1988, 7(1):1-11.
Abstract:Magmatic inclusions can directly provide valuable informations on the chemical composition variation of crystallization evolution of natural magma. In order to obtain correct and reliable chemical composition data of magnnatic inclusions and to be able to explain and deduce them reasonably, we have to pay great attention to following problems:1) The chemical compositions of non-evolved magmatic inclusions may represent their initial compositions. The chemical compositions of glass phases in evolved magmatic inclusions can not represent their initial compositions. We have to analyse the quenched inclusions after homogenization in order to obtain the initial chemical composition of this type of evolved inclusions.2) The homogenization thermometry study of magmatic inclusions has to follow strictly the thermometrieal rule.3) The author's experiments reveal that the influence of "boundary layer effect" upon the chemical composition of magmatic inclusion is insignificant.4) The chemical composition of magmatic inclusion represents only the composition of ambient magma during crystallization growth of their host minerals. The detailed study of magmatic inclusions in various minerals of magrnatic rocks can help us to reconstruct more completely the evolution history of magma.5) The more mature methods of study on volatile materials trapped in magmatic inclusions are combining Raman microprobe spectrometry, microprobe analysis and microthermometry.
Wang Jianming Li Kangqiang Yang Nianqiang
1988, 7(1):11-20.
Abstract:There are several granitic bodies of two defferent genetic types occurreo in Donghai, Nanjing-Zhenjiang as well as Suzhou areas, Jiangsu Province. At the marginal and topmost parts of these bodies there are plenty of greyish black to dark green inclusions with very irregular shapes and disparate sizes throughout the whole rock mass. Inasmuch as they contain more mafic minerals than the relevant host rocks, they usually show darker. But the mineral assemblage, petrochemical and geochemical characteristics of them are very close to these of the hosts, thus they were considered as comagmatic derivatives. The mineral grain sizes in the inclusions are usually much smaller than those in the hosts. They also carry numerous acicular crystals of apatites(L/W>20) which were thought to be the precipetates under the quenching condition. Bes ides these, they also show some corrosion phenomena. Based upon the facts me ntioned above, these kinds of inclusion could attributes neither to xenoliths of early formed magmatic rocks or sedimentary rocks, nor to sehlireus or deep mantle source inclusions. This is possible of ascribing them to autoclastic inclu sions formed originally as a marginal facies enriched mafite and later on frag- mented and corroded by the successive magmatic pulsation.
Chen Daogong Jiang Ronghui Li Binxian Zhang Xun
1988, 7(1):20-28.
Abstract:This paper deals with concentrations and characteristics of rare earth elements and other incompatible elements for Linju basalts. According to their chondrite-normalized distribution patterns, they show the LREE enrichment which is common for most continental basalts.In incompatible elements diagram, compared with continental rift basalts, they show depleted in Rb, relative high in K and lower in total REE. The general pattern is similar with ocean island alkali basalts, and differs from continental rift basalts and other various deep source rocks. It is implied that the genesis of Linju basalts was probably resemble with ocean islands. This feature of Linju basalts was suited to their tectonic setting.We proposed that Linju basalts can be formed by mixing of melting of deep plume source with MORB-like source sited subcontinental lithosphere bottom. In terms of three constraint equations containing isotopes and trace elements. we calculated the rate of mixing of two magma sources and degree of partial melting. It is denoted that Linju basalts could be generated by partial melting of less than 1% for MORB source and 9--23% of partial melting for plume source, and about 9--50% rate of mixing.
1988, 7(1):28-38.
Abstract:This paper studies the petrological, geochemical and isotopic characteristics of Huashan granites. It has been identified that the Huashan granite body is a complex consisting of granitic rocks of three different independent stages, with different petrogeneses and different source materials. The first stage is the Triassic Niumiao quartz monzodiorite and Tongan quartz monzonite of crustmantle mixed type, with predominance of mantle source. It is emplaced by the differentiated magma from upper mantle and contaminated by crustal martials. The second ttage is the Jurassic Huashan main body granite, also of crustmantle mixed type, with a higher crustal source to mantle source ratio.Upwarping of upper mantle along the WE trending deep fault and remelting of heated crustal materials (including sedimentary component and igneous component) is its possible genesis. The third stage is the Cretaceous fine-grained granite stocks and apophyses of mainly crustal source. They are formed by partial melting, remelting or anatexis of crustal materials dominated by sedimentary component.
Gu Yingqu Qan Tianhong Ye Zhisan
1988, 7(1):38-48.
Abstract:The Muchang A-type granite is a composite intrusive body consisting of the riebeckite nordmarkite, riebeckite granite and aegirine granite. Its formation related to riftogenesis. The differential degree of the body is rather high: rich in alkali and Fe, poor in Mg and Ca. The abundance of REE is relatively high. The fractionation of LREE is very intense and with the evident negntive ano- maly of Eu.The Muchang A-type granite is a congeneric product with the Upper Permian volcanic sequences formed by the mixing of basaltic magma and partial anatectic magma of the continental crust.
Yang Yueqing , Ni Yunxiang , Wang Liben , Wang Wenying
1988, 7(1):49-58.
Abstract:Nanpingite is a new cesium mineral discovered in No.31 muscovite-albite spodumene pegmatite of Nanping, Fujian province. The pegmatite is made up of eight zones, and nanpingite occurs along the border of the veinlets which intruded into the quartz-rriontebrasite assemblage in the interior part of pegma- tite and lie near the pollucite aggregates. These veinleth are generally 2mm- 4mrn in width and several meters in len;th. The main: n.ssociated minerals inc- lode late montebrasite, quartz and apatite. Nanpingite is micaceous in form, looking like muscovite. Diameter of its sheet is generally 1-5rnm, sometimes even up to lOmm. The aggregates take radiating, scaly, and at some places pseudo-hexa}onaf platy shapes. White in color, pearly-vitreous in luster, streak white, transparent. Hardness 3.More brit- tle than muscovilre. Cleavage {OOl} very perfect. Density 3.11 (2)g/cm3 (meas, in Clerici solution) or 3.198/cm3 (calc.).No pleochroism. Optically biaxial(一), 2V=46º(2) (meas. on the universal stage) and 37.60º (calc.). Refractive indices (under white light):Ng=1.588(2),Nm=1.584(2),Np=1.551( 5 ) .Orientation; b=Ng. Very weak dispersion: r>v. Weissenberg single crystal analysis shows that nanpingite is monoclinic, space group; C2/c, polytype; 2M1.Ce11 parameters; a=5.362(3)A,b=8.86(1)A, c=21 .41(1)A,β=95.77(2), V=1012.13A3, Z=4. In X-ray powder diffraction pattern, the strongest lines are 2.664(100) (008),2.129 (85) (0010),2.122(16) (223), 2.654(14)(202),1.328(14)(067).a:b:c(calc.)=0:605:1:2.416. Energy spectra indicate that content of Cs is considerably higher than that of K. The BEI and elemental characteristic X--ray images demonstrate that Csi and K' are homogeneously distributed in nanpingite. Chemical composition is determined by electronic microprobe, atomic absorp- tion (Li, Rb), Penfield's method (H20*) and selective electrode (F).Electron probe standards; albite (Na, A1, Si), orthoclase(K),wollastonite (Ca),olivine (Mg),TiO2 (Ti),Mn0 (Mn),FezO}(Fe), barite (Ba) and pollucite (Cs). The data give a structural formula of (Cs0.88Kb0.01 )0.95 (Al1.64Mg0.22Fe0.17Lj0.15)2.18[(Si3.16Al0.84)4O9.95] 〔(OH1.79F0.26]2.05 The DTA curve has a rather strong endothermic peak at 920℃.In TGA analysis, weight loss also takes place at 920℃. Absorption bands of infrared spec- tra are 3634, 3429, 1625, 1083, 1018; 911, 823, 788, 741, 663, 515, 467, 420, 350 cm(-1) By using the constants of Mandarino(1981),it is obtained that the compa- tibility index 1-(Kp/Kc) is 0.0178, suggesting superior agreement between phy- sical and chemical data. Type specimen is preserved in the Institute of Mineral Deposits, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences and the National Museum of Geology, Beijing, China.
1988, 7(1):58-65.
Abstract:Mosandrite occurs in argiz}ine-neplieline syenite of Saima, Liaoning province. It is light yellow to yellow in colour, and tabulaa or long columar in crystal form. Specific gravity 3.23-3.30; hardness A-5. Biaxial positive with 2V=80º, Ng=1.661, Nm=1.653, and Np=1.651·Isotropismis observed at the center of this mineral. Chemical formula of the caystalline sample is (Na0.37 K0.24 H3O0.15)0.76 (Ca3.15 Na0.72 Sr0.07 Fe0.03 Nb0.03)4 (Ce0.4La0.32 Nd0.16 Pr0.05 Sm0.02 Y0.05 U0.01 Th0.04)0.95 Ti1.13[(Si3.18Al0.19)4O14a] [F2.01(OH)1.99]4. The cell dimensions measured by X-ray powder diffraction are a0=18.46A,b0=5.66A,c0=7.34A,a=89.5º,β=90.5º, γ=89.8 º, Z = 2, belonging to monoclinic or pseudo-orthorhambic system with the crystal structure being layered Ti-silicate. The structure of mosandrite is similar to that of 2M type muscovite. In mosandrite, Na+ and Ce3+ canons link `2:1’unit layers which are composed of.one Ca-O octahedral layer and two anion layers made up of Ti-O polyhedron,and Si-O tetrahedron pairs.The main infrared absorption spectra of mosandrite are 3550; 3380, 1630, 1040, 960, 845, 649 and 478cm-1. Its Raman spectrum. might be divided into three areas, with 310, 250, 200cm-1 peaks in the first area, 800, 660, 600cm-1 peaks in the second, and 1160, 1070cm-1 peaks in the third. There exists only one exothermic peak (600℃)on the differential thermal curve, resulting from partial crystallization of the non-crystalline mosandrite.
1988, 7(1):65-71.
Abstract:Sepiolite is a kind of chain and layered silicate.mineral containing water and enriched in magnesium, with its mineral veins generally being 2-3 centi- meters in thickness. Its fibres are usually several centimeters long and may even reach over ten centimeters. Various sorts of analyses were carried out by the author, including differential thermography; infrared spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and chemical analysis, showing the composition to be SiO2 56.16%,MgO 22.61% and H20± 17.88%.Following tectonic fragmentation, as a result of dissolution, the original do}omitic marble concentrated and precipitated its magnesium ions to form the mineral called sepiolite. Sepiolite finds wide application in different purpo$es, being now used as ion exchanger, absorbent, catalyst and sludge material .for deep geothermal and oil drilling.
Jiang Jiaji , Huang Wenying , Cai Zijun , Liu Yanjie
1988, 7(1):71-79.
Abstract:Several tin minerals have been studied by means of 119Sn Mossbauer spee- trometry and electron microprobe analysis to understand their tin oxidation states. The Mossbauer parameters of tin minerals determined at room temperature (293K) are given as follows: Sample I.S.(mm/S) Q.S(mm/S) Cassiterite Sn4+0.00±0.02 0.504-0.758 Stannite Sn4+1.47 0.14-0.20 Franckeite Sn4+1.15 0.29 Sn2+2.94 1.89 Andradite Sn4+ -0.08 0.46 A weak doublet of Sn2+ ions is observed in stannite and franckeite. These ions might bepresent as an impurity phase or as a constituent atom which has entered the crystal lattice. The occupancy ratios of Sn4+ and Sn2+ in stannite and franckeite have been determined thrQUgh experiments, and it is also found that Sn in cassite- rite and andradite occurs unexceptionally in the form of Sn4+. Using the measured I. S. values, we have calculated the electronegativities of O and S from an empirical formula, the results being quite close to the va- lues given by L. Paining. With the rising electronegativity of the coordinate ions, the ionicity of the bond will increase while the values of LS.will decrease.
1988, 7(1):79-88.
Abstract:According to the crystal-chemical formula of andersonite, i. e., Na2Ca[UO2 (C03)3]6H20, the synthesis of andersonite was completed under the condition of oom temperature and one atmosphere by using uranyl nitrate, anhydrous sodi- um carbonate and calcium nitrate. Later, the same mineral was also synthesi- zed at 37℃,60℃, 80℃ and 92℃ . Besides, experiments on pH stable range for the formation of andersonite at room temperature and under one atmosphere were performed. It has been observed that the pH values for the stableness of the parent solutions range from 7.22 to 9.30, and the pH values for the for- mation of andersonite range from 8.00 to 9.30. During crystallization the pH values of original solutions vary within a narrow range(8.00-8.25) .Such pheno- mena of andersonite as their fluorescence spectra and variation in fluorescence intensity were studied at room and lower temperatures.