1982, 1(2):0-0.
摘要:A new rapid and simple spectrophotometric method for the determination of scandium with chrome Azurol S cetylpyridinium chloride in ammoniacal medium was studied. This method based on the coloration of scandium-chrome azurol S-cpc ternary complex can be applied in the concentration range of 0- 12ug/25m1 of Sc203. It showed an absorption maximum at 530nm in a pH range ≥10 aad its apparent molar absorptivity is 5.7 × 104. The PMBP extraction was used to separate most accompanying elements, and the interference of the resi- dual ions were eliminataed by adding suitable masking agents.
1982, 1(2):1-12.
摘要:The granitic rocks especilly of the Yanshanian age in southeastern China have been divided mainly into genetic types by prof. Xu keqin:namely the syntexis type and the transformation type. Some of different characteristics between two will be presented in this paper as follows: The granites of the syntexis type are distributed in the active marginal belts of continental plate and in the deep fault zones and depressions inside it, and are usually associated with comagmatic volcanic rocks of the Jurassic-Creta- ceous period. Much crystalline and glassy melt inclusions are present in the salic minerals. The formation temperature of such inclusions may be up to 870- 1020℃. Petrochemically, the granitic rocks of this type are richer .in calcium, and with higher Na2O/K0 ratio, and belong to normal series. In the (Al-Na-K)- Ca-(Mg+Fe2+) ternary diagram, their points of projection generally fall in the area of plagioclase-hornblende association the K-feldspar of such granitic rocks is mostly orthoclase with very small triclinicity (Δ<0.3),and the biotites usu- ally have higher Mg/ (Mg+Fe3+ +Fe2+) and Fe3+/ (Fe3+ +Fe2+) ratio which varies between 0.384-0.626 and 0.252-0.121 respectively. The initial ratio (Sre87/Sr86) of such rocks is generally between 0.7050- 0.712,it is believed that they have been derived from the lower crust, and ef- fcfected by the matter derived from upper mantle. The granites of the transformation type are distributed in the inland of continent and are formed in the Yanshannian as well as periods. There aee abundant gas-liquid inclusions in quartz of these granites, their formation temperature may be estimated between 290-400℃ This series of granitic nicks are prior in calcium with lower Na2O/K20 ratio, and oversatuated for alu- minium. In (Al-Na-K)-Ca-(Mg+Fe2+) diagram, the points of projection are situated in the area of plagioclase-biotite-cordierite association. The K-feldspars of such granitic rocks are mostly of ma."rimun microcline (Δ>0.8),while the biotites are generally lower in Mg/(Mg+Fe3+ +Fe2+) and Fe3+/(Fe3+ +Fe2+) ratio, varying between 0.282-0.367 and 0.0-0.097 respec- tively. These granitic rocks have especially higher initial ratio(Sr87/Sr86) (0.712- 0.738).Based upon the above-mentioned criteria, it is concluded that granites of this type would be formed in the upper and middle parts of the crust by transfor mation processes, such as metasomatism, rhcomorphism, and partial melting of chiefly geosynclinal accumulations or other crustal materials.
1982, 1(2):13-24.
摘要:Observations on the phase transformation of basalt to eclogite were made nader high pressure 50 kb± and temperature 1200-1300℃.Some results about the composition mineral assemblage:pyrope, omphacite, and jadeite are obtained. It is expected to give phase change within a depth in the upper mantle of relevant area, which corresponds to the eclogite facies. There is difference be- tween the two kinds of eclogites in P.-Escola's ACF Diagram. The compositions of Mg and AT increase in our synthetic eclogite with decreasing Ca. At the same time, a vis}us fluid was consisting largely of K, Na, H, C, O, with minute amounts of Si AI, etc. formed only in alkali basalt in the east part of China, while it does not appear in the basalt of Pacific ocean crust, Hawaii and Cali- fornia. A preliminary investigations in comparison between different basalt under high pressure and high temperature, and the study of the crystal cthem- istry in the formation of eclogites and viscous fluid are carried out. Finally, The formation of viscous fluid under specific pressure. and tempe- rature in alkali basalt of China may be regarded as one of the modes of forma- tion of the mantle's asthenosphere. A "Belt" high pressure apparatus was used in our experiments. Vertical depth involved is 150 km in upper mantle,which corresponds to pressure of 5Okb and temperature in the range from 1200 to 1300℃
1982, 1(2):25-35.
摘要:The mineralogical study of the gold bearing pyrite from a certain "Carlin type"gold deposit in Shanxi, China, it including the morphological characteris- tics, chemical composition (the main composition and tracelements),crystal structure and the physical properties of pyrite is relevant to the genesis info- rmation on the deposit type and the conditions of its genesis and is of typo- morphic significance. The data of typomorphic peculiarities of gold bearing pyrite, which include the infrared spectra, coefficient of thermoelectricity, reflectance, reflection color indices, unit cell extent, inclusion explosion temperature and sulfur isotope, are conducive to understand the "Transmissive hot brine" genesis of gold deposit. The outcome of mineralogicalstudy of pyrite from Shanxi provides prospecting marks of the impregnation type gold deposit in‘sedimentary rocks.
1982, 1(2):36-42.
摘要:The mercury deposits of Tongren-wanshan region occur in carbonate rocks of Cambrian. There are no igneous rocks in the region. The present paper deals with the main characteristics of the cinnabar in the mercury deposits. According to data of X-rays diffractions and Infrared spectra of the cinna- bar, all of the cinnabars are belonging to a-cinnabar of low-temperature phase of trigonal system. In the deposits three generations of the cinnabar can be recognized. They can he distinguished in the occurrence, crystal habit and content of trace elements of the mineral. The first generation cinnabar occurs as massive xenomorphic-minute granular aggregates in antimory-mercury ore. Content of antimony in the cinnabar arrives at 0.052 wt.%,selenium 0.02 wt.%,Se/T e= 53.The second generation cinnabar that forms medium-coarse tabular crystal, occurs in brecciated, striped and vein mercury ores. The cinnabar contains 0.0007-0.0024 wt. ooSb, 0.16-0.19wt. %Se, Se/Te=780-2800.The third gene- ration cinnabar occurs in quartzdolomite miarolitic cavities. It forms beautiful rhombohedral {1011}interpenetion twins. The cinnabar contains 0.0007-0.0046wt. %Sb, 0.25-0.87wt. %Se, Se/Te=1790-3870. The temperature of homogeneity of the quartz intergrown with cinnabar range from 100℃ to 190℃. Sulfur isotopic compositions of the cinnabar (ds") range from 14.1% to 23.3%.The salinity of the ore forming fluid range from 14. lwt.%.The ores are fine to coarse crystalline with brecciated and miaroli- tic structure. For this reason, we suggest that the cinnabar of the region was deposited from heated vadose brine and has no relationship with magma.
1982, 1(2):43-47.
摘要:This paper reports in detail a regular interstratified mineral which occurs in a interformation structural zone of a certain uranium deposit. The mineral was determined by analytical data of electrical microscope, differential thermal, infrared absorbed spectral and X-ray diffraction analyses. The mineral has(001), (002) reflection at 30.26A, 14.73A which expanded to 32.01A, 15.45A by treat- went with ethylene glycol, and contracted to 23.50A, 12.18A after heating to 550C. Finally, as compared with known data, It was confirmed that the clay is a 1:1 regular interstratified mineral of trioctahedral chlorite-montmorillonite. The mineral can absorb uranium up to 0.26%,i, e,. it is closely related with urmlium. This is the first discovery of 1:1 regular interstratified mineral chlo- rite-montmprillonite which has a high uranium content in China.
1982, 1(2):48-52.
摘要:An accurate and highly sensitive spectrographic method for the determina tion of ultratrace gold was reported. This method was based on the use of a small activated carbon column for collecting gold. The quantity of the activa- ted carbon used in the column was so arranged that the weight of the ash formed after ignition was about 0.1-0.15mg. The ash was then subjected to spectro- graphic determination. This method can be applied in the concentration range of 0.1-3000 ppb of gold. The coefficient of variation of gold was 20-27% for geological materials containing O.x-xppb of gold. Calibration curve was linear in the range of 2 ng-30ng of gold. The detection limit was 1-2ng.
1982, 1(2):53-55.
摘要:A method for determination of Nb, Ta,fe and Mn in niobite-tantalite by Laser micro spectrochemical analysis has been recommended. It was based on applying variable internal standard method, and using powder mineral of known composition as reference standard. The suitable operating conditions has been selected. The determination range for Nb205 and Ta205 were 20-60%,for Fe0 and Mn0 were 9-16%.The relative standard deviation were not more than 土20%.
1982, 1(2):56-59.
摘要:In this paper, the conditions for the determination of potassium with 18- crown-6-bromocresol green by spectrophotometric method have been studied in devil. The LiOH-H2C204 solution (pH3.7) was chosen as a masking reagent, then the selectivity of this method was increased. This procedure can be applied directly in the concentration range of 0-30 ug of potassium in water samples containing no ammonium ion.
1982, 1(2):60-62.
摘要:Reaction between phenylfluornne .lerivative- (4.5- dibromo-phenyl fluoronr) and antimony has been investigated, and optimun analytical conditions were given. The effects of thirty ele-meats and some masking agents for the determination of antimony were tested. When amounts of titanium, niobium, bismuth and germanium are higher, antimony can be determined in 6 N sulphuric acid. but molybdenum interfere seriously. The standard deviation is 0.0043%.coeficieat of variation is 6.2%for 11 determinations of 0.06-0.07% of Antimony.
1982, 1(2):63-65.
摘要:In this papetr the optimum conditIoas for 6 Br-PADAP-Ni complex formation have been studied. The interference of other elements can be elimenated by extraction of the complex with tri-octylam9ae-dimethyl benzene from 7-8 N hydrochloric acid. The sensitivity of this extractant is abont ten times than that with ethyl ether.
1982, 1(2):66-69.
摘要:YCH-1 analyzer is haled on coulomctric electrolysis by which small amounts of water and carbon dioxide in rocks and minerals can be determined simultaneously. A small quartz combu-stion tube was used for igniting the sample. The tube was filled with AgMnO4 which caa remov sulfur and halogens during ignition. Nitrogen was used as carrier gas. The carbon dioxide evolved was inrtoduced into a tube containinn specially prepared lithium hydroxide and an equivalent amount of water was displaced and then determined. The electrolytic cell was made of special materials. Electrolysis currents were automatically integrated by calibrated voltage to frequency and pulse counters. The absolute standard deviations were less than 0.1% for 8 determinations of 1.89-2.11 % of H2O and 5.45-5.79 %of CO2.