Darongshan granitic body occuring as an elongated batholith is composed of cordierite-biotite granite and monzonitic granite, commonly containing dark enclaves, cordierites, sillimanites and garnets, etc. Most of them are the unmelted restites during the formation of magma and only a part of cordierites crys- tallized from magma at depth. The granites crystallized from magma at temper- ature about 680-710℃ under pressure 2-3 Kb and characterized by lower fo2. These show that the granites are the mezo-abyssal intrusions. The magma which make up the Darongshan body is rich in Al and poor in Na and its degree of water suturation is lower than that in common granite. It formed possibly in anatexis of metamorphic sediments riched in A1 and Si (high-grade amphibolite facies).According to the compositions of the unmelted restites auther infers that the magma was produced under pres- surs about 4-6 Kb at temperature 680-730℃. Dungwu movement gave rise to the formation of orogentic belts and made a favourable condition for the anatexis. Later the fault movement brought about the formation of magma and resulted it in an emplacement from late Permian to early Triassic period.
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汪绍年,1983,大容山花岗岩形成的物理化学条件和地质背景推测[J].岩石矿物学杂志,2(1):12~16.,1983,THE PHYSICOCHEMICAL CONDITION AND TEH GEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND IN FORMATION OF DARONGSHAN GRANITES[J]. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica,2(1):12~16.