In some alkali gneisses of the late Archean,Wuhe Group in central Cliina, occurrenco of blue amphibole and jadeite has been reported and used as indicators for high P/T metamorphism concurrently with that of the Zhangbaling Group. Petrochomical studies indicate that foliated gneisses contain cliaractcristic amphibolite facies assemblage, alkali amphiboles+acmite+microcline+biotite +quartz士albite士hematite. Alkali amphiboles are zoned with cores of igneous Mg-Aifvedsonite and rims of amphibolite faccies magnesioriebeckcite; these alkali amphiboles contain extremely low Al2O3 and high in both Fe2* andFe3+and Fe3+;they are- distinctly different from crossitic amphiboles of the Zhangbaling Group. Sodic pyroxenes lack jadeitic component and have pure acmite composition. The observed mineral assemblage including abundant mmicrocline, the compositions of blue amphiboles, the low jadoite occurrence of analyzed acmitic pyroxenes, and P-T estimates all suggest that the the investigated gneisses of the Wuhe Group were products of the amphibolite facies but not high P/T blueschist facies metamorphism. Previous reports of the jadeite occcurrence in the Wuhe Group and in high P/T metamorphic rocks of central China were not supported by the published microprobe data, nor our petrological results.
刘忠光,王小民,崔善奎,等, 1992. Alkali amphiboles from Late Archean gneiss of the Wuhe Group. Anhui, Central China——not an indication of high P/T metamorphism(英文)[J]. 岩石矿物学杂志, 11(3):205~224. , 1992. [J]. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica, 11(3): 205~224.