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    在直拉法拉制单晶硅棒的过程中,利用高纯石英砂制备的石英坩埚是必不可少的关键石英制品,因而在光伏、半导体产业起着举足轻重的作用。我国石英坩埚产业所用的高纯石英砂绝大部分来自美国、印度等境外的高纯石英原料矿。分析境外矿石原料的杂质赋存状态,开展提纯试验研究和资源评价,对寻找我国石英坩埚级高纯石英原料矿具有重要启示和意义。本文采用多种研究方法对印度北部某优质高纯石英原料矿石开展了岩相分析、工艺矿物学和提纯试验研究,结果表明,矿石的石英晶体粒径均一,内部纯净,包裹体主要分布于晶体边缘,面状包裹体稀少;矿石的最主要脉石矿物是含铁白云母,其次为铁氧化物、钛铁矿、锆石、独居石、磷钙钍石、金红石等,这些脉石矿物主要分布于石英晶体之间。根据矿石的杂质赋存状态,采用研磨分级-煅烧水淬-高梯度磁选-浮选-酸浸-氯化焙烧的提纯工艺,制得了4N8级高纯石英砂(15种杂质元素总含量<20×10-6,SiO2纯度>99.998%);通过与IOTA CG高纯石英砂的对比分析,判定矿石制备的4N8级高纯石英砂可用作石英坩埚外层砂。本项研究实例对我国的找矿启示是:高纯石英原料找矿应遵循资源评价先行的原则,工艺矿物学研究和提纯试验在资源评价中不可或缺;建议国家尽快建立统一的高纯石英分级分类标准,将高纯石英原料矿列为独立矿种和战略性矿产资源,制定统一的勘查规范;要破解我国高纯石英原料找矿的难题,突破光伏半导体产业用高纯石英严重依赖美国、印度等境外供应的困局,需要矿产资源-高纯石英砂-石英制品-产业应用端的全产业链协同攻关。


    Fused quartz crucible produced from high purity quartz (HPQ) sands is an essential material in which monocrystalline silicon ingot is grown by a process called the Czochralski process, and therefore plays an important role in solar photovoltaic cell and semiconductor industries. Almost all HPQ sands used for fused quartz crucible production in China come from overseas HPQ deposits in USA and India. Investigations on foreign HPQ ores with focus on impurities occurrences, beneficiation test, and resources potential evaluation are pivotal for HPQ deposits prospecting in China. In this study, I used a combination of multiple analytical techniques to conduct petrographic analysis, process mineralogical investigation and beneficiation test on a high purity quartz ore from northern India. My efforts reveal that quartz crystals from the ore material are relatively equant in size and largely devoid of liquid-gas inclusions. The existing liquid-gas inclusion assemblages predominately occur along grain boundaries of quartz crystals, and diffusive inclusion assemblages are extremely rare. Identified gangue minerals, in order of frequency, are Fe-bearing muscovite, iron oxides, ilmenite, zircon, monazite, brabantite, rutile, and mainly embedded among quartz crystals. Based on the impurities occurrence features of the Indian HPQ ore, refinement flowsheet composed of crushing-grinding, sorting, calcination, water quenching, high gradient magnetic separation, flotation, acid leaching, and hot chlorination was carried out, and end products were verified as 4N8 grade HPQ sands (total concentrations of 15 trace elements < 20×10-6, SiO2 content > 99.998%). By comparison with IOTA CG HPQ sands, the 4N8 grade HPQ sands extracted from the Indian HPQ ore were deemed to be used to produce outer layer of quartz crucible. Implications for HPQ ore prospecting in China deduced from this investigation practice on the Indian quartz-crucible-grade HPQ ore could be concluded as follows. Resources evaluation on potential HPQ ore in conjunction with process mineralogical study and beneficiation test is an essential prerequisite for deposits prospecting. Given the current political-economic environment, I recommend that the Chinese government designate the HPQ raw material as a unique mineral resource and enroll it on the National Strategic Mineral List. Subsequently, a general specification for HPQ ore exploration is needed with great urgency. In order to create domestic breakthrough on HPQ ore prospecting and resolve the dilemma that supply chain of HPQ sands used for solar and semiconductor industries relies heavily on USA and India, the domestic sections of HPQ deposits prospecting and exploration, HPQ sands extraction, HPQ products fabrication, and application end user should work collaboratively under the government organization and supervision.


王九一, 2025. 印度北部某4N8级高纯石英原料研究及其对我国的找矿启示[J]. 岩石矿物学杂志, 44(1):152~166.
WANG Jiu-yi, 2025. Investigation on a 4N8 grade high purity quartz deposit from northern India: Implications for ore prospecting in China[J]. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica, 44(1): 152~166.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-03-15
  • 最后修改日期:2024-04-02
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  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-15
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