• 1983年第2卷第4期文章目次
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    • 个旧锡矿花岗岩的氧氢碳稳定同位素研究

      1983, 2(4):241-247.

      摘要 (2073) HTML (0) PDF 3.64 M (2255) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Isotopic composition of oxygen in Gejiu granites is characterized by abun dance of 18O, which indicated that the source material was derived from the shallow sedimentary crust.In consideration of the fact that the isotopic composi- tions of oxygen and hydrogen in magma liquid are similar with that of the "magmatic water" defined by Taylor the tin-bearing granites should be classi- fied genesically as an anatexis magmatic-granite in the shallow source (it cor- respond to S-type defined by Chappell). The isotopic composition of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon in Gejiu tin de- posite shows that the tin mineralization occurred mainly in the deuteric thermal fluid stage.The ore-bearing fluids were mainly derived from the magmatic wa- ter, and a large of atmospheric water joined to it only in its later stage. Some carbons in the ore-bearing fluid was come from the organic carbon resulted from marblization of the surrounding rocks.

    • 滇西地区中酸性侵入岩的平均化学成分

      1983, 2(4):248-259.

      摘要 (1713) HTML (0) PDF 6.09 M (2093) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Intermediate-acid intrusive rocks, mainly granitoids, are widely distributed in Western Yunnan. Usually accompanied by regional fault zones, metamorphic zones and tectonic fracture zones, they are characterized by multicycle activity. in this paper, it prensents the following petrochemical data; Average chemical data of 4 chief rock-types.Viz. acidic,intermediate-acidic, intermediate and alkaline rock-types, Average chemical data of 18 principal rocks. Average chemical data of the granites of different ages. Average chemical data of the granites in different tectonic-magmatic zones. Average compositional values of the rock-forming elements the 4 chief rock types and the aboundance ("concentration clarke") of the granitoids and inter- mediate rocks.

    • 南岭花岗岩及矿体中一些云母的研究

      1983, 2(4):260-271.

      摘要 (1838) HTML (0) PDF 5.54 M (2181) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:There occurs,in S. E. China, a broad region of granite masses the acidity of whichincreases with ages from prelower Palaezoic to late of Cretaceus.The associ- ated mineral deposits are, W, Sn, Mo, Bi f Cu, Pb, Zn; Li, Be,B y Nb, Ta and rare earths, forming the socalled the Chinese part of the Circum-Pacific polymetallic Zone. The ore bodies appear as vein, greisen or skarn, usually on the tops of cupolas. The granite and the oreTbodies were cut by fine grained porphyritic granite dykes, which were, in turn, cut by basic or ultrabasic dykes. By investigating 200, samples of granites, greisens and skarns of different ages and localities, it appears that micas vary significantly with barren, slight- 1y altered granite and greien-skarn associated with orebodies. Micas play a role of absorber or reservoir of rare or oreforming elements which either enter, as building stones, into the micastructure or as independent minerals enclosed in or enriched around micas. The physical, including colors, and chemical proper- ties of micas depend on the kinds of parent rocks and associated minerals. The micas are, 1 .Normal biotite and muscovite in barren or unaltered granites, 2. Slightly altered micas and 3. Much altered micas associated with ore deposits a) Rubidian zinnwaldite in altered granite and greisen with niobites grey green; 2-3mm; with pinacoidal or prismatic facess containing Li20 3.28,Rb2O 1.54, F 7.16%;and with diffused streaks much developed in Laue photograph. b) Zincian siderophyllite in niobite granite;containing Li2O 0.94,MnO0.91, Na20 1.5, ZnO 0.46 and F 4.6%. c) Be-margarite in the central parts of mica veinlets in stockwork marbles with maximum Be0 1.33%.

    • 新疆磁海铁矿床中辉石的研究与单斜辉石分类定名的多元三角图解法

      1983, 2(4):272-281.

      摘要 (2465) HTML (0) PDF 4.70 M (2469) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Geological characters, physical and chemical properties of clinopyroxenes from Cihai iron ore deposits are studied with X-ray diffra,ction,IR-spectroscopy, mSssbauer spectrum and mineral chemistry. Since the clinopyroxenes are cri- terion minerals in the deposits of Cihai type,the data of pyroxenes provide form an important basis for our study of the petrogenesis and mineralization. In this paper a triangular diagram with three end-members for normenc- lature of monoclinic pyroxenes is related. Theoretic.a mineral formulas of tri- angular diagram are as follows; (1) Formula of diopside-hedenbergite series, Ca(Mg, Fe)Si206-DiS; (2)Formula of minerals of clinoenstatite: (Mg, Fe)2Si206- CES; (3)Formula of theoretical minerals of tschermak; M2M1 (T206)-Ts, com- ponents of aegirine(NaFe3+Si206-Ae)and jadeite(NaAISi2O6-Ja).The three corners of the triangle represent the three components. In consideration of complicated composition of clinopyroxenes, which have the same type of crystal structure, this method is reasonable and practicable.

    • 吉林陨石熔渗脉的扫描电子显微镜研究

      1983, 2(4):282-287.

      摘要 (1973) HTML (0) PDF 3.49 M (2153) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The occurence of fuse leakage vein means that fused crust material melted under the action of external dynamics, percolated into slight tension fissures,and after gradual cooling, formed dark veinlets.The black permeated cemented vein- lets may penetrate as deep as 10 cm into the meteorite but some of them pe- netrated only a few centimeters under the surface. There are three occurences of the secondary veinlets observed; (1) only one side of the crevice was cod- ted by the fused material, thickness of the veinlts 0 .2-0.6mm, (2) Both sides of the tension cracks are coated by the fused material with incomplete or wi- thout fused stuffing in the middle part and 0.2-lmrn in thickness, (3) The whole crevices were completely filled by the fused black material. In the first occurence of the permeated stock works there is the trace of splash, shoo- ting and stride of the fused permeation. The metaLLic minerals in the secon- dary veinlets are mainly Fe, Ni and a little sulfide in the form of bed-bug on the surface of the veinlets which is mainly composed of the olivine and pyroxene etc. began to crystallize. All of these can be found on the surface of veinlets of λJpes one and two, mentioned above. Besides, direct connection of the fused primary crust and the secondary veinlets is found amony some of the specimens. The open gap of the veinlets on surface of the meteorite was cemented by the fused crust. This, toge- ther with the composition shows that the secondary veinlets were formed under relatively weaker oxidation condition. The shooting of the viscous fusion indicated that during the formation of the secondary veinlets by permeation there occurred compression by the relative movement of the side-walls. The trace of the stria on the surface of the secondary veinlets showed slso that the relative movement of the side-walls occurred after the consolidation of the fused materials. It may be inferred that the rate of cooling of the secondary veialets was somewhat slower than that of the fused crust, so that there was the possibility of occurring silicate minerals (orth.opyroxene etc.)on the surface of the veinlets.

    • 氢化物——无色散原子荧光法测定地质样品中微量硒及碲

      1983, 2(4):288-292.

      摘要 (1851) HTML (0) PDF 2.40 M (2051) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:A hydride generation nondispersive atomic fluorescence spectrometric method has been developed for determination of trace amount of Se and Te in geological samples. Under the optimum conditions selected by the author, the best attainable detection limits of Se and Te are both 0.3 ng. Ferric chl- pride and thiourea are recommended as the reagents for eliminating interfer- ences. The spectral interference from Bi reported in the literature can be completely overcome by using Te EDL containing tellurium metal and tellurium bromide. In ordinary samples, no seperation is required.

    • 锗与茜素S-络合物吸附波的探讨及其在矿石中的应用

      1983, 2(4):292-295.

      摘要 (1781) HTML (0) PDF 1.36 M (2492) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The polarographia behaviour of germanium complex with alizarin-S has been studied in this paper. The germanium complex: gives a high sensitive wave at dropping-mercury electrode at-0.68 v. The optimum condition for determination of Ge is 0.2 M ammonium chloride, 2% formic acid, and 0.001 M. alizarin-S. The linear relationship between the peak height and concentration of germanium occurs in the range of 0.005-0.8 ppm. Some interfering ions (anodic and cathodic) are tested.

    • 气相色谱法测定岩溶水中氰化物

      1983, 2(4):295-297.

      摘要 (1859) HTML (0) PDF 852.40 K (2587) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:A rapid and sensitive method for determination of small amounts of cyan- ide in karst water by gas chromatography was studied. In acidic medium, CN- could be converted into CNBr with bromine, and extracted with benzene. The benzene extract was introduced through the chromatographic column and a fine peak was obtained. A straight line was obtained over the range of 10-11- 10-9 gram of cyanide

    • 小型交换柱上稀土元素的选择性分离及其等离子炬光谱测定

      1983, 2(4):297-300.

      摘要 (1827) HTML (0) PDF 1.59 M (2617) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The miniaturization of column and the selective separation of R. E. are discussed in this paper. The rare earth elements are quantitativly separated from Zr, Ti, U (VI),Bi(llI),Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Fe, AI, monovalent and some other divalent metals by elution with 1.25 N nitric acid- 4% tartaric acid-0.1% ascorbic acid from a column (0.6-llcm) of cation exchange resin. The retained RE elements can be completely eluted with 3 N hydrochloric acid. The remain- ed thorium can be finally eluted with 10 ml of 2% ammonium oxalate and determined. This method has been used for measuring the contents of fifteen RE elements in minerals and rocks with ICP-AES.

    • 试金富集ICP粉末法分析矿物中微量铂族元素和金

      1983, 2(4):300-303.

      摘要 (1678) HTML (0) PDF 1.52 M (2526) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:This paper deals with the fire assay concentration and ICP spectrographic methods for analyzing trace platinummetals and gold in copper and nickel sulphide minerals. Samples were treated by sulphur and stibium assay concentration.The stibiuni buttons were subjected to cupellation until a diameter of some 1 .5 mm was obtained.Some stibium powder was added to the buttons, and ground to 200-300 mesh.They were analyzed directly with an ICP automatic spectromet- er.

    • 激光荧光法快速测定地球化学样品中微量铀

      1983, 2(4):303-306.

      摘要 (1806) HTML (0) PDF 1.56 M (2497) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:A laser-induced fluorometric method is described for rapid determination of micro-level uranium in geochemical materials with Modified Anti-interfer- ence reagent for uranium (MAFG).The method is characterized by direct using of the residual solution used in ICP-AES for simultaneous mufti-element de- teimination,therefore no prior sample preparation is required. A simple method for correcting the inner filter effect of iron is proposed. The detection limit of the method is 0.05 ug/g. The relative standard deviation for seven replicate determinations of the standards GSD are ranged from 2.2-7.1%.

    • 双硫代比林甲烷比色法测定碲

      1983, 2(4):306-309.

      摘要 (1650) HTML (0) PDF 1.24 M (2614) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:A photometric method has been developed for determination of Te in ores with bis(thioautipyryl)Methane.The optimium conditions were studied.Over forty diverse ions were examined.Te was separated by reversed phase chromatographic process with TBP in 2 N hydrobromic acid solution. This method can be app- lied in the concentration range of O.OOOx-1% of tellurium.

    • 对乙酰基偶氮胂与铀(Ⅳ)显色反应研究和应用

      1983, 2(4):309-311.

      摘要 (1711) HTML (0) PDF 931.46 K (2545) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:In this paper the reaction of p-acetyl-arsenazo for determination of uran- ium ( IV) was studied. The optimum conditions were tested in the presence of Fe(ll)-CyDTA in 3 N hydrochloric acid medium. With this procedure the levels of tolerence limit of diverse ions as ZrO2+,F-,W6+,MO6+,SO42-and PO43- were higher than those with arsenazo III.

    • 偶氮氯磷mA—溴化十六烷基吡啶光度法测定化探样品中钍

      1983, 2(4):311-313.

      摘要 (1981) HTML (0) PDF 1.09 M (2561) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:This paper reports a new method for the spectrophotometric determination of trace thorium with chlorophosphonazo-mA and cetylpyridium bromide (CPB).In dilute formic acid medium at pH 1-3 thorium forms a blue-violet colour ternary complex with the above mentioned reagent. The complex exhi- bits maximum- absorption at 680 nm and the value of molar absorption coeffi- cient is found to be 1.41 × 105. The concentration of thorium obeys Beer's law in the range of 0-25 ug/25 ml. When 743 cation exchange resin is used a 5% sodium citrate-0.05% EDTA solution is recommended as new eluant for separation and concentration of tho- tiuav.. The precision is better than ±4.79%.

    • 流动注入式催化光度法测定岩矿样品中痕量碘

      1983, 2(4):314-315.

      摘要 (1589) HTML (0) PDF 984.52 K (2499) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 微量锑的分离与测定

      1983, 2(4):316-317.

      摘要 (1687) HTML (0) PDF 757.01 K (2357) 评论 (0) 收藏









