




国家科技支撑计划重点资助项目(2006BAB01A08); 国家重点基础研究规划资助项目(2009CB421008,2009CB421001,2009CB421007); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(U0933605); 国土资源大调查资助项目 (1212010818096)

Sediment-hosted Himalayan base metal deposits in Sanjiang region: characteristics and genetic types

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    "三江"的兰坪、昌都、玉树、沱沱河地区发育丰富的沉积岩容矿贱金属矿床,构成一条极具成矿潜力的巨型矿化带。综合分析表明,带内矿床形成于新生代印-亚大陆碰撞环境,发育在大陆碰撞造山带内部的褶皱-逆冲带内,与逆冲和走滑构造控制的新生代盆地相伴。不同矿区均发育逆冲断层,矿体主要赋存于逆冲断层上盘的碳酸盐岩或碎屑岩内,受与逆冲相关的盐底辟、逆冲断裂的次级断裂、热液溶洞、白云岩化、灰岩破碎、矿前溶洞垮塌、与褶皱有关的密集劈理或断裂等构造或岩相变化控制。金属呈现Pb-Zn、Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag)、Cu-Co、Cu等组合,其中,Pb-Zn矿床主要发育闪锌矿、 方铅矿、黄铁矿、±白铁矿、方解石、白云石,一些矿床富硫酸盐矿物和萤石,也常见沥青,矿化以交代和开放空间充填为主;Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag)矿床主要发育闪锌矿、细/灰硫砷铅矿、方铅矿、黝铜矿、黄铁矿、方解石、白云石,矿化以脉体或热液溶洞内交代/开放空间充填式出现;Cu矿床由石英-方解石/白云石-Cu硫化物(黄铜矿、黝铜矿、斑铜矿、辉铜矿)脉构成。Pb-Zn和Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag)矿床成矿流体以低温(<210℃)和高盐度主体 的盆地卤水为主,脉状Cu矿床成矿流体可能来自富CO2、具相对高温(180~230℃)和低盐度 的变 质流体。盆地卤水中硫酸盐遭受细菌还原±有机热还原或仅经历有机热还原,为Pb-Zn和Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag)矿床提供了还原硫,下伏火山岩和沉积地层中的硫可能是脉状Cu矿床硫的来源,它们的成矿金属物质均来自于上地壳。该带矿床是一套与岩浆活动无关的后生矿床,以世界上已知的矿床类型来划分,金顶、赵发涌、东莫扎抓、莫海拉亨和茶曲帕查矿床等Pb-Zn矿床及白秧坪东矿带的Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag)矿床可归为类MVT矿床,白秧坪西矿带脉状Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag)矿床和脉状Cu矿床可归为多金属脉状矿床。其中,金顶等类MVT矿床以其形成于大陆碰撞带内部、受控于逆冲推覆构造等特点不能被已建立的MVT成矿模型所涵盖,成矿作用独特。


    Significant economic sediment-hosted base metal deposits occur in Lanping, Changdu, Yushu and Tuotuohe areas of Sanjiang region in southwest China. The authors hold that they were formed during Indian-Asian continental collision and developed within the fold-thrust belt combined with thrust and/or strike-slip-related Cenozoic basins in the interior of the collsional zone. Ore bodies are hosted by carbonate and/or clastic rocks as hanging wall of the thrust fault, controlled by thrust-related salt diapir, second-order faults of the thrust fault, syn-ore hydrothermal karst, dolomitization, thrust-related breccias zones in carbonate, pre-ore karst, and fold-related intense cleavages/faults. The metals have Pb+Zn, Pb+Zn(+Cu+Ag), Cu+Co, or Cu associations in individual ore deposits. Sphalerite, galena, pyrite, ±marcasite, calcite/dolomite, and bitumen are common in the Pb-Zn deposits whereas sulfates and fluorite are abundant only in some of these ore deposits. The ores exhibit replacement and open-space filling forms. The main minerals in the Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag) deposits include sphalerite, jordanite, galena, tetrahedrite, pyrite, calcite, and dolomite. They occur in veins or in hydrothermal karst as replacements and open-space fillings. The Cu deposits are composed of quartz + carbonate minerals + Cu sulfides (chalcopyrite, tetrahedrate, bornite and chalcocite) veins. The ore-forming fluids in the Pb-Zn and Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag) deposits are dominated by basin brines with low temperatures (<210℃) and higher salinities . The ore-forming fluids are characterized by CO2-rich fluids of metamorphic origin having relatively higher temperatures (180~230℃) and lower salinities in the Cu veins. Biogenic sulfate reduction±thermochemical reduction of sulfate by organic matter might have provided reduced sulfur for most Pb-Zn and Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag) deposits whereas reduced sulfur in the Cu veins probably originated from volcanic rocks and sedimentary rocks. Upper crustal rocks contributed lead to all ore deposits. The base metal deposits in the Sanjiang region had no apparent affinity with magmatic activity. The authors tend to classify the Jinding, the Zhaofayong, the Dongmozhazhua, the Mohailaheng, and the Chaqupacha Pb-Zn deposits and the Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag) deposits in eastern Baiyangping ore belt as MVT-like deposits, and to classify Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag) veins in western Baiyangping ore belt and the Cu veins as polymetallic veins. Therefore, the Jinding MVT-like deposit, characterized by the tectonic setting of the interior of a continental collisional zone and thrust-controlling, can not be explained by the existing MVT genetic model.


宋玉财,侯增谦,杨天南,等, 2011. “三江”喜马拉雅期沉积岩容矿贱金属矿床基本特征与成因类型[J]. 岩石矿物学杂志, 30(3):355~380.
SONG Yu-cai, HOU Zeng-qian, YANG Tian-nan, et al, 2011. Sediment-hosted Himalayan base metal deposits in Sanjiang region: characteristics and genetic types[J]. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica, 30(3): 355~380.

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  • 收稿日期:2011-03-06
  • 最后修改日期:2011-03-31
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