• 1982年第1卷第3期文章目次
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    • 西藏泽当地区的宇宙尘

      1982, 1(3):1-8.

      摘要 (2141) HTML (0) PDF 2.79 M (2025) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The cosmic spherules have been found from heavy fraction of placer near the Luobu ultramafic rock body in Zedang, Xizang. According to their charac- teristics of surficial texture and the compositions, the spherules can be divid- ed into two groups: silicate and iron. They are similar to those from present- day deep-sea, sediments and ancient strata. The iron spherules are characterized by distinctive surficial textures, such as wrinkled, air-etched, break-cracked and buttonlike. Most of the iron spheru- les discovered in this area are dominantly globular, black in colour and with metallic luster. They possess black fusion crust and weak megnetism. The dia- meters of spherule range from 0.05 to 1 mm. Some particles are polylayered in cross section. The outmost fusion crust is composed of magnetite; the inte- rior of wllstite. The core is of Ni-Fe metal. The silicate spherules are less abundant. They are also globular with smooth surface of weak magnetism, and may be divided into two types:colourless- transparent and brown-subtransparent. We suggest that most of the iron and silicate spherules might be the drop- lets sprayed from the fusion crust of a meteorite as it ablates by grazing in atmosphere, or these spherules would have been produced by extrusion of the lunar volcano.

    • 卓资—阳高—带区域变质岩中共生矿物氧同位素的研究

      1982, 1(3):9-14.

      摘要 (1747) HTML (0) PDF 2.40 M (2111) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The present paper studies the oxygen isotope in coexisting minerals of regionally metamorphosed rocks from Zhuozi-Yanggao area with discussion of related metamorphic temperature, 80'8 values or metamorphic water in equlil- brium with quartz and magnetite as well as variations of the δ18 values of some minerals. The widely distrubuted Archaean rocks exposed in this area are Jining group with the metamorphic grade of granulite facies. The metamorphic rocks in this area can be divided into khondalite suite and granulite suite. The asse- mblages of their minerals can be summarised as follows: (a)khondalit suite:quartz + perthite + garnet+biotite士plagioclase士silli- manite土spine + opaq ue oxide. (b)granulite suite:hyperthene+plagioclase士quartz士clinopyroxenes士hor- nblende士biotite+opaque oxied. The δ18 of coexisting minerals from a mumber of regionally metamorpho- sed rocks have been measured, using a bromine pertafluoride technique. Accor- ding to their increasing tondenc y to concentrate δ18, the minerals sequence is magnetite, pyroxene, plagioclase, garnet and quartz. The formation tempera- ture of the granulite facies has been determined on the basis of the difference in δ18 values between the quartz and mageetite, pyroxene and magnetite as well as quartz and garnet mineral pairs. The temperature ranges from 500℃ to 882 ℃.Some formation temperatures of the granulite facies are lower than that usually expected. It may be explained by the retrogresie metamorphic effect which has been supported by rock investigetion. Judging from the data of oxygen isotopesanalysis it appears that the δ18 values of quartz tend to decrease distinctly as the metamorphic grade increa- ses in this area. The δ18 values of quartz for granulite faciess increased becau- se of the effect of migmatization.

    • 浙江桐庐自碎二长花岗斑岩的特征和成因

      1982, 1(3):15-24.

      摘要 (2670) HTML (0) PDF 3.79 M (2263) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:There is an autoclastic monzonitic granite-porphyry in the Tonglu volcanic basin of Zhejiang province. This rock has intruded into the boundary fault on the southern margin of the basin as an akmolith or stretches along the fault of central basin floor. There is a trasitional relation between it and the outside rhyodacitic rocks with same chemical composition. This rock exhibits the mor- tar texture. In its matrix, the characteristic texture of acidic hypabyssal rocks is seen to be common. As an outstanding feature, the rock without exception shows the peculiar "pearlitic edge" grown around the margin of crystalloclastic potash feldspars and it may be taken as a texture sign indicated that this rock has been crystallized under superepizonal environment. The structural state of these potash feldspars possesses the character of both volcanic and subvolcanic rocks. The chemical compositions of biobite and hornblende state clearly that the formation temperature of autoclastic monzonitic granite-por- phyry is lower than that of rhyodacitic volcanic rocks but formation pressure of the former is higher than the latter. Therefore it is a special variety of subvolcanic rock and was formed under the overlying strata of volcanic rocks or the extrusive phase and near the conduit of the magmas. This subvolcanic rock often occur in the composite caldere and in the volcanic dome inside the fault depression basin.

    • 江苏铜井娘娘山碱性火山杂岩体中黝方石之正名——蓝方石

      1982, 1(3):25-29.

      摘要 (2421) HTML (0) PDF 2.17 M (2238) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Up to date, one of the essential rock-forming minerals-hauyne, occurring in a main rock series of alkaline volcanic complex of Niangniang sham Nanjing -hauyne phonolite series, is still named incorrectly as "nosean". After a lot of work have been proceeded, the authors of this paper depend on enough data to suggest that the feldsparthoidal mineral of the phonolite series is actually hauyne, but not "nosean" as named by some geologists and mineralogists. The hauyne occurs as dodecahedral crystals 1.2-1 .5 mm in maximum dimensions. It ranges in color from dark grey to greyish black, luster vitrous, and translucent. Under polarizing microscope, the fresh hauyne is transparent and colorless to pale blue without pleochroism. The trigonal and hexagonal sections are al- ways to be seen. Cleavage {111} is perfect, {110} is good. Isotropic, N=1.5058 (phonolite)-1.5062 (trachyte)· X-ray study shows the mineral to be isometric, ao=9.073A (phonolite)- 9.14A(trachyte).The strongest X-ray lines are:3.80(10),2.65(6),2.15(7),1.81 (5) (phonolite),3.72(10),2.62(8),2.14(6),1.78(5)(trachyte)· Microprobe analysis of a hauryne crystal from hauyne phonolite gives: SiO, 35.28, A1203 29.76, Fe0 0 .30, Ca0 9.93, Na2O 10.65,K2O 0.06, SO3 10.43, sum 96.41.Chemical analysis of hauyne from trachyte porphyry gives:SiO 34.13, Ca0 7.92, Mg0 0.69,A1203 25.10, TiO2 O.O6, Fe203 1.12, Mn0 0.05, K2O 0.80, Na2O 15.33, S03 11.46,C1 0.05, CO2 1.36, sum 100.80%, leading to the formula (Na5.39K0.02 Ca1.42)[Al5.36Si6.59Fe0.01(3+)O24][SO4S0.56Cl0.02OH3.3]. In the infrared spectrograph there are Si-O and Si-O-Si deformation vibra- tions at 440-1000 frequency region and SO4-2 deformation vibrations at 620一 1110 frequency region,

    • 花岗岩中水锡石(Varlamoffite)的研究

      1982, 1(3):31-36.

      摘要 (1811) HTML (0) PDF 1.77 M (2511) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Varlamoffite occurs in the greisenized granite, which is on the top of a Nb-Ta mineralized granite stock, distributed in Guonsi. It is intimately associ- ated with brown-black cassiterite. Varlamoffite is orange red in color and semitransparent. The luster is vitreous to greasy and streak is orange-yellow. The spicific gravity is 3.21 to 3.36 and increases to 5.142 at temperature of 1000℃ Difficultly soluble in acids. It is light yellow color in thin section, isotropic, N=1.713-1.715. The varlamoffite is hydrated oxide stannic with formula (Sn0.48Fe0.28Al0.17 Si0.11P0.05As0.01) 0.99H203. It is nearly amorphous, the characteristic lines of X-ray are:3 .30 (msb), 2.5810 (msb),1.4105 (vwb).The strongest lines at temperature 1000℃are: 3.3303(100),2.6317(80),2.3701(40),1.7569(70),1.6731(40) .The unit cell para- meters are: a= 4.6671A.c=3.0959A,z=1, v=67.434A3.It is tetragonal at the temperature 1000℃, space group p4 2/mnm.

    • 凡口矿床闪锌矿和方铅矿的微量元素及其比值——一个对比性研究

      1982, 1(3):37-44.

      摘要 (2062) HTML (0) PDF 2.67 M (2069) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The representative sphalerite separates, galena separates and zinc concen- trates from Fankou Pb-Zn deposit have been analysed. The analyses show that the Fankou sphalerites is rich in Ga, Ge and Ag, but poor in Se and Te; the Fankou galena are rich in Ag, Hg, Sb and As, but poor in Se, Te and Tl. The average of Zn/Cd ratios for sphalerites from Fankou is 311. This ave- rage is similar to those . from Gaobanhe deposit and Heqing deposit, which may be classified as the Mississippi Valley type (i. e. MV type) deposits, Accesa deposit(Alpine type) and Broken Hill deposit(sedimentary-metamorphic type), and is lower than those from Bleikvassil deposit (volcano-sedimentary type), Gorno deposit (Alpine type with some volcano-sedimentary features) and Pine Point deposit, (MV type),but higher than those from all of the discussed skarn- hydrothermal and hydrothermal deposits. The Ga-Ge-Ag atomic ratios for sphalerites (especially light sphalerites) from Fankou are similar to those for the syngenetic sphalerites from the British Isles and ror sphalerites from Gorno deposit. The average of Sb/Ag ratios. (0 .74)in galena from Fankou is closed to that (0.8) in the syngenetic galena from the British Isles, but much lower than those from other deposits. The Sb-Bi-Ag atomic ratios in F ankou galena are closed to that in the syngenetic galena of the British Isles and not very diffe- rent from that in Broken Hill galena. On the basis of the comparison of the minor elements and their ratios in Fankou and other deposits, the following conclutions can be reached:(1 ) Fan- kou deposit possesses some syngenetic features;(2)It is similar to MV type deposits, Alpine type deposits and sedimentary-metamorphic deposits, as well as different from them in minor element aspect;(3)It evidently differs from skarn type, and volcano-hydrothermal type deposits in the characteristics of minor elements.

    • 七十年来的岩石矿物化学分析(一)

      1982, 1(3):45-51.

      摘要 (1860) HTML (0) PDF 3.06 M (2061) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:This article begins with a brief historical summary covering the develop- went of the chemical analysis of geological materials in China. The emphasis is laid on the relevant R&D since the establishment of PRC. A literature }of about 800 published works is given, which is reviewed and divided into 9 headings:(1)Sample Decomposition,(2)Separation and Concentration,(3) Gravimetric Analysis,(9)Volumetric Analysis,(5)Photometric Analysis,(6) Flame Emission Method,(7)Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry,(8)Pola- rographic Analysis,(9)complete Analysis of Rocks and the Analysis of Mine- ral Separates.

    • 碘化物萃取原子吸收分光光度法连续测定矿石中的锑和铋

      1982, 1(3):52-55.

      摘要 (1764) HTML (0) PDF 1.27 M (2481) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:A method based on the solvent extraction of antimony and bismuth iodi- des with methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) followed by a. a.s.determination has been studied. 45 common elements do not interfere. The results are in good agrement with those obtained by the photometric method with thiourea for antimony and by extraction spectrophotometric method with potassium iodide for bismuth.

    • 5-Br-PADAP萃取分光光度法测定矿石中微克量铌

      1982, 1(3):56-60.

      摘要 (1655) HTML (0) PDF 2.04 M (2044) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:A method of determination of niobium in the form of Nb-Br-PADAP-tart- rate complex extracted with n-butyl alcohol is described. The interference of tantalum is eliminated by increasing the amounts of tartaric acid, and the color is stable for at least 40 hours. The detection limit is 0.01 µg/ml, and the C. V.% is 4 .9% for 10 determinations with sample containing 0.054% of Nb2O5.

    • 离子交换树脂分解磷矿测定氟、氯、碘

      1982, 1(3):61-63.

      摘要 (1820) HTML (0) PDF 1.00 M (2441) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The factors affecting dissociation of phosphate rocks in water with ca.tion exchange resin (Model 732) was investigated, and a simple rapid procedure for simultaneous determination of fluorine, chlorine and iodine were discribed. The results were in good agreement with those obtained by the routine methods. The C. V.% of analytical results for fluorine, chlorine and iodine were 5,14 and4 respectively.

    • 矿石中微量铍的极谱测定

      1982, 1(3):64-66.

      摘要 (1642) HTML (0) PDF 1020.90 K (2436) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Berylluim forms a complez with Thoron I in NH4CI- NH4OH solution at pH8-10.This complex produces a sensitive polarographic wave in this supporting electrolyte at-0.55 V. The magnitude of the current of Beryllium is proportional to its concentration from 0.05 to 0.6ppm. The interfering ions can be eliminated by addition of EDTA. This method has been applied to the determination of trace amounts of Berylluim in ores.

    • ICP固体粉末法光谱定量测定岩石中微量锆、铌、钇、■等十五项元素

      1982, 1(3):67-71.

      摘要 (1756) HTML (0) PDF 2.33 M (2002) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The characteristic of this method is that the powder sample which has been brought about into a linear spread by an oscillating device is injected into tho plasma from a glass tubejet. The powder sample used must be initially ground to less than 14µ and fully photographed by exposing for 25 seconds. It is able to eliminate the substrate interference and pollution by mixing the powder sample with a certain amount internal standards and buffer. The powder sample used for each photograph is only 3.3 mg. The method has been employed in the simultaneous deterurination of Zr, Ba, Sr, La, Y, Nb, Be, Ti, V, Co, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb and B. The detection limit and tho deterraination accuracy of each element can all satisfy the needs of the determination of trace elements.

    • 电热石墨管炉原子吸收法测定铝土矿中镓

      1982, 1(3):73-76.

      摘要 (1791) HTML (0) PDF 1.20 M (2486) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:This paper reports the determination of Gallium in Bauxite by using flameless atomizer. Aluminium possesses the behavior to increase the sensitivity of Gallium. When Aluminium oxide content is above 2 mg/ml, this effect maintains constant. This procedure is simple and rapid. The detection limit is 0.01µg/ml of Gallium.

    • 中国地质学会岩矿测试专业委员会微量分析经验交流会资料摘要选登

      1982, 1(3):77-79.

      摘要 (1597) HTML (0) PDF 1.23 M (2377) 评论 (0) 收藏









