• 1986年第5卷第2期文章目次
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    • 高真空喷镀碳膜方法的改革

      1986, 5(2).

      摘要 (1580) HTML (0) PDF 753.36 K (2078) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 新疆某含镍岩体的岩石学研究

      1986, 5(2):97-107.

      摘要 (1891) HTML (0) PDF 4.71 M (1701) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The studied nickel-bearing rock body group is located on the platform side in the boundary regions of Junggar platform and Altay geosynclion. The envi- ronments of formation of these rock bodies are the same as there in China and abroad. The ore-bearing magma is emplaced along the strutural zone. The depth of formation of rock body No, 1 is about IO-12km. The age of intrusion is about 285Ma, a little younger. The rock type of rock body No. 1 is noritic, a new type .of nickel-bearing rocks found in China. The major rock-forming minerals are chrysolites (Fo 76一 81),bronzites (En 76-78),plagioclases (An 31一65.8) as well as a little number of barkevikites, phlogopites and quartz. The body may be divided into four pe- trofacies. The prinapal petrogeresis is gravity crystalline fractionation, similar to the nickel-bearing rock body of Sudbary. It is known that norite is the most favourable nickel-bearing rock. Thus, the discovery of this deposit possesses an important significance to look for other deposits of the same type. M/E value of rocks in rock body No. 1 ranges from 1.0 to 2.81 The rocks, are basic and ultrabasic. The characteristics of rare earth element.(REE) of, rocks are: ΣREE=52.4一63.8ppm, La/Yb=6.8一12.9, Eu/Eu*=0.31一0. 81,. enriched in LREE. The distributional model of REE is similar that of tholeiite in trasitional region, and coincides with the environment of formation of the rock body group. The evolution of REE in magmatic crystallization accords with element distributional pattern in closed systems of Rayleigh.

    • 四川广元二叠系-三叠系界线粘土岩沉积特征及成因探讨

      1986, 5(2):107-118.

      摘要 (2005) HTML (0) PDF 6.70 M (2392) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The boundary clay rocks of Permo-Triassic are widespread in the region of Guangyuan, Sichuan Province. According to the sedimentary characters, the clay rocks may be divided into the follwing four types in origin; 1 .Volcanic depositional type It includes gray-white clay rocks Gs-23

    • 我国首次发现的磷铝铁钡石的研究

      1986, 5(2):119-127.

      摘要 (2090) HTML (0) PDF 4.92 M (1972) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Xiyuantou of Fujian, Ghina is the third place where kulanite is discovered in the world. The kulanite has been found in granitic pegmatite of Ms-Ab-印 type in Xiyuantou. Kulanite , replaces in part montebrasite in the form of disseminated and irregular assemblage or occurs in fractures of quartz-montebra- site assemblage. The associated minerals include augelite, palermoite, goyazite, lazulite, triphylite, apatite, quartz and so on. Kulanite chiefly occurs as irregular fine-grained aggrogates, and some as tablets. Yellow-green or dark-green in .color. The lustre is vitreous. Conchoidal fracture, hardness (Vickers):810.3 Kg/mm. Specific, gravity:3.973-3.997 (obs.), 4.O1( calc.).Biaxial(+),2V (mean)=34°.Weak pleochroism, Ng=1.722-brownish green, Nm=1.705-bluish green, Np=1.701-yellowish green. Absorption:Ng> Nm >Np, Nm=b, c∧Ng=11. X-ray powder diffraction data are given in table 1. X-ray single crystal study shows it to be monoclinic, space group: P21, or P21/m, unit cell a0=9.024 (A),b0=12.079(A),c0=4.924(A),β=100.462, V=527.76(A3),andZ = 2. Chemical analysis, data are given in table 3 and are compared with those of penikisite and bjarebyite. The chemical formula is Ba1.04 (Fe2+0.97Mn0.54Mg0.28 Ca0.08Na0.02 k0.01)1.90(Al2.04 Fe3+0.03)2.07 [P3.90Si0.13)3.03O12] (OH2.96F0.01)2.97 IR absorption curve includes three principal absorption zones at 3200-3600 cm-1, 1193-833 cm-1 and 660一431.5 cm-1. DTA curves has one strong endothermic peak at 700℃.

    • 福建东山变质岩中红柱石晶体结构的再测定及顺磁共振的研究

      1986, 5(2):128-139.

      摘要 (1702) HTML (0) PDF 5.25 M (1678) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Refinement of the crystal structure of andalusite from metamorphic rock in Dongshan, Fujian, is shown in this paper. The structure of andalusite was de- monstrated independently by Taylor (1939),Burnham and Buerger (1961) who refined the structure to a final R value of 5.70% for 354 reflections. In this paper, the reflections (I>3δ(I))are 733 for 809, and R==0.027, which suggests that the precision of refinement is enhanced obviously. Itx the chains of alu- minium, four of the All-02 bond distances are ll.827A,two of the A11-O3 bond distances are 2 .082 A,four of the All-04 bond distances are 1.889 A;and two of the A12-O1 bond lengths are 1.839 A, two are 1.896 A; two of the A12-02 bond lengths are 1.814 A, two are 1.813A; in Si-O tetrahedroid, two of the Si-O1 bond lengths are 1.615 A,two of the Si-03,bond lengths 1 .629 A,two of the Si-04 bond lengths are 1.641A. The determine of absolute construction model of andalusite monocrystal reveals that its positive ion Al has two kinds of coordinate pattern: one is the six coordinate of distortional octahedral (All),another is five coodinate (A12). Silicon-oxide group consists of Si-O tetrahedroid linked by Al, which forms sili- cate having isolate tetrahedroid (SiO4)4-.AlO6 octahedrons joined each other take shapes of chain. The thermal parameters of atom motion of andalusite shows that the probability of island silicon-oxide group and end-group atoms rises and the factor of temperature r. e., B value, increases. No replacement phenomenon of positive ion place has been discovered in the research of several monocrystals of andalusite, which suggests that the formation environment of metamorphic belt along the Fujian coast is similar in places. The value of coordinate has no change. The metamorphic environment of low temperature-high pressure reveals that the value of coordinate is biggerr and is steady in the lattice, whereas under the condition of high temperature-low pressure the value is smaller and is in the steady state. Meanwhile,in the research. No change of bond character and constructional fragment of crystal have been found, which indicates that the andalusite belongs to the low pressure -moderate high temperature type during the progressive metamorphism. Using the ESR and electronic probe, we find a little foreignw substance -of Fe3+ in the andalusite powder, probably, the foreign substance is caused by mo- saic structure and small adherent crystal.

    • 新矿物报导

      1986, 5(2):139-139.

      摘要 (1551) HTML (0) PDF 234.85 K (1650) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 某岩体两个铀矿床中沥青铀矿的特征对比及其成因探讨

      1986, 5(2):140-147.

      摘要 (1950) HTML (0) PDF 4.22 M (2409) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The massif is the oldest (760 Ma.)uraniferous granite known in South China. The massif is represented by two types , of uranium mineralization; the chlorite-vein type (deposit A) and the microquartz-vein type (deposit B). The deposit A is located near the contact zone of the massif and formed at Hercynian period (330 Ma. ago).The deposit B is located in the, massif and occurred at Himalayan period (47 Ma. ago). Characteristic contrast of physical properties, chemical composition, isoto- pic composition of. lead and others of pitchblende in two uranium deposits fully reflects geochemical setting, characteristic of ore-forming fluids and source of ore. Pitchblende in the deposit A has larger cell size, higher reflectan- ce, smaller oxidation coefficient, to be xiched in Mg, Fe and A1 characterized in metamorphic rock, higher mineralization temperature anal very low content of initial lead. The reflect that the pitchblende has formed at hypogenic setting with high temperature and pressure of mineraIization was related to meta- morphism. Pitchblende in the deposit B has smaller cell size, lower reflectan- ce, larger oxidation coefficient, Lower mineralization ternperature, rich calcium and initial lead, typical colloid texture and vein filling, which all indicate that the pitchblende has formed at supergene setting with middle-low temperature and pressure of mineralization was related to hypergene hydrothermal pro- cess.

    • 金矿物及其产状

      1986, 5(2):147-157.

      摘要 (1823) HTML (0) PDF 5.14 M (1737) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:About 64 species of gold minerals in nature have been known so far. These include some subspecies, varieties and the ones not yet named' due to insufficient data. Among the 64 species, 25 of them have more complete mineralogical data. All of them are opaque minerals, the most common ones being native gold, electrum, kiistelite, calaverite, sylvanite, petzite, krennetite and nagyagite. The economic (industrial) gold minerals ase native gold, electrum; ktistelite, aurostibite and gold telluride, the first two being the most important. The economic (industrial) gold minerals. found in China are mainly native gold and electrum, while kiistelite and gold telluride are also found in some mines. The various gold minerals occur under different geological conditions. This articles deals only with the species of gold minerals and their mode of occurrence.

    • X-射线衍射研究钾长石结构中的Al/Si分布状态

      1986, 5(2):158-162.

      摘要 (1811) HTML (0) PDF 2.00 M (2678) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:In this paper the method proposed by Camentsev et al. (1977) is adopted to deduce the Al-occupancies in k-feldspar. 80 samples collected from different provinces of China have been studied and their T1(0), T1(m), T2(0) and T2(m)lculated. Meanwhile a T1(0) versus 2θ(-) -2θ(060)diagram and a T1(o) -To + T1(m) diagram are also plotted. The values of T, for all of these k-feldspars indicate they are micxocline with T1)>0.9 and monoclinic k-feldspars with T1﹤O.9. There is a gap between 0.5 and 0.7 for the Al-occupancies in T1 s shown in Fig 3. According to the experimental results, it is suggested that the ordering of Al/Si in natural k-feldspars are divided into two steps.The aluminium ions jump from T2(o) and T2(m) sitesinto T1(o)and T1(m) sites respectively, and then these in the T1(m) sites jump into the T1(o) sites. The first step is called the ordering in monoclinic structure and the second one the ordering in triclinic structure. The crystal will remain a monoclinic symmetry when the Al-occupancies in T1 are less than 0.9, but it will transform into a triclinic symmetry as soon as the Al-occupancies in T1 axe larger than 0.9.

    • 气相色谱—离子色谱连续测定矿物包裹体中的气液成分

      1986, 5(2):162-167.

      摘要 (1809) HTML (0) PDF 1.99 M (2366) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:A method for sequential determination of gas and liquid contents in mineral inclusions at ppbppm level by gas-ion chromatography is described. Gases of H20, CO2, H2, O2, N2. CH4, CO etc and ions of F-,C1]-,NO3- ,SO4(2-), Li+, Na+,NH4+ ,K+ etc. in liquid phase can be quantitatively determined using 0.500 g sample. The method is sensitive and simple. The variation coefficient is less than 5% for gas phase and 2% for liquid phase.

    • 安徽狮子山的单斜硅灰石

      1986, 5(2):168-170.

      摘要 (1730) HTML (0) PDF 1.04 M (2424) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:This paper introduces the discovery of Wollastonite -2M in Shizishan Mountain, Anhwei Province. Its cell parmeter is: a=15.389(2) A,b=7.307(1) A,c=7.051(1) A, β=95.34(1)º。Through its chemical analysis,its physical and optical properties and its X-ray examination, I concluded this kind of mineral to be wollast- onite-2M.

    • 一个经济实用的高温淬火炉

      1986, 5(2):171-176.

      摘要 (1735) HTML (0) PDF 2.61 M (1881) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:We have designed and produced a quenching furnace of high temperature in order to do the experiment of melting rocks. The furnace is composed of three parts: furnace body, support body and quenching pool. This furnace is mainly made of silico-carbonic tube, overlight foam bricks and refractory ceramic cot- ton. By adjusting and testing, the temperature of the furnace sustains 1350℃ and generally 1250℃.The constant temperature region of the furnace tube is large, and the temperature gradient is very low.It heats up fast and homogene- ously. The heat preservation of the furnace is better. The power consumption is less. It can resist oxidation and generally need not be protected with any attac- hed gas. There are tracks for elevating and subsiUiing the furnace body, a work table and four bottom wheels in the support body. Therefore, it is easy to oper- ate. We only spent ¥ 700 yuan to produce this furnace. So it is quite cheap in comparison with the quenching furnace of high temperature made of platinum wire. Besides, the furnace will satisfy the melting experiments of ordinary ig- neous and metamorphic rocks at an atmospheric pressure and high temperature, thus, is economical and practical.

    • 岩组资料的数据处理及成图自动化(之一)——岩组图的制作

      1986, 5(2):177-186.

      摘要 (1660) HTML (0) PDF 3.11 M (1713) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 如今矿物知多少

      1986, 5(2):187-187.

      摘要 (1446) HTML (0) PDF 385.91 K (1599) 评论 (0) 收藏









