1988, 7(4):289-298.
Abstract:As far as the genesis of Sibao granodiorites in North Guangxi is concerned, the granodiorites are believed as differentiated granites derived from the mantle by Mo Zhusun(1980)and Wang Dezi (1982),and are regarded as I type gran- ites which were made up of a pair of granite belts with, the S type biotite granite at the southern margin of Yangtze massif by Zhao Zijie (1985) and Peng Daliang (1986).This paper describes the results of petrological,mieralo- gical.geochemical, trace element and isotope study of the granodiorites, Com- bining above the results with the regional geological evolution and the study on radiometric ages of the granodiorites,authors suggest a new idea, the gra- nodiorites are a mixed source type granite mai}My derived from the crust and less from the mantle in stead of differentiated granite derived from the ma- ntle or typical I type granite.
Zone in Yi Lian , Mu Dan Jiang , Hei Long Jiang Bai Jingwen Wang Wenxing Zhang Hairi
1988, 7(4):298-308.
Abstract:The glaucophane schists in Hei Long Jiang group occur in lower part of metabasalt, Protolith types of glaucophane schists are,basalt, silicic rocl marl, In the glaucophane green schist facies, there are several rock types,various green schists, quartzites, stilpnomelane-plagioclase leptynites, stilp-nomelane rock, glaucophane-epidote-a.lbite Schists, ehidote-glaucophane-muscovite schis- ts, muscovite-glaucophane schists, stilpnomelane-bearinn calcitemuscovite- glau-cophane schists, stilpnomelane-bearing glaucophane quartzites and so on, The glaucophane in schists is the crossite,which is divivded into three generations, the first has radial and needle-like crystal, as inclusions occured in albite and calcite; the second is the crystals of long prism showing various orientations and has been surrouded by the schistosity;the third has nee- dle and hair crystals which identify with the schistositp, The material ment- Toned above indicates that the glaucophane growth is not only different in time, but diversity for their forming conditions in the physics and chemistry, which were changing then. The majority of the white mica is phengite, 2v values are much less than 35º,the average values of "bº" is equal to 9,045A,which represents more high-pressure metamorphic conditions. The minerals described above constitute a typical high-pressure series, These minerals have mainly been associated witih those in green schist faci- es, It represents aglaucophane green schist facies.
1988, 7(4):309-317.
Abstract:The investigated district is located in the middle of the Micang Mountains at the juncture of southern Shanxi and northwestern Sichuan. The bottom Stratum in this district is proterozoic metamorphic rocks (Hadiya Group). From top to bottom,there are Tiechuanshan Formation, Mawozi Forma- tion and Houhe Formation, intruded and separated by basic and acidic magmas of the Jinning stage. They are distributed discontinuously. Assimilation, cotami- nation and metasomatism are clear along the contact zone of basic bodies with siliceous dolomite and in places where basic bodies contain more xenolithes of siliceous dolomite. The amphibolites are distributed along the contact zone and found in the intrusive bodies with large quantities of siliceous dolomite xeno- lith, and the tatter is larger in scale than the former. Among the main kinds of amphibolite such as diopside amphibolite, olivine diopside amphibolite, feldspa- thic amphibolite and amphibolite etc, diopside mpahibolite is the leading and most important kind. In the past the cause of the forma ion of amphibolite in this district was thought to be the products of crystallization of differentiation of basic and intermediate magmas. After conscien tiously researching both in the field and in the laboratory the present writer puts forward the theory that amphibolite in the district is the result of" assimilation-contam- ination-metasomatism".
1988, 7(4):318-325.
Abstract:Discussing practically and theoretically the tectonogeochemical diagrams given by J. A. Pearce and others to identify basaltoids forming tectonic setting, the paper suggests, the diagrams are mainly the distinquishion diagrams of rock types, and the principle reason why the diagrams can't certainly identify the tectonic setting is that there isn't complete mirror relationship between the tectonic setting and basalt-forming conditions. The diagrams should be used with caution.
1988, 7(4):325-332.
Abstract:Cosmic spherules were discovered among artificial heavy mineral grains in Changzhogou formation, Taoyuan, Lunxian;Changzhogou, Jixian of Hebei and the Ming Tombs, District of Beijing. Precambrian conglomerates and sandstones are one hosted rocks of cosmic spherules. Characteristics of surficial texture and compositions of cosmic spherules are similar to the recent deep-sea cosmic spherules.The spherules generally can be divided into three kinds: ferric, silicateferric and silico-glassy, but the most of them is ferric. Cosmic spherules are formed as globular, spheriod, droplet and hollow spherule etc. Commonly globular iron spherules are characterized by distinctive surficial texture, for example, wrinkled, impact crater, air hole, droplet and double colour sphere. The diameters of spherules range from 0.064 to 0. 27 mm. They are opaque spherules with black, metallic, luster, strong magnetic, friability and fracture uneven, but silicate-iron cosmic spherules are unknown in these area.Interior texture of the spherules can be divided into core, solid spehrule and hollow spherule. The core generally is made of Fe-Ni, but Some core of spherules without Ni. One of the characteritics is different distribution of elements in core and crust of spherules.Author supposed that most of the cosmic spherules might be the droplets sprayed from the fusion crust of a meteorite as it ablates by grazing in atmo sphere.
1988, 7(4):337-347.
Abstract:Jinduicheng granitoids and the it related porphyry Mo deposits lie within the Henan-Shanxi faulted-upwarping area along the southern edge of the Sino-Korean paraplatform. The Yenshanian granitoids (124 to 130 Ma) consist of Laoneushan biotite monzonitic granite batholith and Shijiawan-Jinduicheng granite porphyries.The Laoneushan granite body intruded into gneiss of Archean Taihua Group and meta-spilite of Proterozoic Xionger Group, with an exposed area of some 440 km~2. The Shijiawan granite porphyry intruded into meta-spilite of Xionger Group and metamorphic quartz sandstone as well as quartzite of Gashanhe Formation. The Jinduicheng granite porphyry intruded into meta-spilite of Xionger Group. Those granite porphyries are all less than 1 km~2 in size. Mineralogical studies show that not only can the structure state and composition of plagioclase and K-Na-feldspar provide the information on origin and evolution of granitoids, but these minerals themselves might act as Mo-carrier as well. Along with wide and strong hydrothermal alterations of post-granite porphyry period, Mo released from the Mo-carrier was superimposed on the original Mo stockworks, forming high-grade ores of granite type. In addition, the F-, HREE-rich biotite with distinct negative Eu anomaly can be taken as a useful indicator mineral for Mo ore prospecting in granitoid areas.
1988, 7(4):347-355.
Abstract:Calcites are dominant gangue minerals in the Fankou lead-zinc deposit and were formed at three stages, The studies in such aspects as chemical composition, cell paramQters, physical characters, carbon-oxygen isotopes, fluid inclusions and thermoluminescences demonstrate that the calcite formed dur- . ing the iron-lead-zinc sulfide stage is different from that formed in pre- or post-mineralization periods in that the f ormer contains more manganese and has shorter axes and slightly higher specific Uravity, hardness, and refractive indices. In addition, δ13CpDB(%0)of the former calcite varies from-5.25 to-8.15, homogeneous temperatures range from 163℃ to 219℃,and ATL/NTL ratios are distinctly greater, It is obvious from these results that the mineralization in the Fankou lead-zinc deposit is related to the hydrothermal process.
1988, 7(4):355-361.
Abstract:Manganbabingtonite was first discovered by Soviet geologists in 1966,and it was found for the first time in China by the authors in,983 during their investigation of the Baiyinnuo Pb-Zn deposit in Baliny"ouqi, Inner Mongolia. Manganbabingtonite is columnar or granular in form, with the size of grains being 0.05-0.1 mm. It is transparent-subtransparent and is brownish gre- en-blackish green in color, It五as glassy Luster and is crisp in nature with, Mohs hardness about 6 and specific gravity 3.35. Optical properties; high po- sitive relief ; distinct pleochroism, Np green, Nm brownish yellow and Ng yellowish. green;c∧Np“31-47º;negative elongation,(+)2V=68º;Ng=1.745,Nm =1.727, Np=1.715;triclinic system, with space group Pl,a0=7.482A,b0=11.591A,C0= 6.694A,a=91º73',β== 93º58',γ=104º55'。Manganbabingtonite in this deposit, which was formed probably at the hydrothermal stage, is distributed along the fissures of Mn- and F e-bearing salite skarn,
1988, 7(4):361-367.
Abstract:The Xujiashan stratabound antimony deposit occurs along the interstratal compressive fractured zone of silicified limestone in the carbonate rocks of Upper Sinian Doushantuo and Dengying Formation, The typomorphic study of stibnite from this deposit includes mode of occurrence, chemical composi- tion, physical properties, mineral inclusions and isotopic compositions of sulfur, oxygen and dispersed lead. The data obtained provide some information and typomorphic characteri- sties for the type of the deposit and the origin of stibnite. Relatively systematic data on chemical composition,trace element conte- nts, unit cell parameter, some physical properties and isotopic compositions of sulfur, oxygen and dispersed lead in stibnite from this deposit are given in this paper. our research on stibnite of metallogenic stage I and TI has yielded the following results; 1. The stibnite metallization might be divided into synsedirnentary metal- logenic period(I)and metallogenic period(II)of underground hydrothermal transformation and enrichment, and the latter czn be subdivided into four me- tallogenic stages, II1, II2,II3 and II4. 2. The stibnite contains rather high selenium and arsenic(Se=0.08-1.95% and As=0.078-0.118%). 3. The unit cell parameters of stibnite are given in Table 3. 4. Stibnites all have positive 8345 values (varying from+12.1 to+14.2%) and are characterized by the enrichment in heavy sulfur isotopes, Sulfur in the stibnite is derived from sedimentary sow-ces.
1988, 7(4):368-374.
Abstract:There had been no previous papers reporting the occurrence of arsenic in mercury ore in the form of simple mineral-native arsenic in China. In 1985, however, the a}.ithor discovered spherulitic native arsenic of hydrothermal orl- gin in the Bashan mercury deposit of Chadian area, Guizhou province, which is within the Hunan-Guizhou mercury ore belt. The native arsenic occurs in strongly silicified dolomitic 1imestone of Lo- wer Cambrian Qingxudong Formation(€31)and is associated with cinnabar and stibnite, The ore deposit displays obvious stratabound and hydrothermal trans- formation characteristics, and the near-ore wall rock alterations consist mainly of silicification,baritization, calcitization and pyritization, The native arsenic crystallized and precipitated at the early hydrothermal silicification stage. The native arsenic takes the grayish black spherulitic form, like pisolites for the larger ones and strawberry balls for the smaller ones, The tin-colored fresh fractures are liable to become dark in the air, The measured density of native arsenic Dm=5.61;Hvioog=115, Hv10g=120;Ro(Rg) -40.7(544nm). By using Dmax-IIIB diffractometer, it is determined that the native arsenic i5 of trigonal system, with ao=bo=3.761a,co=10.628A,a=β=90º,γ=120º. The d values of strong diffraction peaks include 3.517A(003),2.767A(012), 2.045A(104),1.875A(110),1.765A(006)and 1.554A(202),and the main infra- red absorption spectral bands have wave number 800, 590, 475cm-1 etc. The electron microprobe analysis shows its chemical composition to be As=97.99一99.77, Sb=0.03-0.56, Hg=0.11-0.88 and S=0.09-40, suggesting that the spherulitic native arsenic is a pretty pure simple mineral.
1988, 7(4):374-381.
Abstract:An extensive observation has been made on the external form of cassiterites of various genetic types. The properties of their crystal faces are investigated by using PBC (periodic bond chain) theory and, as a result, three kinds of F faces are recognized, i. e., s{111}, m{110) and e{101}, in which s{111} has failed to be recognized by P. Hartman himself from rutile with the same crystal structural type. The forms of cassiterite have been drawn both through the measurement of natural crystals and through the deduction from its crystal structure, with the two results quite in agreement with each other.