Beryllium forms a red violet 1:1 complex with khimduchlo rophosphonazo-I rapidly in the presence of hexamethylene-tetramine buffer (pH 5),which exhi- bits maximum absorbance at 590 nm (molar absorptivity=9.44× 103 L.mol-1· cm-1).Beer's law is obeyed for solution containing 0-25 µg of beryllium in 25m1 of solution. Interfering ions can be masked by the addition of small amounts of EDTA.
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凌进中,潘靖,1985,兴多偶氮氯膦-Ⅰ与铍显色反应的研究[J].岩石矿物学杂志,4(4):339~342.,1985,A Study The Chromogenic Reaction of Beryllium With Khimduchlorophosphonazo- I[J]. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica,4(4):339~342.