Abstract:The Zhulagou complex located between Xiashihao in Guyang County and Xi- wulanbulang in Wuchuan County, Inner Mongolia, is mainly composed of tonalitic gneisses well exposed and basic and intermediate granulites exposed to some extent as well as charnockite. The basic granulite is meta-basic magmatic intrusion according to its geology, petrology, mineralogy and geotherm obarometers. The early mineral assemblage of it is Opx+P1+Hb, while the late assemblage is Opx+Cpx+Ga+Hb. Tem perature estim ates by calibrations give values about 950℃,850℃,and 7:p0 C far the basic granulite. Application of different geobarometers to the gra-nulite assemblages yields pressures that concentrate at 0.7士1 0.1 Gpa and 1.0士0.1 Gpa. Based on the above pressures and temperatures and texture criteria, the derived P-T path for the basic granulite is found to have an anticlockwise sense. opposite to that characterizing the collision zone, thereby placing considerable constraints on the tectonometamorphic evolution of the region,The P-T path would be explained as the product of extension and gravitational collapse of the crust in this area.