• 1985年第4卷第1期文章目次
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    • 原子吸收法测定碳酸盐样品中微量银镉—氨溶液法的改进

      1985, 4(1).

      摘要 (1703) HTML (0) PDF 672.99 K (2177) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 山西垣曲中元古代枕状熔岩的研究

      1985, 4(1):1-10.

      摘要 (1880) HTML (0) PDF 6.10 M (2016) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The Middle Proterozoic pillow lavas distributing over Yuanqu, South- eastern Shanxi province, are composed of basalt-andesites and andesites, which have undergone, more or less, alkalfeldspathiztion, sericitization and chloriti- zation.The variationin composition from core to margin of the pillows, and to the groundmass was examined by chemical methods. At the core the Na2O content is the highest but it gradually decreases towards the margin; The Mg0 content in the pillows is lower than that in the groundmass. It was located that the Luliang-West Henan rift valley appeared as a shallow sea,while the lava flows emplaced.Two modeles of formation on the individual pillows can be recognized.The quenching temperature of the pillows is about 950℃.

    • 西藏大竹区蛇绿岩中的钠长花岗岩

      1985, 4(1):11-15.

      摘要 (1719) HTML (0) PDF 3.24 M (1945) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The albite granite occurs at the top of the cumulates in Dazhu Area. It's a greyish white and fined-grained rock, consisting mainly of albite (An 1 and quartz with only minor amounts of ferromagnesium mineral and myrmekite. The albite granite can be distinguished from other granites by the absence of potash feldspar. It exhibits granitic texture and is characterized chemically by higher Si02, Na2O and extremely low K20. The REE pattern of the albite granite is depleted in LREE as those of the plagiogranite of Troodos. From the dunite at the bottom to the albite granite at the top of cumu- later, the contents of SiO2, Na2O, Ti02 increase and (Fe0>,Mg0 decrease grad- ually. The (Fe0 > /Mg0 ratio of cumulates also increase noticeably from 0. 23 to 3.33. Meanwhile, the REE abundance of the albite granite is highest, being more than 18 times over those of chondrite, and that of the cumulus dunite is all lower than those of chondrite. All of these gradual variations of the cu- mulus sequence indicate the trend of the magmatic differentiation. Therefore. the albite granite represents the final differentiation product of a tholeiitic magma.

    • 冀东曹庄群早太古变基性火山质斜长角闪岩的地球化学特征

      1985, 4(1):16-22.

      摘要 (2037) HTML (0) PDF 3.59 M (1943) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Available data for plagio-amphibolites in Chaozhuang Group from east- ern Hebei Province are examined. All these rocks occur in layer intercala- ted either with metasediments or with gneisses. In AEM diagram the plagio amphibolites mainly belong to calc-alkaline series and showed a higher con- tent of potassium. All rare-meth elements patterns are fractionated with slight enrichment in light rare-earth elements, (Ce/Yb)。ratios range from 1.1 to 4.4. The rare-earth elements patterns observed here are quite similar to those of calc-alkaline basalts and continental basalts. These imply that the occurrence of plagio amphibolite from Chaozhuang Group may be rala- ted to underplating beneath the Archaean continental crust.

    • 浙江遂昌某金矿床蔷薇辉石的研究

      1985, 4(1):23-30.

      摘要 (1783) HTML (0) PDF 4.54 M (2006) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The mineralogical study of` the rhodonte from a certain gold deposit lo- Gated in Suichang of Zhejiang province, China, including the chemical, compo- sition, crystal structure and physical propeaties of rhodonite, is relevant to the: genesis information on the deposit type and: the conditions of its genesis,and is of typomorphic significance. The-systematic data, which include the genetal geology of the 'gold deposit, the chemical e4mposition (the main composition), crystal structure (diffraction of X-ray and unit cell extent),and some physi- cal properties (such as refractive index, reflectance, microhasdness, specific gravity, differential thermal analysis, thermal luminescence and infrared spec- tra) of the rhodonite, are given in this paper. The problems of the typomor- phic peculiarities of rhodonite and the genesis of a certain gold deposit in Suichang are discussed. On basis of the mineralogical study, the author holds that the typomorphic peculiarities of the rhodonite would be of some help to the research into the "subvolcanic rocks" genesis of the gold deposit. As a re- suit of the study of minexaIogy of rhodonite, it has provided mineralogical marks for surveying and prospecting of volcanic hydrothermal gold deposits. These mineralogical marks indicate the following typomorphic peculiariti- es of rhodonite. Rhodonite from a certain gold deposit in Suichang, Zhejiang has the chemical formula (Mn0..080 Ca0.330 Mgo.127 Fe0.019)4.556 Si5.222 O15.000. Lattice unit cell extent a:b:c=0.627:1:0.572. Refractive index Ng is 1.7395士0.0065, Nm is 1.7280士0.0050 and Np is1.72I0士0.0010. Reflectance R546= 0.076士 0.001. Mierohardness Hv is 489.5 士 30. 5kg/mm2. Specif is gravity D= 3.675士0.055. DTA curve has a endothermal valley near 1214℃ or 1114℃ and a small valley in the vicinity of 1189℃ or 1165℃, New mineralogica.I masks for suave如ng and prospecting of volcanic hydrothermal gold deposits are thermal luminescence and infrared spectxa of rhodonite, Gold bearing rhodo- nice has strong thermal luminescence and the thermoluminesoence curve has a distinct peak. The major infrared spectra. absorbefficient peaks move 2-11 cm-1 toward the short wave direction.

    • 焦作煤田冯营煤矿地开石的发现及其研究

      1985, 4(1):30-38.

      摘要 (2154) HTML (0) PDF 4.32 M (1947) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Dickite is a relatively uncommon clay mineral, belonging to the kaolin group and having dioctahedxal structure. It occurs along the cracks and sli- ding planes at false roof and top of the coal bed (Permian Shanxi Formation) in Fengying mining area, Jiaozuo coal basin, and is 1-lOmm (generally 5mm) in thickness. It is usually white or greyish. white in colour, and grows grey when sub- jected to carbon contamination. The differential thermal analysis indicates that the endothermic valleys appear at temperatures h馆 her than 600t,that a comparatively intense exothermic peak occurs at 980℃,and that the mineral has considerably high degree of order. Absorption peaks are observed on the infrared spectrum curve from 3700 CM-1 to 3600 CM-1 with the character of gradual intensification. The six diffraction peaks at 20 values from 20 0 to 24 0 and the double peak at 2θ values from 35° to 40° on the x-diffraction pattern also denote the mineral of dickite. The electron microscope analysis demons- trates that this mineral assumes the shape of accumulated tower, and the che- mical analysis shows that its components axe mainly SiO2 and A1203 with some absorbed water-other constituents are rarely observed. This further con- firms that this mineral is undoubtedly dickite with pure chemical components. All these data will contribute to the genetic study of this mineral.

    • 青海肯德可克矿床金属矿物的标型特征及矿床成因类型的探讨

      1985, 4(1):39-44.

      摘要 (1930) HTML (0) PDF 3.12 M (1978) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The results on the study of typomorphic peculiarities of magnetite, pyrite, sphalerite and galena collected from Kendekok Fe-Zn-Pb deposit, Qinghai, China, are presented. The Kendekok magnetites are richer in TiO2 and A1203 than skarns- hydrothermal deposits, and richer ih Mg0 and Mn0 than sedimentary-meta- morphic deposits. Their average hardness is 515 kg/mm2, specific gravity 5.16, reflective power 18.4%, the unite cell a0=8.3964A. The Kendekok pyrites are rich in As, but poor in other minor elements. Their average hardness is 1371kg/mm2, specific gravity 4.85, reflective power 52.0%,and the unite cell a0 = 5.4177A. The Kendekok sphalerites are rich in Cd and Se, but poor in Ag, Ga and Ge. Their average hardness is 173kg/mm2, specific gravity 3.96,reflective power 16.9% and the unite cell、a0=5.4195A. The Kendekok galenas are rich in Se, Cd and Bi, but poor in Sb. Their average hardness is 62kg/mm2, specific gravity 7.52, reflective power 42.2% and the unite cell a0=5.9335A, The results of preliminary study show that Kendekok deposit is a Tran- sitional type between sedimentary-metamorphic .and skarns-hydrothermal deposits. The source rock of the deposit is a sedimentary-metamorphic rock rich in iron and other minerogenetic elements. The genesis of the deposit is a result that the source rock suffered a hydrothermal metasomatism during the magnesian skarns diigenetic process.

    • 用扫描电镜-图象分析方法研究某区稀土、铌矿石的元素赋存状态

      1985, 4(1):45-50.

      摘要 (1966) HTML (0) PDF 4.37 M (1977) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The method of combining electron microscope scanning analysis with image analysis is used to determine the contents of rare earth minerals and niobium minerals in ores. Before the determination, first of all, categories and the chemical compositions of these main minerals have to be examined thoibughly. The X-ray plane scanning of electron microscope is carried out to differentiate the elements according to the main elements association, for example Ge-P is monazite, Ce-Ti-Nb is eschynite, Huanghoite is Ce-Ba and the rest is bastnaesite. As to the Niobium minerals Nb-Fe is columbite, Nb-Mn and Nb-Ee-Mn is Maganocolumbite, Nb-Ti-Ce is eschynite, Nb-Ca is fersmite and pyrochlore (the further determination by microscope) Nb-Fe- Ti is ilmenorutile, Nb-Ce is brocenite and Na-Ti-Si is baotite. The X-ray plane scanning is carrying out on a special mode polished section on which all rare-earth minerals and niobium minerals are riched by special technologi- caI prossessing. Finally an image analysis instrument is used to prossess all image photos of the scanning and made them to be overlapping exactly and calculate the dimensions and proportions of each mineral respectively by computer.

    • 电感耦合氩等离子体原子发射光谱同时测定某些地质样品中的常量元素及痕量元素

      1985, 4(1):51-56.

      摘要 (1837) HTML (0) PDF 3.05 M (1936) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:A method is developed for simultaneous deteemination of nine major and minor elementr (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na,.P,Ti) and thirteen trace elements (Ba, Be, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu; Li, Sc, Sr, V, V, Zn) in silicate rocks water sedim- eats, dolomite, limestone and quartz by ICP-AES. The sample is decomposed by adding a mixture of HN03, HCI, water and hydrofluoric acid in a new type sealed Teflon bomb.The spectroscopic data were measured by direct reading spectrometer. The RSD of major elements obtained were 0.75-3.6% and of minor and trace elements obtained were 1-15.3%.

    • 伟晶岩里铌钽矿物量的测定

      1985, 4(1):56-62.

      摘要 (1847) HTML (0) PDF 1.48 M (2374) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The spectral characteristics of Fe-Niobite, Fe-Niobotantalite, Tapiolite,Ge- rmannobite and Ixiolite in Pegmatite were studied by the tachnique of laser microspectral analysis. The contents of 5 minerals were determined quantita- tively. The equilibrium coefficients of elements were determined. ,The precision and accuracy were good.。

    • 激光蒸汽云及其光源的探讨

      1985, 4(1):59-62.

      摘要 (1544) HTML (0) PDF 1.49 M (2270) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Ordinary pulse laser and giant pulse laser, being excited by auxiliary electrode discharge in different delayed-time, are used to investigate the homogeneity of luminous particles in laser vapour cloud produced by test- sample of various property. the results showed that luminous particles in vapour cloud distribute more evenly and vervain relatively stable by use of giant pulse laser. There- fore, analyse reproductiv ity can be improved.

    • 微量稀土矿物分析

      1985, 4(1):63-66.

      摘要 (1725) HTML (0) PDF 1.93 M (2285) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:REE of xenatime and monazite were separated by using paper chroma- tography in developing medium of butanol-HF-HCI-HZO (50:3:40:7) " The R values of REE, Th, V, Zr, Nb, Ta and P were found to be 0, 0, 0.52, 0.6 0, 0 .91, 0.93 and 0.84 respectively. The REE of aeschynite were separated by using methyl isobutyl ketone-acetone-HCl-HF (60:30:2:8) as developer, the Rf values Of Ta, Nb, Fe, Ti, and REE were found to be 0.99, 0.79, 0.41, 0.17 and O respectively. A technique of extraction chromatognaphy was applied for separation group of REE of aeschynite with P5o7 as stationary phase, silica gel as support and HCl as mobile phase. The process was discused in detail.

    • 铌钽酸盐类矿物微量化学分析

      1985, 4(1):67-70.

      摘要 (1715) HTML (0) PDF 1.81 M (2332) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Sample solution contained 5 mg of niobotantalate mineral can be sepa- sated in the medium of 6 N-HCl-2% H2C204 solution on the account of the two reagents of BPHA and PMBP separately added to the system of extra- ction. The procedue can be used to determine 14 elements such as Nb, Ta, Zr, Ti, Fe, W, Ta, U, RE, Pb, Al, Ca, Mg and Mn. T>}e sample taken only 20- 30 mg for complete annlvsis.

    • 铀—水杨基萤光酮—Zeph—OP四元络合物分光光度反应及其应用

      1985, 4(1):70-72.

      摘要 (1782) HTML (0) PDF 1.06 M (2317) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:A method is developed for the determination of microamounts of U in aqueous solution by U-salicylfluorone-zeph-OP system. The absorption peak of the quarternary complex appears at 555 nm(ε=1.75 × 105).The color of the complex develops quickly stable for more than 5 hours. The method is suitable for determining U heigher than O.OOOx % in geological samples.

    • 发射光谱法测定岩石中十五个痕量稀土元素

      1985, 4(1):72-76.

      摘要 (1916) HTML (0) PDF 1.85 M (2452) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The method is based on the separation of REE from the accompanied elements Fe, Al. Ca, Mg, Ba etc. by cation exchange resin. Then REE is coll- ected on cation exchange paper from hydrochloride medium at pH 1-2. Af- ter asking and ignition the residue is subjected to emission spectroscopic determination. The results of GSD reference samples and Canadian reference samples obtaind by this method and the certified values of these samples are listed for comparison.

    • 野外快速鉴定金

      1985, 4(1):76-77.

      摘要 (1744) HTML (0) PDF 829.43 K (2436) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:A simple rapid and sensitive method for detecting gold was described. It is based on the adsorption of gold with polyacrylamide to form a colou- red spot in the presence of TMK reagent. The intensity of the colour is directly proportional to the concentration of gold over the range of 0.1- 5.0 µg.

    • 砷、磷、硅的低层析分离及微量砷钇矿的系统分析

      1985, 4(1):78-80.

      摘要 (1879) HTML (0) PDF 1.57 M (2297) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:In order to separate As, P and Si one an other. in practical analysis paper chromatographic method was used. A developer butyl acetone: methy isobutyl acetone:hydrofluoric acid:nitric acid=10:10:4:1 was selected. The Rf values were 0.75, 0.4 and zero for As, P and Si respectively. Si, Al and V were separated from other elements with butyl acetone:me- thyl iso-butyl acetone : nittic acid : water = 12. 5 :12. 5:2.5:1·25 as chromatogra-phic reagent, theR,values of Si, Al and V all were zero. The analytical data were reported.

    • 阴离子交换色谱分离和测定微量单矿物方铅矿和闪锌矿中铜、铅、锌、银、铋、镉、锰、钴和镍等元素

      1985, 4(1):80-82.

      摘要 (1851) HTML (0) PDF 1.18 M (2386) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The acidic sample solution was passed through a small column contining 717 anion exchanger. The various eluents were found separately for Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Bi, Mn, Co and Ni. These elements were determination by polarogra- phy, spectroph otometry and aas method separately. The measured data of above elements were given.

    • 4,5-二溴苯基萤光酮-CTAB光度法测定矿物中微量铟

      1985, 4(1):82-84.

      摘要 (1676) HTML (0) PDF 1.14 M (2477) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:A new sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of In (III) with 4, 5-dibromopb.enylfluorone and GTMAB is described. The molar absorptivity of the ternary complex is 1.63x 105 1 mol-1 cm-1 at 590nm. The molar ratio of In/Br-PF/CTMAB is 1:3:6. Beer's law obeyed for indium in the range of 0-10 µg/10 ml. In(III)is extracted with n-butyl actate from the sample solution in 5 N hydrobromic acid. The method permits determination of n(10-1-10-5)% of Indium.

    • 5—Br—PADAP光度法测定黄铁矿中微量银

      1985, 4(1):84-86.

      摘要 (1820) HTML (0) PDF 1.01 M (2416) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Photometric determination of micro amount of silver with 5-Br-PADAP -SLS as chromogenic agent in Pyrite was studied.The complex has maximum absorption at 550 nm with a molar absorption coefficient of 6.5 x 104. The calibration curve is linear in the range of 0-1.6 ppm at pH 5.5-8. The int- erference of fifty foreign ions were tested. The range of detection is O.x- x×10-3 % for silver.

    • 专利与专利检索

      1985, 4(1):86-89.

      摘要 (1670) HTML (0) PDF 1.68 M (2296) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 微量辰砂单矿物中汞的EDTA容量法测定

      1985, 4(1):89-91.

      摘要 (1443) HTML (0) PDF 789.05 K (2149) 评论 (0) 收藏









