Abstract:Synantectic phenomenon refers to the growth of a new mineral along the boundary of two neighboring minerals throrugh their reaction. Synantectic reaction is well developed in a Ni-bearing basic rock body in the Changbai mountain area. The author holds synantectic minerals to be of multiple geneses. Based upon the study of mineralogy, mineralogical chemistry and thermodyna- mics, he has classified the synantectic zone into two types-primary and secondary. The primary synantectic mineral was formed as a resaIt of mag- matic reaction and is called corona structure whereas the secondary ones. were formed through regional metamorphic process of thermal metamor- phism, hydrothermal metasomatism and contamination, respectively named contact corona texture, metasomatic kelyphitic structure and contamination reaction rim texture. The research of syna.ntectic minerals will协eld a lot of information for the stuidy of diagenesis and metallogenesis.