Jiang Changyi , Wu Wenkui , Zhang Xueren , Cui Shangsen
1995, 14(4):289-300.
Abstract:The Early and Middle Carboniferous volcanic rocks in Awulale area are mainly of alkaline series, with a small part belonging to calc-alkahne series;rare earth elements show cliaracteristics of kohalaite and K-high andesite in the island arc and active epicontinental region; trace elements exhibit features of continental island arc volcanic rocks,It is thtis proved that this area was in an intra- arc environment in Early and Middle Carboniferous. Permian vol-canic rocks are of alkaline series: rare earth eiements and trace elements mani-fest features of intra-plate alkaline basalt.The rock assemblage resembles that of Kenya rift valley, being at the early stage in valley evolution. The Late Carboniferous Begeda tectonic movement led to the change of this area from island arc to rift valley and also to the tranformation of Tianshan Mountains from plate framework to intraplate framework.
1995, 14(4):299-312.
Abstract:The presently known xenolith-bearing Paleogene basalts in the eastern China are located in Shuangliao of Jilin Province, Yangyuan of Hebei province, and Fanshi of Shanxi Province, The mantle xenoliths collected from these three localities have been described in this pacer. The xenoliths are dominated by spinel lherzolite, having mainly porphyroclastic texture, The olivine from the xenoliths exhibits obvious preferred orientation and dislocation substructures indicative of high temperature creep mechanism. The equilibrium temperature and pressure of the xenoliths have been calculated as 800-1100℃ and 0.7- 1 .6 GPa respectively, The xendliths are deduced to have been derived from a depth of 28-52 km. The differential stress estimated by microstructural pie- zometry is 12-25 MPa, while the strain rate and equivalent viscosity derived from the high temperature flow law of peridotites are 10-15-10-18s-1 and 1021-1025SPa .S respectively, The man tle xenoliths from the Paleogene basalts have principally the same characteristics as the xenoliths from the Neogene and Quaternary basalts, indicating that the upper mantle of Neogene and Quaternary inherited and developed the rheological characteristics of Paleogene,The characteristics of the upper mantle in the eastern China have been coincident with those of the upper mantle in the continental extensional zone or rift since Tertiary.
1995, 14(4):313-324.
Abstract:Based on the data of main elements, trace elements, isotopic geochemi- stry and high-temperature and high-pressure experimentation of lamprophyre from the Laowangzhai gold district, the present paper has summed up its genetic information. The genesis of lamprophyre is discussed in terms of original magma, composition of the characteristics source regioh, modeling of magmatic proccss,and genetic connection with alkali-rich intrusive rocks, with a genetic model established.
1995, 14(4):325-335.
Abstract:Different rocks in D uobaoshan area have their respective characteristic spectra, which are very helpful to the explanation of remote sensing data and the search for copper deposits by remote sensing technology. Reflective spectrum characteristics of rocks in the area were studied with thefield spectometer RS- II (or IRIS).The paper points out that the reflectivity (P) of rocks in Duo- baoshan area decreases iu order of Hercynian magmatic rocks, Paleozoic strata, and Hercyriian volcanic rocks. The analysis of the reflective spectrum charac- teristics shows that the reflectivity of Hercynian magmatic rocks is related to their alteration and Cu content. The magmatite alteration related to the oreforming process of the Duobaoshan copper deposit is noted for the characteristic spectrum of 0,70 μm band. The paulopost alteration caused by thermal fluid in mag matic rocks has distinct spectra at I.4μm, 1.9 μm and 2.2μm respectively, The reflectivity of volcanic rocks is directly proportional to their SiO2 and Cu content. The paper holds that 0.76-0.9μm, 1.55-1.95μm and 2.08-2.35μm are better bands in search for volcanic rocks.T he reflectivity of paleozoic strata in the area is inversely proportional to C content and nu tuber of characteristic spectra. The Ca content and C02-3 radicals are directly proportional to number and intensity of characteristic spectra. The authors have discussed the application of reflective spectra of rocks in Duobaoshan, and point out that the study of reflective spectrum features of rocks can be used to select the best band and the best ratio band for proc- essing Landsat image. The present paper has indicated that the stacking of ground spectra is one of the best methods to define the band for processing TM image.
1995, 14(4):336-344.
Abstract:The monoclinic space group of synchysite-(Y) was determined as C2/c by single-crystal crystallographic research using W eissenberg method. The unit cell parameters obtained and refined on a four-circle diffractometer are a 12.039(3),b 6.950(1),c 18.436 (6)A,and β 102.45 (2)°.From 1350 independent reflections collected by means of MoKa radiation on the same instrument, 1019 reflections with I>3σ (I) were corrected for Lorentz and polarization factors; however,no absorption correction was conducted. After the refinement with anisotropic temperature factors by the full matrix least square method, the residual index for the 1019 reflections was R=0.086. Synchysite-(Y) possesses a characteristic (001) layer structure, with layers of (Ca) and (YF) separated by layers of carbonate groups. The layers stack in a manner analogous to C2/c muscovite, where (Ca) layers in synchysite-(Y) are equivalent to (K) layers in muscovite, (CO3) layers in synchysite-(Y),to layers of tetrahedra in muscovite, and (YF) layers in synchysite-(Y),to layers of octahedra in muscovite. As in m uscovite,offsets of adjacent (CO3) layers are similar to those in 2M2,which results in the layer-stacking polytype structure.
1995, 14(4):345-354.
Abstract:Copper-nickel sulfide deposits are mainly distributed in epicontinental stre-tching zones,continental rift zones and fault depression troughs.Ore-forming intrusive bodies are ferruginous ultrabasic rocks and basic rocks,exhibiting obvious mantle source characteristics. Pyrrhotite,Pentlandite and chalcopyrite are main metallic minerals in cop-per-nickel sulfide deposits. Pyrrhotite includes three variants (troilite, hexa-gonal pyrrhotite,and monoclinic pyrrhotite) and shows varied superstructural types. Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite have high Co and Ni content and low Co/Ni ratios (Co/Ni<1),being obviously different from these two minerals in other types of copper deposits. Pentlandite commonly contains such minor elements as Co,Ag and Cu, and sometimes has high content of Ag and Cu, even forming Ag-pentlandite and Cu pentlandite Pyrrhotite-pentlandite-chalcopyrite constitutes basic minezal assemblage of this type of ore deposits, and this is obviously different from typical mineral assemblages of other types of copper deposits. With the advance of minerali-zation,these minerals can form different ore types. As a rule, pyrrhotite is richest in ore,whereas the amounts of pentlandite and chalcopyrite are related to the content of Ni and Cu in ore deposits.
1995, 14(4):355-359.
Abstract:The wollastonite crystalline glaze is produced by heating a mixture of glass powder, natural quartz, orthoclase, kaoline and calcite. Crystal phase of glaze, belonging to low-temperature triclinic wollastonite, was determined by such means as X-ray powder diffraction, polarized microscope and electron microprobe analysis. The unit cell parameters are ao=7.926 A, bo=7.129 A, c0=7.051A, a=90º3΄,β=95º 12΄,´γ=103º 45΄.
Xia Xuehui , Huang Furong , Liu Changtao
1995, 14(4):360-364.
Abstract:Tellurian tennantite, a rare sulfosalt mineral, was discovered for the first time in a pyrite deposit related to mesotbermal-epithermal alteration in Lufeng County, Guangdong Province. As an isotropic mineral, it occurs as irregular grains embedded in pyrite, is lead grey in color and 0.02-0.20 mm in size, and has a Rockwell hardness of 269.3 kg/mm2, with reflection color being grey with a bit brown tone. The associated minerals include tellurobis- muthite and wittichenite. Electron microprobe analysis shows the mean chemi- cal composition of the mineral to be S 24.55%, Cu 41.06%, As 9.86%,Te 18. 29%,Sb 3.58%,Fe 2.505%, Zn 0.11%,and Ag 0.03%, makiag up a chemical formula of (Gu9.995 Ag0.005)10(Fe0.737 Cu0.633 Zn0.028)1.398 (As2.165 Sb0.484 Te1.952)4.60 (S12.595 Te0.465)13. Accordiag to X-ray diffraction analysis, its strongest powder lines are 2.945A,2.563A,1.875A,1.759A and 1.056 A,aad its unit cell parameter a=10.223(A). Planar distribution of elements, reflectance and hardness were determined besides electron microprobe and X-ray diffraction analyses. It is indicated that tellurian tennantite represents a mineral species of tPtrahedrite, and might be used as an important indicator mineral in search for tellurium deposits asso- ciated with pyrite deposits. In fact, the tellurium grade of the mineral has come up to the standard for comprehensive utilization.
1995, 14(4):365-370.
Abstract:The present paper has summarized the recent research achievements on the definition, mineralogy and geochemistry of lamproite as well as the significance of potassian richterite in the study of lamproite,and made a review on thenomenclature of potassian richterite and the method for its classification,with a detailed description given concerning mineralogical and compositional characteristics of potassian richterite in the Baifen lamproite belt, Zhenyuan area,Guizhou Province.