Guo Hongzhong , Zhang Zhaochong Department of Geology , Peking University Institute of Ceology , Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
1992, 11(3):193-204.
Abstract:The Mesozoic volcanic rocks玩western Liaoning Province which include those of the Xinglonggou cycle, the Lanqi cycle and the Yixian cycle, are mainly distributed in the Yarn-liao platformal fold belt. These rocks chaia- cterized by having SiO2 of 60.2% (average),staiad.ard alumina and high Na20 content plot inn the range between the alkali-lime series and the weak- alkali series. In addition, their REE total.contents(∑ REE+Y) and europium negative anomaly are lower ahd Isr is from 0 .70546 to 0.70653. From the petrochemical point of view, these rocks are. similar the Archean metamor- phic rocks of the Jianping Group, which are their basement and source area. So it can be said that there is a gehetic connection between them. The results calculated using the binary mixed formula proposed by G. Faure, in which the Archea,n metamorphic rocks of the Jianping Group and depleted mantle are thoughit to be the end members, show that the Mesozoic volcanic rocks in western Liaoning are derived from the metamorphic rocks of the Jianping Group (65.8% -82.1%)and depleted mahtle ( 34.2% -17. 9% ) Therefoxe, we shall come to the conclusion that the volcanic rocks were mainly formed by partial melting of source materials-the late Archean meta- morphic rocks of the Jianping Group, and belong genetically to the unmatu- red crust remelting type.
Zhao Yushen Geological Team , BGMR of Anhui Province , Maanshan ,
1992, 11(3):225-238.
Abstract:The Nanjing-Wuhu volcanic basin is bounded by the faults stretching mainly in nearly NE and NW directions. Its western boundary, a tension- shearirng fault, is the Yangtze fragmented zone,developed prior to early Tertiary and, with relatively shallow dissection. The eastern boundary, a compresion-shearing fcult, is the Fangshaa-Xiaodasiyang fault, cutting deep- 1y. As the youngest in age, the northern and southern limits belong to the shearing f ault. The volcanic eruption of Cenozoic basalts is considered to be controlled by the characteristics and tectonic evolution of boundary faults, It may be divided into 3 stages: The first eruption occurred during early Tertiary along the Yangtze fragmented zone with a shallower dissection, resulting in the formation of the high-aluminium basalt to the tholeiite. The second took place during late Tertiary along the Fangshan-Xiaodanyang fault, producing the phonolitic tephrite followed,by the alkali-olivine basalt, which are cha- racterized by the presence of the inclusions of mantle-peridotite and the blocks of underlying rocks, hence implying quite a deep magmatic source. The thin d eruption occurred in early Pleistocene and was controlled by inter- section of NW- and EW-trending faults, forming the aitanium-rich phonoli- tic tephr ite. According to the calculating balance of basalts, it is rather difficult to find diamond in these basalts, but a few depth-derived blocks obtained from basalt pipes here indicate that the boundary fault zones may be a possible target for prospecting iron ore-deposits at lower levels in the Nanjing-Wuhu volcanic basin.
Wang Yanguo , Huang Wankang Institute of Metal Research , Academia Sinica , Shenyang Guangzhou Branch of Institute of Geochemistry , Academia Sinica , Guangzhou
1992, 11(3):239-242.
Abstract:Thle 13 .5A and 22.5 A blocks along a-axis of pyroxeaies from Qingzhen chondrite and auorthosite were observed under HRTEM. This kind of odd- layered stackihg sequence arises from the stacking faults of Si-O chains in pyroxenes in the process of phase transformation. According to different stacking faults of Si-O chains, the 13.5 A blocks could be arranged as Si(A) Si(B)Si(B`)Si(A)and Si(B)Si(A)Si(A)Si(B),with the former belonging to the orthorhombic system while the latter to the monoclinic system. In orthopy- roxeae from anorthosite, the 13·5A, + 22.5A blocks were transformed to orthopyroxene+clinopyroxene, which is considered, to have resulted from the change of Si(A)<=>Si (B').
Liu Changshi , Xue Jiyue , Zhang Gendi , Shen Weizhou , Chen Fanrong , Zhang Fusheng Department of Earth Sciences , Nanjing University , Nanjing Center of Material Analysis , Nanjing University , Nanjing
1992, 11(3):243-251.
Abstract:The Upper Jurassic porphyroclastic lava exposed in Xiangshan area, Jiangxi Province,usually contains certain amounts of almandite and andalusite which crystallized from magma as accessory constituents. Geochemically, it shows many characteristics of S-type volcanic rocks and has Nd, Sr, O iso- topic compositions. Optical and X-ray powder diffraction determinations indicate that the K-feldspar in porphyroclastic lava is mainly high orthoclase or low sanidine, with optic angles (-2V) ranging from 40ºto 53º,All occupancies at t1 9O)sites from 0.36 to 0.38 and degree of order δ' from -0.32 to 0.11. It is seen under TEM that exsolved fine albite lamellae are formed by the decom-position process of coherent spinodal with the compositional wave-length about 50一10pnm, whereas wide albite lamellae are formed by strain-free exsolution with lamella width some 50-200 nm. These data suggest that the Xiangshan porphyroclastic lava was formed in environment rather than plutonic environment. seen under TEM thatposition process of coherent spinodal with‘ the compositio3zal wave-length . than plutonic envi.roumeut. was volcanic environment rather
Ni Yunxiang , Yang Yueqing Institute of Mineral Deposits , Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences , Beijing
1992, 11(3):252-257.
Abstract:Vayrynenite, a very rare beryllium mineral, has been recognized only in a few localities abroad (e. g. in Viianiemi pegmatite, Fihland). In China, the mineral was first found by the authors in 1984. Occurring within the quartz-muscovite-spodumene pegmatite (Type IV ) of the Nanping rare metal granite pegmatite field, Fujian Province, it can be seen in fissures of coarse primary beryl, being a product of late hydrothermal activity of the pegmatite.This paper systematically studies mineralogy of the Nanping vaeyrynenite,including its mode of occurrence, paragenetic association, physical and optical properties, chemical composition, X-ray diffraction pattern and infrared absorption spectrum. The distinctive features of this mineral for its identification are also indicated.
Yao Jingqu Central South Metallurgical-Geological Institute , Yichang
1992, 11(3):257-266.
Abstract:Sedimento-metamorphic manganese deposits within Tiantaishan Forma-tion of Lower Proterozoic Hongan Group in northeastern Hubei are of theoldest manganese deposits in China. Primary ores, consisting of rhodochrosite,kutnohorite, spessartine, jakobsite and bixbyite, were formed by si, Al-bear-ing manganese carbonate sediments through regional high-pressure dynamic metamorphism in Jinning Period. During the supergene process, primary oreswere converted into oxidized ores comprising todorokite, hollandite, rancieite and pyrolusite which make up a manganese stain type mineral association. The formation of the manganese deposits has experienced sedimentary,metamorphic and supergene stages. The sedimentary stage laid. the material foundation of these deposits; metamorphism changed the modes of occurrence of major elements and, in particular, coarsened the grain size of manga-nese and phosphorous minerals, which benefits the separation of P from Mn in the process of ore dressing: In the supergene process, Mn was further enriched, thus raising the grade of manganese ores.
Jiang Jiaji , Huang Wenying China University of Geosciences , Beijing
1992, 11(3):267-272.
Abstract:Stannite is a sulfide mineral with complex structure, belonging to the Cu-Sn--Fe-S system. Stannite samples were collected from four places in South China. Electron microprobe analysis was performed for its chemical composition. X-ray diffraction analyses show that its unit cell parameters are a= 5.4531 (5) A and c= 10.7470 (7) A, belonging to tetragonal system with space group 142m. Mossbauer parameters of Sn and Fe in stannite from four different localities indicate that IS values and QS values are respectively1.34-1.49 mm/s and 0.36--0.50 mm/s for Sn, suggesting Sn4+ of tetrahedra,and are respectively 0.588-0.596 mm/s and 2.900-2.911 mm/s for Fe,suggesting Fe2+ of tetrahedra. Sn, Fe cations only occupy one sort of crystal-lographic sites. Stannite from these places are enriched in Zn, which exists in the form of isomorphous replacement of Fe.
Liu Yushan , Zhang Guilan Institute of Mineral Deposits , Chinese Acedemy of Geological Sciences , Beijing ,
1992, 11(3):277-283.
Liu Delin No. Geological Party , Anhui Bureau of Geology , Mineral Resources
1992, 11(3):277-283.
Abstract:There have been 40 Rittmann factors, which can not fully satisfy the needs in practical use. The Rittmann principle of stable mineral composition might be employed to calculate mineral conversion factors and also to evaluate approximate values of petrological rocks. As a result, two mineral conversion factors have been added to the list: kaolinite 1.02; anhydrite 1.19.