Rare earth element form complex with chlorophosphonazo I at pH 9.5-13 in ammoniacal buffer solution. The maximum absorption of the complex is 620nm, The calibration curve for REE was linear within a range of 0-600 ug/25m1. The interferences of foreign ions were separated by extration} with PMBP.
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袁锡英,1984,偶氮氯膦Ⅰ分光光度法测定矿石中高中含量稀土总量[J].岩石矿物学杂志,3(1):75~77.,1984,Spectrophotometric Determination of Total Rare Earth in Minerals and Rocks with Chlorophosphonazo I[J]. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica,3(1):75~77.