marine sand deposits in line with geological and industrial classification principles and summarized the information of these deposits such as their distribution, characteristics of the construction marine sand bodies and ore characteristics from the investigated marine sand deposits along the offshore area of China. This paper classifies the types of deposits based on some typical ore bodies. The results will be helpful not only to the surveying and evaluation of the new construction marine sand deposits but also to the protection of the environment as well as to the comparative study of marine aggregates in the world.

    • >环境矿物学
    • The present situation and prospects of the researches on the application of mineral materials to filters for removing harmful substances in cigarette smoke

      2007, 26(2):171-176.

      Abstract (1689) HTML (0) PDF 219.84 K (3845) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper has summarized the researches on the application of such mineral materials as activated carbon, zeolite, montmorillonite, sepiolite, medical stone, palygorskite, aluminum oxide, sodium hydrate, alumen and nanomaterials as cigarette tip additives to the removal of harmful components in cigarette smoke in the last decades. According to experimental results and market investigations, activated carbon seems to be the most effective cigarette tip additive and its market application has been growing very fast. An integrated consideration of the reduction of harmful substances and the manufacturing cost shows that the aluminum-silicate filter and multi-material filter also have very promising market application.

    • Schwertmannite formed under extreme acid conditions and its environmental significance

      2007, 26(2):177-183.

      Abstract (1893) HTML (0) PDF 293.73 K (4090) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Schwertmannite,a new iron oxyhydroxysulfate mineral formed by bacterial oxidation of Fe(II) in SO42--rich acid mine waters, is of poorly crystallizable, special morphologic and highly reactive surface groups. In the light of these features, the authors hold that it may play an important role in translocation or attenuation of metals and metalloids. Formation, composition and structure of schwertmanite and its environmental behaviors with metals or metalloids are reviewed in this paper. Its potential application to the treatment of arsenic-bearing groundwater is also discussed in detail.

    • The effect of NaF on the synthesis of corundum-mullite materials from high aluminum fly ash

      2007, 26(2):184-190.

      Abstract (1666) HTML (0) PDF 477.80 K (2914) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the effects of temperature and NaF on the properties, crystal structure, and morphology of corundum-mullite materials prepared from fly ash and bauxite were studied in detail by XRD and SEM. The results indicate that the relatively low sintering temperature of 1200℃ can be obtained by adding 2% NaF, which helps effectively to promote sintering during the solid reaction, and that the obtained materials have excellent properties: bulk density 3.08 g/cm3, flexural strength 62.11 MPa, and the content ratio of mullite/corundum 2∶1. WhenNaF content rises to 4%, mullite assumes the long columnar form in network structure, with the single crystal aspect ratio ranging from 6 to 10; nevertheless, the lower mullite content in this sample results in relatively low mechanical strength. When NaF content rises to 8%, mullite phase disappears, and the main phase of the material is corundum, with the appearance of a large amount of albite, which mostly develops into crossed corn-like crystal clusters under the SEM.

    • >宝玉石矿物学
    • Chemical weathering mechanism of ancient jades:powder simulation experiments

      2007, 26(2):191-196.

      Abstract (1735) HTML (0) PDF 213.02 K (3310) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mineral dissolution is an important process in mineral weathering, and therefore the research on the mineral dissolution process helps to reveal the mineral weathering mechanism. The ancient jade has been in a dissolution reaction system of soil and soil-water in its long burial process. Generally speaking, the soils of southern China are somewhat acid, whereas soils in northern China tend to be alkaline. The authors preliminarily simulated the acid and alkaline environments that buried ancient jades experienced. Based on the soaking experiment in which the powder shapes of different jade materials were dipped in acid and alkaline buffer solutions, this paper preliminarily discusses the weathering mechanism of different jade materials.

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