




国家自然科学基金项目(U1133602, 40863002); 中国地调局典型矿集区评价示范子项目"滇东北矿集区找矿预测(2014)"; 国家危机矿山专项(20089943); 云南省自然科学基金重点项目(2010CC005); 云南省矿产资源预测评价工程实验室(2010)和省、校创新团队项目

Features and formation mechanism of HTD dolomites in the Huize lead-zinc deposit, Yunnan Province

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    会泽超大型铅锌矿床是世界著名的特富铅锌矿床之一,热液白云岩(HTD)是其赋矿围岩,本文在典型剖面精细测量和镜下鉴定的基础上,将矿区的白云岩划分为埋藏白云岩与HTD白云岩两类,并结合包裹体研究对HTD白云岩进行厘定,结果表明: ① 研究矿床HTD白云岩产出受NE向压扭性层间断裂控制,优先发育在断层上盘.② 发育大量裂(孔)隙,溶孔具有线状与面状分布特征.③ 鞍状白云石颗粒粗大,呈肉红色、灰白色或棕色,具独特尖顶、他形鞍状、曲面鞍形、曲面接触、晶内微裂隙、溶孔,见波状消光与雾心亮边.④ 鞍状白云石呈厚层状产出,与黄铁矿等热液矿物共生,并发育晶洞充填物.⑤ 鞍状白云石具基质交代型和孔-缝充填型,在HTD白云岩与灰质白云岩狭窄过渡带,见伴随其形成而形成的斑马状构造、角砾状构造.⑥ NW向张性断裂带为构造流体运移通道,发育网脉状白云石化,其白云石包裹体均一温度高(250~438℃),盐度变化范围大(3.4%~17.2%).NE向压扭性断裂带为构造流体成岩场所,控制厚层状白云石化展布,其白云石包裹体均一温度高(180~354℃),盐度低(1.1%~5.9%).通过对矿区HTD白云岩形成的流体驱动机制、流体性质、裂(孔)隙特征、矿化指示分析,得出"在挤压背景下,受碳酸盐岩地层中的NE向压扭性层间断裂带控制"的HTD白云岩成因认识,即:① 区域冲断褶皱作用是流体运移的深部动力机制;② 偏酸性富CO2的中高温-中盐度流体在冲断褶皱构造系统内大量集聚,在其配套的NE向压扭性层间断裂上盘与膨胀部位形成厚层状白云岩.③ 裂(孔)隙对流体多期次与成岩强度具有指示意义.④ HTD白云岩岩性分带、成岩强度、构造特征(显微构造)对矿体产出具有指示意义.


    The Huize lead-zinc deposit has become one of world-famous deposit for its extremely high reserves of ores and a large number of dispersed elements (Ge, Ga, Cd and In, etc.). The hydrothermal dolomite is the most important host rock in this orefield. On the basis of identification of typical sections in combination with geological logging and inclusion investigation of dolomites, the authors divided the dolomites in the ore district into burial dolomites and HTD (Structure Controlled Hydrothermal Dolomite). Some conclusions have been reached based on the study of the HTD dolomites: ① The formation of HTD was controlled by NE-trending compresso-shear interlayer fractures, and the HTD dolomites are especially well-developed on the upper side of the fracture. ② There exist large quantities of fissure (hole) gaps which reflect the intensity of diagenesis. ③ Dolomites show coarse grains, are pink, gray or brown in color, and exhibit unique spire, anhedral saddle shape, curved face saddle shape, curved face contact, intracrystalline microcracks and dissolved pores as well as wavy extinction and fog core bright side. ④ Saddle-shaped dolomites are thick layered and have geode filled with hot brine. They are associated with disseminated spotted pyrite and some other hydrothermal minerals. ⑤ Saddle-shaped dolomites with microcracks are divided into matrix metasomatic type and pore fracture filling type. In the narrow transition zone between HTD and limestone, they form zebra-shaped structure and brecciated structure. ⑥ HTD inclusions related to NW-trending faults are characterized by high temperature (250~438 ℃) and wide salinity range (3.4%~17.2%), whereas HTD inclusions related to NE-trending faults have high temperature (180 ~354 ℃) and low salinity (1.1%~5.9%). Through analyzing the driving mechanism of fluid, fluid properties, and indicators of mineralization, the authors revealed the diagenetic mechanism of HTD, i.e., under compression, the formation of HTD was controlled by NE-trending compresso-shear interlayer fissures: ① The regional fold and thrust constituted the deep dynamic mechanism of fluid migration. ② Hot brine fluids with acidic high temperature and salinity were concentrated in the thrust fold system. With the CO2 boiling occurring on the upper side and in the expansion position of NE-trending compresso-shear interlayer fissures related to the thrust fold system, the thick-layered dolomites were formed. ③ Crack (hole) gaps reflect the intensity of diagenesis. ④ lithologic zoning, diagenetic strength and structural characteristics (microstructures) of HTD are indicators of orebodies.


文德潇,韩润生,王峰,等, 2014. 云南会泽超大型铅锌矿床HTD白云岩的厘定及其形成机制[J]. 岩石矿物学杂志, 33(6):1086~1098.
WEN De-xiao, HAN Run-sheng, WANG Feng, et al, 2014. Features and formation mechanism of HTD dolomites in the Huize lead-zinc deposit, Yunnan Province[J]. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica, 33(6): 1086~1098.

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  • 收稿日期:2014-03-20
  • 最后修改日期:2014-10-20
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  • 在线发布日期: 2014-12-02
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