Abstract:The microspherules reported here are discovered in lamellar plagioclase amphibolite of the Gongchangling No. 2 Mine. The microspherules can be divided into two kinds: one is black, opaque, and with magnetism; the other is canary-citrine, transparent-semitransparent, and with weak or no magnetism.Most of them are glassy, but those with strong magnetism have become magnetite. The microspherules have many kinds of surface and inher textures such as vesicle, tubercle, bubble breakdown and intergrowth, indieating that they were formed under such cotiditions as high temperature, abundance of volatile components, strong plasticity, and rapid movement and cooling. The microspherules are compositionally charadterized by high contents and wide variation in SiO2 (2.7%--55.9%), Al2O3(1.7%--23.9%), TFeO(2.1%-92.6%) and CaO(0.5%--33.5%) .Based on the present study, it is thought that their formation might have been related either to volcanism or to meteorite impact. whi-chever origin the microspherules are of , the following important information can be drawn: (1) the original rocks of the lamellar plagioclase amphibolites are basic tuffs formed by resedimentation; (2) metamorphic temperaturepressure conditions are somewhat inhomogenous in the study area.