Abstract:Luonan area of Shaanxi Province is a historic site of turquoise and is a potential source of neolithic turquoise products. The texture and structure of turquoise from Luonan area of Shaanxi Province were studied by microscope, SEM, XRD experiments in this paper. The results show that the turquoise from Luonan area of Shaanxi Province mainly has cryptocrystalline texture, with some samples exhibiting band texture and nodular texture, and has lumpy structure, dense lumpy structure and minor grape structure. The observation under SEM shows that the turquoise is mainly of flaky texture and irregular lumpy distribution. Tabular turquoise microcrystals are distributed irregularly, and pores can be seen among them. The microcrystals of turquoise are somewhat anhedral, the less pores they have, the evener their arrangement, and the denser their texture, thus exhibiting dense massive structure. On the contrary, it has grape structure. XRD results show that all the samples have turquoise and quartz, and some samples contain small amounts of illite and kaolinite.