The fluid inclusions in several types of rocks in the Dabie UHP zone were systematically investigated in the aspects of petrography and temperature of phase change. The results indicate that the fluid components related to UHP and early retrograde metamorphism belonged to salt-H2O system, those released from partial melting to NaCl-CO2-H2O system and those related to brittle deformation to NaCl-H 2O system. As the effect of pressure decreased in the quick exhumation episode of UHPM rocks, and such changes after trapping as necking-down and explosion occurred in varying degrees in fluid inclusions of all events, the present densities of the fluid inclusions mostly do not reflect the state of the trapping, and their isochores are not suitable for the estimation of trapping temperatures and pressures. The fluid inclusion associations related to distinct fluid-related events were often superimposed on the rocks in UHP and retrograde metamorphism, and hence the geological explanation for chemical and isotopic composition of fluid inclusions based on bulk inclusion analysis is subject to some risk.
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徐启东 钟增球,2003,大别超高压变质带流体包裹体的组台关系与演变[J].岩石矿物学杂志,22(1):47~54. XU Qi_dong, ZHONG Zeng_qiu ,2003,Fluid inclusion associations and their development in the Dabie UHP zone[J]. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica,22(1):47~54.