The sample of meteorites was dissolved by heating with a mixture of HF and concentrated HNO3 in a closed Teflon Vessel The disso'ved mixture was treated with concentrated HCI to become HCI in medium, NaF was added as the masking agent and the pH was adjusted to 8-8 by the addition of a buffer solution of acetic acid and sodiuum acetate. Then a solution of TFA(trifluoroacetyl acetone) in benzene was added to extract Rh by chelate formation. Finally, gas chromatography was employed to determine quantitatively the TFA-Rh-chelate. This method was applied to the determination of a sample from the Jilin stone meteorites and the Rh content was found to be 0.14 ppm approximately.
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刘圣年,郭青云,马桂兰,1982,气相色谱法测定陨石中超微量铑[J].岩石矿物学杂志,1(4):51~53.,1982,THE DETERMINATION OF ULTRA一MICRO AMOUNT OF RHODIUM IN METEORITES BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY[J]. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica,1(4):51~53.