Geng Yuansheng Shen Qihan Chen Tao
1990, 9(3):193-202.
Abstract:Charnockites in Qianan-Qianxi area, Eastern Hebei province, range from intermediate to felsic end members in chemical composition. Al2O3, TFeO, CaO, Na2O and TiO2 decrease in a linear fashion with increasing SiO2. The trends indicate that the source rocks of charnockites are mainly igneous rocks. Geochemical and field data indicate that the igneous reeks were transformed into charnockite protoliths by partial melting. In the course of partial melting the garnet, hornblende and plagioclase were important mineral phases. The degree of hornblende and garnet fractionation played an important role for the fractionation of light and heavy REE, on the other hand, plagioclase and hornblende affected mainly Eu behaviour in the charnockite protoliths. Charnoekitism (granulite facies metamorphism) took place right after the emplacement of the charnoekite protoliths, during the charnorkitism, rich-CO2 fluid extracted large ion lithophile(LIL)elements and H2O from the charnockite protoliths, consequently, hydrogeneous minerals (biotite and hornblende) were dewatered and transformed into anhydrogeneous minerals (hypersthene and diopside), eventually, charnockites were formed. The charnockites in the north part of this area deplete large ion lithophile elements and REE content is lower, whereas, the chacnockites in the south part of the area are enriched these elements and REE content is higher. The differences are related to both of the composition of the protoliths and fluid discharge and CO2/H2O ratio in the fluid resulted by the emplacement of the protoliths in differently tectonic conditions.
1990, 9(3):203-212.
Abstract:There are three NNE trend rock belts from west to east and their intrusive ages, intrusive position as well as lithologic characters appeared as of systematic evolution. There are many xenolithes in the initial petrographic facies, such as wall rock, deep seated crystal base and ultramafic rock xenolith from mantle. These imply the possible occurrence of the difficult melting residue from deeper source in the Complex. The C.A.index of the Complex is 57.6 and AFM diagram indicates thet Fe. Mg decreased and alkaline increased with time. The chondrite-normalized REE pattern of rocks is rich in LREE, (La/Yb)N =11.27, δEu=1.07-1.15.δ18O values of whole rock range from 8.2 to 8.8. δD of magmatic water is from -45 to -68 and δ180 of magmatic water ranges from 7.7 to 9.2, reflecting original magmatic water s characters. The rocks show low Rb and high Sr values and initial strotium ratio ranges from 0.7053 to 0.7064. The geochemical characters of the Complex and their consistency imply an information that the magma meteriaIs may be derived from uniform deeper source. It is possible that the source is situated in the Lower level of lower-crust according to the residue of ultramafic xenolith from the mantle-source. As a result of activation the Taihang fault-block in Mesozoic in North China Plate, the slabs of the mantle diapir penetrated and underwent partly melting. By batch melting and progressive magma intrusion, the Han Xing Complex was composed of the evolutional sequence from basic, intermediate to alkaline in order of age.
1990, 9(3):213-223.
Abstract:In this paper, the Late-Jurassic basalt-andesite from Hatumohe Western Mount of Inner Mongolia are studies in the petrology, the mineral chemistry and the geochemistry of the rare carth elements. On the basis of the data, the basaltandesite may be incorporated into high-aluminium basalt series and is rich in silica, alkali, LREE, and poor in Fe The clinopyroxene phenocryst was crystallized under the low pressure condition. The basalt-andesite magma was derived from partical melting of upper mantle. The cyclothemic formation of amygdaloidal (base) and massive (top) basalt andesite is formed to be depended on the variety of oxygen fugacity and volatile component.
1990, 9(3):224-233.
Abstract:The magmatites are divided into two diagenetic series in Gejiu area according to magma source, lithofacies, physicochemical characteristics,and genetic coane- ction. They are mantle source differentiation and crust source remeltiag. Mantle source differentiation series experience as evolution from volcanic rock stage to intrusive rock stage. Volcanic stage means the evolution of tholeiites-high-alumina basalts-alkalibasalts. And intrusive rock stage means the evolution of basic rocks-alkaline rocks-porphyry veins. Crust source remelting series contains only anatectic magma stage. It experience the development processes from contaminated granite (porphyritic) to intrusive one (granular texture).
1990, 9(3):234-244.
Abstract:Detailed studies have been made on composition and characteristics of clay minerals as well as kaolinization process of feldspar in the Longyan weathe- ring type kaolin deposit of Fujian province by means of X-ray diffraction, infrared absorption spectrometry, analytical electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and chemical analysis. The results suggest that the weathering profile of the granite shows distinct vertical zonality and can be divided in downward succession into three zones, i. e.,strongly weathering, weakly weathering and parent rock zones, which make up a typical weathering crust formed by in-situ weathering of the parent rock. The clay minerals in the kaolin deposit are rather simple and consist mainly of kaolin minerals (kaolinite as well as 7A and/or 10A halloysite) and hydromuscovite. Each weathering zone has its own characteristic clay mineral assemblage: the strongly weathering zone and the weakly weathering zone are noted respectively for kaolin mineral-hydromuscovite assemblage and hydromuscovite-kaolin mineral assemblage. The difference in clay mineral composition indicates kaolinization degrees of feldspar at different stages. Studies show that kaolinite in the Longyan kaolin deposit is poorly crystallized and generally assumes irregular flaky form. Book-shaped kaolinite after pseudo- morph of feldspar and large flaky crystals after pseudomorph of mica can also be recognized with grain size generally larger than 2}m. Halloysite is of 7A and/or 10A type and is mostly less than 2μm in granularity;it is characterized by diversity in shape with the tubular form being most common. The apparent unrolling and longitudinal fracturing displayed by many tubules are related to dehydration of halloysite. The conversion of feldspar into kaolin minerals results from the following process: First there is a continuous transformation Series from subspaerical amorphous allophane through spherical or tubular halloysite to hexagonal flaky kaolinite; second,some feldspar is directly altered into kaolin minerals either by solid-state transformation or by crystallization from solutions that have filled etch pits in feldspar. The muscovite-kaolinite transition may take place directly. forming kaolinite after pseudomorph of biotite.
1990, 9(3):244-254.
Abstract:The Dapo kaolin deposit in Guangdong province is of weathering residual type of granite. Kaolin ores have considerable reserves and possess good quality with, especially, very high natural whiteness; they therefore can be used as excellent materials for papermaking. Mineral composition of kaolin is simple and consists mainly of kaolinite and quartz with small amounts of illite and montmorillonite as well as negligible halloysite. Kaolinite makes up 43% and quartz 47% in samples less than 320 mesh and to 91% in the coating kaolin Iess than 2μm in size in which quartz content decreases to <1%or so. There is an evident difference in grain-size distribution between kaolinite and quartz, and the latter is mainly concentrated in grain size over 45pm, which is very favorable for ore dressing. Chemical analyses of kaolin are AI203 31.71%,SiO2 55.71%,Ti02 0.14%,Fe203 0.19%,K20 0.06% and Ig. loss 11.02% for samples below 320 mesh, and A1203 37.76%,SiO2 44.87%,TiO2 0.O1%,Fe203 0.58%,K2O 0.07% and Ig. loss 14.22% for coating kaolin below 2}m in size. The simple chemical composition and very low content of impurities such as Fe209 and Ti02 account for the purity of ores and high whiteness of kaolin. Studies show that mineral composition of the Dapo kaolin deposit is quite fit for papermaking. Kaolinite has high degree of order and regular crystal form, causing kaolin to have good quality of coating. The papermaking coating experi-went of Dapo kaolin samples indicates that the costing paper has rather high smoothness, suggesting that the Dapo kaolin is a good-quality raw material for papermaking.
1990, 9(3):255-262.
Abstract:A calculating method for oxygen fugacity of paragenetic clinopyroxene-garnet pair is established on the basis of data obtained from the major types of skarn ore deposits in combination with experimental results of Ca-Fe-Si-C-O system and by means of thermodynamic calculation for solid solution of the paragenetic minerals. A study of major types of skarns in China suggests that different metallizations and skarns occur in different environments of oxygen fugacity and show different variation trends of oxygen fugacity and diverse effects of temperature-oxygen fugacity. The paragenetic clinopyroxene-garnet pair is as effective indicator for the oxygen fugacity and acidity of ore--forming fluids and helps to discriminating between metallization types of skarns.
1990, 9(3):265-274.
Abstract:Based on the synthesis of the major minerals in the matte-heazlewoodite and chalcocite,this paper, using varied means of detemination as X-ray powder diffraction analysis,electron probe analysis and electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis,expounds the examination of the occurrence state of Ni and Cu ions in the crystal structure of heazlewoodite. Studies show that nickel exists as Nit+and metallic atom in heazlewoodite, so that the existence of metal-metal bonds of Ni3S2 is confirmed. Copper has entered the crystal lattice of heazlewoodite in the form of Cu+ which partly replaces Ni2+. The unit cell dimensions of heazlewoodite containing copper in the solid solution are larger than those of heazlewoodite not containing copper, with the increments being。0. 0426A and c 0.0597A .Electron microprobe analysis shows that heazlewoodite contains 1.63 wt% Cu in solid solution at low temperature.
1990, 9(3):275-282.
Abstract:If We mix the microsample to be determined and the standard sample with known δ value, We Can deduce the calculation formulae for mining of different ratios or equal ratio according to equilibrium relationship before and after the mixing: δsA=(δSA + re -Xreδ)/XSA or δSA=2δSA + re -δre Based on this principle, the author advances a new stable isotope analytical method for mixed model of microsa mples (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur). Experiments shnw that if onlv the hiehlv pure microsa male is mixed with the standard sample and the operation procedure is correct, the d value obtained will meet the require ment of accuracy.This suggests the feasibility of this method. The present paper reports for the first time in China the δ15N value of atmosphe- ric nitrogen,which is entirely coasistant with the internationally established conclusion that δ15N value of the atmospheric nitrogen is zero.Finally,some problems worth further consideration are pointed out.