• 1985年第4卷第2期文章目次
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    • 陨石矿物表

      1985, 4(2).

      摘要 (1986) HTML (0) PDF 1.27 M (2385) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 宁芜北段某些次火山岩和蚀变岩中的稀土元素

      1985, 4(2):97-103.

      摘要 (2015) HTML (0) PDF 3.40 M (2109) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:In North Nanjing-Wuhu area, the gabbrodiorite porphyrite, augite-trachy- andesite porphyrite and the quartz-monzonite porphyry of Dawaqg Shan volcanic cycle together with the hauyne-trachyte porphyry of Niangniang Shan cycle are all the comagmatic products formed. at various stages of magma event. All these rocks display light REE enriched patterns which plot parallel to each other. As a consequence of evolution of magma, the HREE are fractionated and concentrated in the minerals crystallized in the early stage, while the LREE are remained in the residue and concentrated in the latter formed rocks with increasing in negative Eu anomaly. It indicates that the magmatic differentiation is dominated by the fractional crystallization of the mafic minerals, while that of the plogioclase is quite mild in this area. In accordance with the rock assemblages, the data of stable isotopes as well as the features of the REE patterns, it may be suggested that this rock series may have been derived from upper mantle with some portions of partially melted oceanic cxust and contaminated by spore continental cxustal materials. The REE are mobile during hydrothermal alteration. Although there is no significant variation in their total concentration in the process of So-called dark-colored alteration, they are migrated away in large amounts during the light-colored alteration, enlarging the (La/Yb)N ratio and negative Eu anomaly.

    • 云英岩的蚀变类型、蚀变带序和成岩格子

      1985, 4(2):103-108.

      摘要 (2043) HTML (0) PDF 2.20 M (2162) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The alteration zone and its sequence of greisen, composed of muscovite, quartz, topaz, elbaite and fluorite, can be expessed by the(OH, F)-Si-A1 com- position-paragenesis diagram. According to the difference of combination of these five paragenetic minerals (paragenetic phases) in greisen, five alteration types can be recognized, which can be differentiated each other by their own characteristic paragenetic mineral assemblage and sequence of alteration zone. The boundaries between the adjacent types are examined by the change of the arrangement of tie lines between coesisting phases (a kind of univari- ant reactions).These five alteration types constitute a petrogenetic grid, char- acterized by 2, 2, 1 pencil of says. Each alteration type corresponds to a diva- riant field. Further more, twa evolving series of alteration type can be set up, according to the reduced order of chemical potential of O2.

    • 苦橄岩体中的一种矽卡岩

      1985, 4(2):108-113.

      摘要 (1799) HTML (0) PDF 3.51 M (2093) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The skarns in the Xujiachong from Jingshan county, Hubei Province, are virtually the products of dolomitic xenoliths suffered contact-thermal metamor- phism and contact metasomatism, and may be divided mainly into two types; monticellite-andradite-diopside skarn with porphyroblastic texture in the outer zone of xenolith and andradite-diopside skarn with fine grained granoblastic texture in its inner. Their mineFal assemblages are shown as following, diopside, andradite monticeJlite, biotite, perovskite, ilmenite and titanite in outer zone of xenolith and diopside, andradite, biotite, rutile, magnetite, apatite and zircon in its inner zone. The rock-forming minerals of andradite-diopside skarns are mainly diopside, andradite, monticellite and biotite, whereas the accessory minerals consist of perovskite, ilmenite, ruble, titanite, magnetite, apatite and zircon. The monticellites were suffered intense serpentinization (always occurs as pseudomorphs after olivine),and sometimes altered to vesuvianite, occuring as poaphyroblastics in the outer zone of xenolith. The andradites are the most common in these rocks, which occur not only as porphyroblastics, but also as fine grains纽the matrix. Their structural formula is shown below; (Ca2.755 Mg0.20. Fe2+0.035)3.00(Fe3+1.85, Ti0.05, A10.01)2.00(Si2.916, Al0.074)2.99O12.00 The crytallization history and the temperature conditions for formation of the andradite-diopside skarns are discussed by the authors in this paper, and according to Evans and Trommsdorff (1980),using the H. G. F. Winkles method (1975),the equilibium temperatures for coexisting of monticellite and andra- Bite pair in the skarns are calcutaled at 680-700℃.

    • 湖南柿竹园钨锡铋钼(铍)矿床中石榴石的研究

      1985, 4(2):123-131.

      摘要 (1991) HTML (0) PDF 4.24 M (2151) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:This is a rather larger netted veinal polymetal ore deposit of composite greisen-skarn type rich in tungsten-tin-bismuth-molybdenum (beryllium) and lead-zinc etc. Garnets are the principal mineral in skarn, about 60-75% , of andradite and grossularite group. They are most closely related to W, Sn, Bi, Mo(Be) etc mineralization. Bused on our researches on 50 garnets of I, II, III different generations the results are given as follows; 1 .Garnet has abnormal optical properies, that are of three kinds: the optic isotrope, weak optic anisotrope and powerful optic anisotrope. 2 .Garnets of the early period occur in the lower part of, skarn, they are dark colour and optic isotrope, N=1.852-1.781, D=3.802-3.550, a0= 11.9692-11.9491, belonging to andradite groups. Towards the upper part of skarn they gradually become light colour’and powerful optic anisotrope, N= 1.752-1.790, D=3.618-3.657,ao=11.8579-11.8684,belonging to grossularite. 3 .Garnet groups are the complete isomorphism interuiediate composition between and radite-grossularite. 4 . Garnet has a higher content of tungsten-tin W = 0.2-1.0% and Sn= 0.3-0.4%,W exists in the form 'of scheelite and wolframits, but Sn sudstitu- tes for Fe and exists with little content in the form ofcassiterite and stannite in garnet. 5 .Andradite is formed under conditions of high temperature (T>400℃), pH=6.64-6.98 and Eh“3-14, mainly in the way of dimetasomatism, while grossularite is formed under the conditions of low temperature (T=300-400℃), pH=6.24-6.78 and Eh=一3一+4, and mainly in the way of contact-infiltra- tion metasomatism.

    • 矿物包裹体等容状态方程及压力校正

      1985, 4(2):132-136.

      摘要 (2120) HTML (0) PDF 2.26 M (2071) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:This paper inferred the calibration equation of the homogeneous tempera- ture and the dec}epitated temperature of inclusions in minerals according to the principle of expanding and contracting, and explained the calibration method of the data of thermometry by examples for actual inclusions. The calibration equations ; T(f) =A(Pf - Pd) + Td T(f) =A(Pf - Ph) + Th T(d) =A(Pd - Ph) + Th Tf, Pf,,the formation temperature and pressure;Td,Pd, the decxepitated temperature and the pressure;Th,Ph,the homogeneous temperature and the pressure; A the calibration coefficient. It equalled specific value K/β. This equation shows, whether the homogeneous temperature or the deare- pitated temperature, the pressure calibration monomial is AΔP from actual capture temperature of inclusions. Thus the data of measuring temperature without proofreading can not be directly in place of the formation temperature of the mineral. The homogeneous method determined the data of some early synthetic crystals practised proofreading abroad by the calibration equation and compa- red it with the actual synthetic temperature of crystal.The result of calibra- tion, the most error is ≤ ±5° The result of calculation is satisfactory and these equations approximated well .

    • 应用顺磁性液体测量微小矿物比重和磁化系数的初步研究

      1985, 4(2):136-141.

      摘要 (1920) HTML (0) PDF 2.49 M (2056) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:A technique employing paramagnetic liquids has been developed . for measuring the specific gravity of small particles. The method has been used to determine the specific gravity of mineral particles smaller than 0.09 mm. The measured specific gravity ranges even up to 21g/cm3 (Au).The main advantages of this method are: (1)The specific gravity of very small mineral particles can be measu- red; (2)The measurement is of wide range; (3)The operation is easy and simple. A dew method was reported in 1977, whereby specific gravity and magne- tic susceptibility of small particles might be measured by levitation in paramagnetic solutions in a nonhomogeneous magnetic field. The basis for its calculation is the ratio of the applied currents required for levitation of the particles to be measured to the same level and standard particles. But in our experiments we found that the measurement was not precise and it was hard- 1y used in practice because of the ferromagnetic characteristics and magnetic loss of electromagnet core. From the consideration of above we developed I- F curve in place of the original formula, and now we have got more satisfying results. In this paper the selection of the standard particles and paramagnetic liquids and our units for experiments are discussed.

    • LZ—2型高压静介电矿物分离仪及其应用

      1985, 4(2):142-146.

      摘要 (1819) HTML (0) PDF 2.34 M (2039) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:LZ-2 type high-tension electrostatic and dielectric mineral separation instrument is a new type equipment of mineral separation. As compared with the simlar type of product in our country, it has following advantages: (1)It can organitcally join two functions of electrostatic separation and dielectric separation, thus can make one machine possess many uses. (2)The electrostatic separation exports steady high-tension and ex- tends the region of mineral separation.The separation roam is made of ceramic material, which attenuates electrostatic induction attracting to mineral partio- les and decreases consumption of the sample. (3)The frequency of dielectric separation can be adjusted continuously in a certain region, so that we can select the optimal separation condition at any time. The mode of separation has realized the automatic separation by machines and substitutes manual operation in the past. Then it greatly imp- roves on the operation condition. This kind of instrument has great power, so it can make two attraction electrodes work at the same time and enhance operation efficiency. Through initiai productive practise the function of the instrument is steady. The separation efficiency is very good. The instrument is a sort of adeal equipment for pure mineral separation.

    • 论金属矿物偏光色颜色指数的鉴定意义和计算方法

      1985, 4(2):145-123.

      摘要 (2136) HTML (0) PDF 4.07 M (2021) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:In this paper, the problems of the distinguishing characters and the cal- culative method of Polarization Color Indices of ore minerals are discussed. The new. calculative method of Polarization Color Indices of ore .minerals according to the Standard System (XYZ) of C. I. E is established. The counting method and processes are described. The luminance, hue and degree of saturation or purity of excitement of Polarization Color of ore minetals can be obtained from above new calculative method with SE as light source. The Polarization Color Indices of more than hnadred ore minerals are given. The systematic data, which include the Lumi- name of Polarization Color Rvis ( % ). Chromaticity Coordinates x, y, Dominant wave length dd (run), and Degree of saturation Fe of Polarization Color Indices, will aid to identify the main anisotropic ore minerals.

    • 聚氨酯泡沫塑料吸附分离和富集金机理的初步研究

      1985, 4(2):146-150.

      摘要 (2123) HTML (0) PDF 2.21 M (1974) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The author explains the mechanism of the adsorption of gold on polyure- thane foam by means of X-ray diffraction, infrared spectrum, electrinic scanning microscope and surfactant washing etc. . The author confirms that the process of the adsorption of gold on polyurethane foam is physical adsorption.

    • 铊与铜试剂的络合物吸附波

      1985, 4(2):150-153.

      摘要 (1851) HTML (0) PDF 1.68 M (2669) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:In the presence of cupron, there exists a sensitive adsorptive complex wave of the complex formed by thallium ions. The most suitable supporting electro- lyte solution is composed of 0.05M-KBr, 0.4% Na2S03 and 2.10-4 M-cupron.The wave is available for the deteamination of 0.1-25 ppm Tl. The wave peak appears at-o.8V.

    • 罗丹明6G光度法测定矿石中微量汞

      1985, 4(2):153-155.

      摘要 (1862) HTML (0) PDF 1.09 M (2598) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Mercury (II) formeda colour complex with rhodamine 6G and potassium iodide in the presence of arabic gum in a medium of 0.4-1.6 N-H3PO4. Beer's law was obeyed for 1-6µg/25m1 of mercury. The apparent molar absorptivity was 1.7·105 1·mol-1. cm-1.The Sandell sensitivity was 1.8·105/µg/cm2.The complex is stable in three hours at 15-25℃.

    • 闪锌矿分析

      1985, 4(2):155-159.

      摘要 (2117) HTML (0) PDF 2.54 M (2041) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The test solution in 0.1 N-F1Cl acidic medium was passed through a colum packed with cation exchange resin, germanium was oxidized to hexes valent by potassium bichromate in advance. As, Se, Te and Ge were determined in the -eluate; after elution with NH4NO3-NH4OH solution, Cu, Zn, Cd, Co and Ni were determined; after elution with 2N-HCl solution, iron was determined. The procedure can be used to determine as many as ten elements by AAS, spectro- y hotometry, polargraphy and induced colorimetry separately.

    • 用钒作为基体改进剂对矿石中痕量镓、铟、铊的无火焰原子吸收测定

      1985, 4(2):160-163.

      摘要 (1822) HTML (0) PDF 1.85 M (2447) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The sample solution in 5.5 N-HBr medium was extracted by n-butyl acetate, using vanadium in 2N-HN03 medium as matrix modifier Ga, In and Tl could be measured less than O.OX ppm. The absolute sensitivity obtained for Ga, In and T1 were 5 .10-12, 9·10-12 and 9·10-12 respectively, The RSD of samples containing O.1µg/ml of Ga, 0.02 µg/ml of In and TI are 1.33% , 1.52 % and 1.4 7% respectively (n=11).

    • 硅铍钇矿全分析

      1985, 4(2):163-167.

      摘要 (1853) HTML (0) PDF 2.07 M (1981) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Beryllium is separated from REE and aluminum with zerolit 225 cation exchanger, the eluant for beryllium is 2.0M HN03 in 70% methanol. The reco- very was nearly 100% for 5mg Be. The other elements were eluted by using hydrochloric acid of different concentration, and determined by rotine method.

    • 锑—对二甲氨基苯芴酮络合物的示波极谱测定

      1985, 4(2):167-169.

      摘要 (1776) HTML (0) PDF 1.24 M (2591) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:A sensitive polarographic catalytic wave of Sb-dimetbylamino phenylfluo- rone complex is obtained in sulphuric acid medium within the concentration range of 0.1-0.6N. About 40 kinds of metals ions do not interfere. F-, EDTA and NO3 interfere seriously. The method permits to determine 0.004-0.32µg/ ml of antimony, The wave peak appears at -0.20 volt.

    • 铜铁试剂在极谱分析中的应用

      1985, 4(2):169-173.

      摘要 (1636) HTML (0) PDF 1.67 M (2446) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 计算机在岩矿测试数据处理方面的应用实例砂矿物鉴定数据处理程序

      1985, 4(2):173-175.

      摘要 (1761) HTML (0) PDF 988.60 K (2454) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 黄铁矿中微量元素的光谱测定

      1985, 4(2):175-177.

      摘要 (1713) HTML (0) PDF 1.05 M (2334) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 稀土元素新型显色剂偶氮溴膦-PN测定地质样品中稀土总量

      1985, 4(2):177-178.

      摘要 (1779) HTML (0) PDF 701.88 K (2506) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 加拿大铁建造岩国际标准样品分析

      1985, 4(2):178-184.

      摘要 (1636) HTML (0) PDF 2.79 M (1795) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • ICP固体粉末法应用于化探样品中多元素分析

      1985, 4(2):184-186.

      摘要 (1605) HTML (0) PDF 798.77 K (2437) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 原子吸收法测定高含量铅

      1985, 4(2):186-187.

      摘要 (1565) HTML (0) PDF 359.32 K (2533) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 减压法测定沸石岩中总交换量

      1985, 4(2):187-190.

      摘要 (1464) HTML (0) PDF 726.17 K (2492) 评论 (0) 收藏









