Abstract:Imogolite is a hydrous aluminium silicate mineral with a fibrous shape and a low degree of crystal structural order. This paper reports the imogolite occurring in kaolin deposits of weathering residual type formed by the weathering of Guoshan granite at Tongan county, Fujian province. The mineral was studied by analytical electron microscopy (AEM) including transmission electron microscopy (TEM),selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and energy dispersive X-ray spectra (EDS).The fibrous shape is the most characteristic property of imogolite. Imogolite appeared in the electron microscope as thread-like or fibrous particles eseveral am long and 60-250 wide, but without well-developed tubular shape.Selected area electron diffraction of threads gives a typical electron diffraction pattern characterized by three diffuse rings at 3.30, 2.10 and 1.40 spacings. These three reflections on the electron diffraction pattern may be assigned the following indices:d2, 04, 06. The repeat distance along the fibrous axis calculated from the 06 reflection is 8.4.Imogolite varies widely in chemical composition and its chemical data are still limited. Energy dispersive X-ray spectra(EDS) analyses show that the imogolite is composed mainly of SiO2, Al2O3 and H2O. Small amounts of K2O and Fe2O3 in the form of impurities are also detected.This is the first discovery of imogolite, a paracrystalline aluminosilicate mineral, in China.