1984, 3(1):1-9.
Abstract:In order to explore the origin of hypabyssal and ultrahypabyssal neutral- acidic complex which had been related closely with porphyry tungsten anct molybdenum deposit in the region of Yangchuling, the experiment was engaged in melting quartz-diorite, granodiorite and granodiorite-porphyry, Which are the' main types of the rocks in that region. The results of experiment indicate that the primary melting temperature of quartz-diorite is higher than 800℃, those of granodiorite and granodiorite-porphyry are 780℃,when the pressure is at 2kb. They are higher than the primary meltiaxg temperature of similar rocks with plutonic origin at home and abroad, and much higher than that of gran- ite with granitization or migmatization. In this paper, the authors have discus- sed some factors, particularly the pressure and water, which have a great influences with the primary melting temperature of rocks. In combination with other geological features; the authors consider that the complex in the region of Yangchuling is of origin of crust-mantle type with platonic contamination.
1984, 3(1):9-17.
Abstract:In 1968, the "Ongonite" was discovered in Oregon-haierhaxt of Mongolia etc..In 1981, the "431"dike of Xianghualing of Hunan province was named "Hsianghualinite" by Huang Yunhui et al..The author of the preset paper considers "Ougonite" and "Hsianghualinite" as rocks of the same kind based on their geological occurence, texture, mineral composition and feature of inclu- sion. The author determined the main rockformipg minerals of "431"dike rock being albite(An 0-3),microcline, quartz, zinzlwaldite, tbpaz, hydromuscovite etc... The dike may be divided into 4 textural zones, .namely, the top, edge, interme- diate and inner zone. The variation of minerals arad chemical compositions in. various zones are investigated. Besides, the problems of genetic type and naming of rocks of this kind are discussed through the study of Sr-isotope; trace-ele- ments and inclusion temperatures etc..The existing names of rocks of this kind —"Ongonite", "Hsianghualinite". "Topaz-bearing quartz-keratophyre" etc. are riot suitable. The author suggests to name rocks of this kind "Topaz-felsite porphyry".
翟明国 , 王凯怡 , 杨瑞英 , 黄忠祥 , 郭应焕 , 江咏 , 罗世华 , 赵珍兰 , 冯锡章
1984, 3(1):18-26.
Abstract:The granitic rocks are an importent part of the Qiugyuan Archean green- stope-granite terrene, constituting a steady Archean craton together with the greenstone rocks. This paper deals with the discussion about the petrogenesis of the granitic rocks in accordance with the REE geochemistry. The granitic rocks in this terrene can be classified into two types: granitic and tonalitic. Their chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns are comparable with A and B`group of the Amitzoq grauitic gnessic rocks. The Melinghong tonalitic diapir exhibits a typical REE plot of Archean tonalite, its HREE is strongly depleted, near CARB. CHOND..On the basis of rare elements and field geologi- cal investigation it is possible that the both gxoups derived from a common parental magma. The tonalitic parental magma was derived by partial mel- tig of the Iower crust, and fractional crystallization was displayed by the widespread activity of two types of the granitic rocks. The gramtlite-charuo- ckite series are the crystal basement of the greenstone belt, which occurs as arc around the charnockite. In the light of the REE and LIL model calcula- tion, the charnockite in Xianjipchang is probably the result of partial melting from the basic crust. After this it was migmated again, or many times.
1984, 3(1):26-32.
Abstract:The Huangmeijian quartz. syenite body is a mufti-staged composite body. The results of whole rock Rb-Sr isotope analyses indicate that it is Late Yan- shanian in age. On the basis of the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio, 87Sr/86Sr---1/86Sr,(87Sr/86Sr);---Rb, Sr, Rb/Sr diagrams and the characteristics of petrology, petrochemistry, and trace elements, it is believed that the Huangrneijian body belongs to the syntexis type and its parental magma was derived fxom the upper mantle, but in the process of its moving upward, the magma was contaminated by the crustal matirials.
1984, 3(1):33-39.
Abstract:The samples studied are collected from the Quarternary residual drift bed. The chromian pyrope has been supposed to be derived mainly from the nearby porphyritic chromian pyrope-chrome diopside-enstatite-peridotite. The present stone has been well known on its bright red color, purity arid transparency. The faceted gem reveals its excellent quality which may be com- parable with the best know n"Bohemian Ruby". The present pyrope is rather peculiar in color. When the quality of illu- urination is altered, the color of the mineral changes to such an extent that an alexandrite-like effect is seen.In transmitted daylight the pyrope appears red- dish violet, in lamplight it is ruby-like red. The wave length of optical absorption spectra of Cr ions for the present pyrope is 5500一5600 A,4000一4100 A. With its absorption spectra of Cr ions less than the critical value of 5800A and 4150A,the present pyrope appears red in color. The color indices of the transmition color of chromium-containing pyrope are Tais 25 .36 x 0.3649 y 0.3252 λd-495nm Pe0.09.
1984, 3(1):40-45.
Abstract:Three uncommon zinc phosphate minerals occur in deposits of manganese oxide which are accumulation-leaching deposits in Guangdopg, South China. The physical, chemical, optical and crystal strcture data of these three mi- nerals are compared well with the published data abroad. The infra-red spec- tral and differential thermal analysis data are presented. The parahopeite from Guandong is distinctively different from that in Da- na's Mineralogy as its c-axis is shorter and b-axis is longer and with an optically negetive character. The infra-red spectra of parahopeite show γ4 vibration wavenumbers at 538, 566,603,646,680(cm-1)γ1 vibration at 810(cm-1) γ3 vibration at 947, 1015, 1060. (cm-1)of(PO4)3- ion. The defferenlial thermal analysis shows endothermic peaks at 200℃,348℃, 403℃ resulting from H20 release gradually. The endothermic peak at 1055℃ is resulted from lattice destroyinof parahopeite. The scholzite from Guangdong is in accord with H. Strunz's(1956)data in composition and crystal structure, but 2v is smaller. The infra-red spectra show γ4 vibration at wavenumbers 543,580,640(cm-1),γ3 vibration at 929,958,1005, 1024,1057,1110(cm-1)of(PO4 )3- ion and H2O frequency stretchs at 3334,3420 (cm-1).Differential thermal analysis displays endothermic peaks clearly at 200℃, 292℃,305℃ as a result of H20 release gradually in crystal. The endothermal peaks at 945℃ and 1052℃ are resulted from lattice destroying. The infra-red spectra of tarbuttite show γ4 vibration at wavenumbers 598, 603(cm-1),γ1 vibration at 803(cm-1),γ3 vibration at 912,950,1002,1030,1090 (cm-1)of (P04)3- ion. The differential thermal analysis displays endotherriiic peaks at 545℃,590℃ resulting from OH-1 release in the crystal structure. These are indications that the manganese deposits in Guangdong related to Pb-Zn deposits, because these minerals are accumulated together with manga- nese oxide and gothite.
1984, 3(1):46-48.
Abstract:The data of the new mineral, Hingganite, was published in Geological Review Vol. 27,No. 5 in 1981.In this paper, on the suggestion of the Committee of New Minerals and New Mineral Names of the International Mineralogical Association, the writers offer some new data as follows, 1 .With the name Hingganite replaced Yttroceberisite. 2 .Density (g/crn3):4.42 (meas.),4.45 (calc. ). 3 .Optical orientation: b=Nm, C∧Ng=+13°。 4 .X-ray powder diffraction pattern shows it to be monoclinic cell with a=4.790, b=7.545, C=9.989A.β=91° Z=4. The strongest lines are: 6.004(3) (011),4.790(5)(100),3.772(4)(020, 111),3.577(4)(021),3.462(5)(102),3.148(10) (112),2.865(10)(121),2.569(6)(113,122),2.377(3) (200,014),1.985(5) (221), 1.880(5) (213,222,040),1.681(5)(214).Rarely idiomorphic crystals with (110), (011) and (001). 5 .Wet chemical analyses of material gave(%):Si02 25.20,Fe203 1.63, Fe0 0.89,A1203 1.695,TiO2 0.103,Ca0 0.959,Mg0 0.086, Pb0 0.377, Be0 10.406,Na2O 0.39,K2O 0.775, La2O3 3.600, CeO2 13.600, PrO11 1.780, Nd2O3 6.840, Sm2O3 2.600, Eu2O3 0.050, Gd2O3 3.450, Tb2O3 0.610, Dy2O3 3.710, Ho2O3 0.560, Er2O3 1.310, Tm2O3 0.070, Yb2O3 0.570, Lu2O3 0.090, Y2O3 15.734 H2O 2.944, total 100.029. Corresponding to (Y0.33 Ce0.19 Nd0.10 La0.05 Fe3+0.05 Dy0.05 Gd0.04 Ca0.04 K0.04 Sm0.04 Na0.03 Fe2+0.03 Pr0.02 Er0.02 Tb0.01 Ho0.01 Yb0.01)Σ1.06(Be0.97 Al0.03)Σ1.00 (Si0.98 Al0.05)Σ1.03 O4.00 [(OH)0.77 O023]Σ1.00 on the basis of O=5,Or ideally (Y,Ce) BeSiO4 (OH).This is (Y. Ce) Be analongy of datolite.
1984, 3(1):50-55.
Abstract:In this Paper we describe the characteristics of magnetic optic rotation (MOR) technique. The factoes that govern the output signal and the linearity were tested ,and the working parmeters for determining Ag,Pb, and Rb were made. The detection limits are 3.4 × 10(-13)g,5.8 × 10(-12)g, 5.4 × 10(-13)g,respectively.
1984, 3(1):56-58.
Abstract:The components of ion exchange paper are σ-fibrin and some ion exchange resins.This paper contains acid-resisting and water-tolerant material sufficiently.A number of elements can be determined simultaneously in the same ion exchange paper in which many metal ions were adsorbed.
1984, 3(1):58-63.
Abstract:This paper deals with correcting matrix effects and interferences between spectral lines and background in X-ray fluorescence analyses of trace elements (especially trace REE) in rocks. It can also be used for Ti, V, Cr,Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Nb, Zr, Hf, Rb, Sr,, U, Th, Pb, W and Ba. The detection limits are 5-X × lOppm.
1984, 3(1):63-65.
Abstract:This paper presents a direct rapid spectrophotometric method to determine the cerium-group rare earth in minerals and rocks with chlorophosphonazo-mN dibenzyl guanidine as developing reagent. Citric acid, sodium dihydrogen phos- phate, EDTA and TTHA were used as masking agents for 22 foreign ions.
1984, 3(1):64-86.
Abstract:A photometric determination method of uranium with chrome azurol S cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide was studied.The optimium conditions were tested. The interferencewas eliminated by the use of extraction with 5% TOA-ditolyl solvent in 4.5N hydrochloric acid medium. This method was applied to the concentration range of 0.x-2000 ppm uranium.
1984, 3(1):65-73.
Abstract:Geochemical exploration requires a large number of samples to be analyzed rapidly, precisely and accurately for a lot of elements. This task has been ful- filled by ICP-AES well. Samples were decomposed with hydrofluoric acid and perchloric acid a nd analyzed on a 60-channel Jarrell-Ash 1160 Plasma Atom- Comp. Analytical results determined on 37 elements in 8 Chinese Geochemical Standard Samples are presented and agree well with usable values. Several International Geochemical Reference Samples have been"analyzed and correlation data are also presented.
1984, 3(1):73-75.
Abstract:In this paper the optimum condition for Sb-I-S-Br-PADAP complex formation in the presence of iodide has been studied. The interference of other elements can be eliminated by extracted of complex with benzene from 0 .75N sulfuric acid. The detection limit is 0.02 ug/ml, and the color is stable for at least 10 hours.
1984, 3(1):75-77.
Abstract:Rare earth element form complex with chlorophosphonazo I at pH 9.5-13 in ammoniacal buffer solution. The maximum absorption of the complex is 620nm, The calibration curve for REE was linear within a range of 0-600 ug/25m1. The interferences of foreign ions were separated by extration} with PMBP.
1984, 3(1):78-81.
Abstract:The development of the literature of Analytical Chemistry and Polarogra- phic Analysis and its distribution over countries, languages and journals are introduced in this paper. It is helpful for people majoring in polarobraphic analysis to understand the outline of the field. 45 papers were quoted.
1984, 3(1):81-84.
Abstract:The key points of pneumatic nebulizer are the area ratio of solution noz- zle to gas nozzle, concentricity and thin wall. Those factors effect the nebulize efficiency, sensitivity and precision directly. In this paper, the calculation me- thod of choosing diameters of tile two nozzles of nebulizer, techniques for making thin-wall capillary and sealing two nozzles concentriclly and other factors effecting the precision were described.
1984, 3(1):86-88.
Abstract:An extraction chromatographic method for determination of rare earths in minerals with P507 resin at pH 2-3 hydrochloric acid medium was stu4red. By using a mixture solutiop of ammonium chloride, ascorbic acid and sulfosalicylic acid as eluates, REE was determined with chlorophosphonazo-PN.