Abstract:The eclogites in Shandong and Jiangsu provinces can be classified into three types according to their occurrences in the field. Type I occurs in serpentinites as blocks or lenses; type II conformably in gneisses or schists as lenses or layers; and type III as lense in marble.Detailed studies on the field occurrences, petrolo- gy, minerrology of the eclogites have shown that type I may be a mantle-derived eclogite, its equilibrium P,T being 570℃,16×108Pa and has undergone another metamorphic event at 525℃and pressure greater than 11× 108Pa; types II and III are the metemorphic products of basalts under the condition of regional high pressure metamorphism,and their P-T paths of crystallization gradually change from 620-640℃,14—15×108Pa to 560℃,13.8×108Pa and from 670-690℃,14—24×108Pa to 745-755℃,15—22×108Pa respectively. The various eclogites formed at similar P,T forming mechanism may be different. classified into three prom ncescan . as blocks or lenses;typeand type III as Tense in marble. Detailed in gneisses or schists as lenses or ntinites layers; studies 0n the field occurrences,petrolo- gy, minerology of the eclogite,its equilibrium eclogites have shown that type I may be a mantle-derived P,T being 5700C, pressure metamorphism, and their from 620-640,14-15 x lOsPa basalts 16 x108Pa and has undergone another under the condition of regional high P-T paths of to 560, x lOBPa 13 crystallization gradually change .8x10gPa and from 670-690℃, 14-24 x 108Pa to 745-755.i5-23 formed at similar P and T, but their respectively. The various eclogitea P,T forming mechanism may be different.