Microtextural relations and mineral compositions indicate that medium-temperature eclogite in southern Henan underwent a clockwise P-T path.A prograde evolutionary stage of the eclogite is recorded by composition zoning and inclusions in garnet. The eclogitic event produced the assemblage of garnet, omphacite,rutile and coesite. The composition zoning of matrix eclogitic amphibole (Amp 2) reveals that the subsequent evolution of the eclogitic factes must have experienced a late reequilibration under reduced pressure. The formation of Amp-P1 symplectite represents the early result of the destabilization of omphacites and granets in the amphibolite factes. Subsequent retrogression resulted in the complete breakdown of omphacite recorded by amphibole growth, with no relict of the high pressure assemblage preserved.
王晓燕,崔文元, 1996. 豫南中温榴辉岩中角闪石的变质演化[J]. 岩石矿物学杂志, 15(1):65~0. Wang Xiaoyan, 1996. Metamorphic Evolution of Amphiboles in Medium Temperature Eclogite from Southern Henan[J]. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica, 15(1): 65~0.