• Volume 13,Issue 4,1994 Table of Contents
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    • Sm-Nd Isotope Study on Late Paleozoic VOlcanic Rocks of Bieluwutu Formation,Inner Mongolia

      1994, 13(4):289-296.

      Abstract (1803) HTML (0) PDF 1.90 M (2465) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The late Carboniferous vulcanco-sedimentary sequences of Bieluwutu Formation consist mainly of tuffaceuus sediments, albite-rich rhyolite porphyry, rhyolitic tufflava,rhyodacite and andesite with minor amounts of basalt.The tectonic setting of the Bieluwutu Formatiun is a Late Paleozoic rift basin a1ong the paleocontinental margin. Sm-Nd isotopc data on albite-rich rhyolite porphyry , rhyolitic tufflava,andesite and basalt are presented in this paper. Nine whole rock samples of andesite acid basalt give an age of 275±5.2 Ma(2δ),INd=0.512143±30(2δ)and εNd(t)=-2.7±2.2(2δ),which may represent the time of mafic volcanic eruption of the Bieluwutu Formatiun. The basalt and andesite were derived from a REE-rich mantle source, and contaminated by the continental crust. The εNd(275Ma) value of the albite-rich rhyolite porphyry and rhyolite tufflava ranges from -6.3--5.4,which is much lower than that of andesite and basalt. Combined with other field and geologic evidences,the authors believe that these felsic volcanic rocks must have been originated from remelting of the continental crust during the mafic volcanic eruption of the Bieluwutu vulcano-sedimentary Formation.

    • Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic rocks within Different Tectonic settings in the Central Part of East Tianshan Mountains

      1994, 13(4):297-304.

      Abstract (1650) HTML (0) PDF 1.55 M (2357) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two kinds of volcanic rocks have been recognized in the central part of east Tianshan Mountains. One is andesitic volcanic rock along the Aqishan island arc(II2),and the other is basaltic volcanic rock in the melange zone of the Qiugemintashi trench( II1).Volcanic rock formed in each tectonic setting has its unique gcochcmical features that can be matched with the setting. Volcanic rocks in this region are comparable with the volcanic rocks formed in the region of typical tectonic settings in such aspects as major elements, trace elements and REE. Based on the different geochemical features, the authors consider that: volcanic rocks in the Aqishan island arc(II2)were mainly in conjunction with the subduction of Tulufan oceanic crust into Tarim continental crust in early Carboniferous, being mainly calc-alkaline volcanic rocks. Basaltic volcanic rock, which occurred as a piece of oceanic crust in the melange zone of the trench( II2),was mainly associated with the extension of Tulufan oceanic basin, belonging to oceanic tholeiite.

    • A Preliminary Discussion on the Genetic Type and Formation Environment of the Qianjinchang Batholith ,Southern Da Hinggan Mountains

      1994, 13(4):305-308.

      Abstract (1672) HTML (0) PDF 851.48 K (2475) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Qianjinchang batholith is characterized geochemically by Peraluminous nature, enrichmoent in LREE and possession of a medium negativc Eu anomaly.It contains a lot of xenoliths of sedimentary rocks and its emplacement resulted in very wide aureole in the host rocks.These characteristics combined with regional tectonic analysis demonstrate that the batholith was formed by partial melting of sediments during the collison stage in Late Carboniferous.

    • The Metamorphic PTt Path of Archean Granulites in Huadian Area, Jilin Province

      1994, 13(4):309-318.

      Abstract (1714) HTML (0) PDF 2.12 M (1820) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The supercrusc rocks such as basic granulites and aluminium-rich gneisses located in Huadian area,Jilin Province, have undergone the granulite facies metamorphism. According to associations and transformation relations of minerals,metamorphism of granulites can be divided into three stages, i.e.,the early amphibolite facies metamorphic stage (T=575-600℃,P=0.59 GPa),the peak granulite facies metamorphic stage(T=835℃,P=0.85 GPa),and the late amphibolite facies metamorphic stage (T=620℃,P=0.70 GPa), which make up an anticlockwise PTt path. The IBC path suggests that these metamorphic rocks were formed in island arc or active epicontinental environments.

    • Titanphlogopites from the Cenozoic Alkaline Volcanic Rock in western QinIing, Gansu province

      1994, 13(4):319-327.

      Abstract (1716) HTML (0) PDF 2.54 M (1812) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper provides a constraint for the composition and genesis of phlogopites on the basis of mineralogical and mineral-chemical studies of titanphlogopites from the Cenozoic volcanic rock and its mantle xenoliths in Western Qinling, Gansu province, in combination with data from high pressure experiments of phlogopites and minettes. The results show that these phlogopites belong to a transitional group in chemical composition, being different from phlogopites from kimberlites, lamproites and minettes. The megacrystalline and macrocrystalline phlogopites from the Cenozoic volcanic rock of Western Qinling are of the early crystallization phase under the conditions of some 1300℃,30×10-8 Pa, and rich CO2 and H20 in the mantle. Microcrystalline phlogopites may be a product of rapid chilling near liquidus. The genesis of the phlogopites in peridotites and gluboles seems to be related to fluid metasomatism, and the appearance of titanphlogopites further indicates that the Cenozoic volcanic rock originated from the metasomatic mantle with metasomatic fluids rich in incompatible elements K, Na and Ti and volatiles C02 and H2O.

    • Yuanfuliite--A New Borate Mineral

      1994, 13(4):328-334.

      Abstract (2134) HTML (0) PDF 1.28 M (2375) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Yuanfuliite, a new mineral named after Prof.Yuan Fuli (1893一1987),was discovered in the Zhuanmiao boron deposit, Kuandian County, Liaoning Prowince. It is a borate mineral rich in such components as Mg, Fe3+,Al3+ and Ti4+.The mineral is black and has brownish black streak.It is nearly opaque with adamantine to submetallic luster. Reflection color light grey. Internal reflection dark reddish brown. Anisotropism weak. Pleochroism dark red to dark brown. Tiny prismatic crystals about O.1×0.2×l mm. Its crystallochemical formula is(Mg0.91Fe2+0.09)(Fe3+0.56 Al3+0.19 Mg0.17Ti0.11Fe2+0.10)1.13(B0.92O3.00). Space group Pnam; a=9.258(6)A,b=9.351(4)A,c=3.081(2)A,V=266.8(2)A,Z=4.D=3.80 g/cm3, H=5一6,VHN50=843 kg/mm2. Cleavage {100} perfect. Infrared absorption bands; 1387,1201,1029,951,733,600,510 and 908 cm-1. Mossbauer studies show that Fe3+ has occupied the M(1),and Fe2+ the M(1)and M(2)respectively. Yuanfuliite is the Fe3+-dominant analogue of warwickite.

    • A Study of New Polytypes in the Calcium Rare-Earth Fluoro-carbonate Minerals under High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope

      1994, 13(4):335-341.

      Abstract (1601) HTML (0) PDF 2.00 M (2407) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mixeod-later strucure in the calcium rare-earth fluorocarbonate mineral series has been studied with high resolution electron microscopy(HREM). Five new polytypes, i.e.,B5S2-1H and 3R, B5S4-3R and 6R,B18S10-1H, were discovered in the crystal structure of parisite(BS). For the five new polytypes, the electron diffraction regularity, the crystal structural type and the space symmetry were determined. The complicacy of metallogenic geological environment during the crystallization of new polytypes in the regularr mixedlayer mineral of the type BmSn(m>n) has been revealed by means of the solected area electron diffraction SAED)and HREM.The results show that these regular mixed-layer minerals and new polytypes are usually found coexisting in one natural grain of parisite as the syntactic intergrowth. However, the regular mixed-layer minerals and new polytypes with long-peried ordered stacking sequence are much fewer than those short-period disorder stacking sequence. These new polytypes can be considered as containing layer of bastnaesite(B)and synchisite(S)in the series by ordercd stacking in varying proportions along c axis.

    • Garnets of Grossular一Andraditend Series: Their Characteristics and Metasomatic Mechanism

      1994, 13(4):342-352.

      Abstract (2823) HTML (0) PDF 2.56 M (2035) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on field work in fourteen typical ore districts of China, the author made experiments on contact metasomatism of ultrabasic-acid intrusive rocks with carbonate rocks, interaction between volcanic pneumatolyto-hydrothermal solution and volcanic rocks, and metasomatism in the process of sedimentary metamorphism and migmatizatiun. The results show that hibschite, hydrogrossular, grossular, amlradite and their transitional minerals hibschite-hydrogrossular, hydrugrossular-grossular and grossular-andradite might be formed in aqueous solution with K, Na halides of different concentrations and pH 4.0-11.0 under the conditions of 350-700℃, 300×105-1400 ×lO5 Pa and log fO2-- -28 .637- -16.514. The main optical properties of these minerals were determined by such methods as microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis and infrared absorption spcctromctry.Finally, their formation mechanism was revealed through an analysis of p hysicochemical conditions.

    • Typomorphic Characteristics of Chemical Composition of Chromo-alumino-mica from Gold Deposits of Jiaojia Type

      1994, 13(4):353-361.

      Abstract (1757) HTML (0) PDF 2.10 M (1941) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Detailed investigations into typomorphic characteristics of chemical composition of chrome micas from gold deposits of Jiaojia type in Jiaodong area show that high contents of Cr,Ni,V,Ti,Mg and Fe in octahedral sites and Si in tetrahedral sites and low content of K in interlavers of chrome micas were all in favour of hydrothermal alteration and gave rise to,gold mineralization.The association of chrome micas formed at the main oreforming stage with electrum,pyrite,ankerite and quartz in orebodides serves as a good indicator of the precipitation of gold from auriferous hydrothermal fluids. Sericite formed at the early oreforming stage is widely distributed in altered rocks;muscovite formed at the late transitional(diagenetic-metallogenetic)stage is obsorved near orebodies.The complete evolution from muse vite through sericite to chrome micas existed in the new subgroup of Cr-Al series which had been developed on the basis of the subgroup of Al series known nas muscovite in natural mica.and this also finds expression in the reduction of grain size,decrease of K content and increase of H2O content in interlayers,and increase of Si in tetrahedral sites and Cr,Ni,V,Ti,Mg and Fe in octahedral sites, indicating strong hydrothermal alteration and intense,gold mineralization. The uniform, persistent and continued mineralization in the same Jiaojia type gold deposit suggests the continuity and completeness from the rock-forming process to the ore-forming process.

    • Typomorpic Characteristics of Bameng Stibnite and Genesis of the Ore Deposit

      1994, 13(4):362-369.

      Abstract (2199) HTML (0) PDF 1.60 M (2438) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Bameng antimony deposit located in southeastern Guizhou is a medium-size vein type deposit, with its orebodies controlled by the NE- and NNE-trending faults that belong to the subsidiary fractures of the Songtao-Rongjiang deep faulted zone. The present paper deals mainly with typomorphic characteristics of stibnite, the most important ore mineral in the deposit, in such aspects as chemical composition, physical property, optical propeity, crystal structure, isotopic composition and quartz inclusions, with a discussion given on the genesis of the Bameng antimony deposit. Typumorphic studies show that the stibnite is rich in Pb and poor in As, Hg and Ag,and its unit cell parameter a0 is larger than b0,attributed probably to the reason that Pb2+ has occupied some lattice sites of Sb3+ in a0 direction. Surfur and lead isotopic data have led the author to consider that the ore-forming materials were mainly derived from the wall rock--epimetamorphic rock of Xiajian Group. Fluid inclusion studies show that the ore-forming solution of the Bameng antimony deposit must have been a kind of meteoric hydrothermal solution with low salinity and weak acidity. It is therefore concluded that the Bameng antimony deposit is of meteoric hydrothermal vein type.

    • Prospecting Mineralogy of Quartz from the Jiehe Gold Deposit,Shandong Province

      1994, 13(4):370-378.

      Abstract (1873) HTML (0) PDF 1.76 M (2414) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Quartz from the Jiehe gold deposits of Shaddong Province was studied in such aspects as chemical composition, unit cell parameters, spontaneous thermoluminescence, infrared absorption spectra, inclusions and oxygen isotopic analyses, and the following results have been obtained; it is rich in Al, K,Na and has high content of impurities; a0 and c0 are both larger than the theoretic values; except for quartz from Guojialing granodiorite, spontaneous thermoluminescent analyses are all of bimodal type, with the intensity growing from I to III metallogenic stage; D2/D1 of infrared absorption spectra increases in order of 0.17->0.17->0.28 from barren rock through lean ore to rich ore; inclusions are rich in K,Na, Cl, F, CO2 and H2O, with pH being 7.08-7.13 and Eh -6.1 - -6.2 V, indicating that they were formed under the neutral to somewhat alkaline reducing conditions which were favorable for gold precipitaEion; oxygen isotopes vary in a narrow range(11 .07‰-11.57‰),exhibiting characteristics of both magmatic water and meteoric water, with magmatic water being dominant. Mineralogic mapping based on integral intensity shows that orebodies are all included in the area of integral intensity larger than 4,and that>10 indicates rich ore whereas <4 means wall rocks. Orebodies expand and branch toward the depth. Accordiaig to the map, three orebodies were predicted, of which the largest one some 110m from the principal fault has been proved to be true. Mapping based on spontaneous thermoluminescent integral intensity of quartz has the advantages of saving labor, time and money, and can thus be widely used in the prospecting for altered rock type gold deposits and other ore deposits.

    • The Mode of Occurrence of Associated Gold in the Funiushan Copper Deposit,Jiangsu Province

      1994, 13(4):379-382.

      Abstract (2050) HTML (0) PDF 934.14 K (2392) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Funiushan ore deposit is a gold-bearing skarn type copper deposit with the average grade of associated gold being 0.36 g/t and that of associated silver being l2.45 g/t. Fairly detailed studies have been made on the mode of occurence of associated gold by using various analytical methods such as correlation analysis, partition calculation, ore microscopic observation, transmission electron microscopy, separate dissolution and phase analysis. The results show that the presence of gold is closely related to chalcopyrite, and that gold occurs in three forms, i.e. microscopic gold, submicroscopic gold and a small amount of lattice gold, with the last two forms mainly existent in pyrite.

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