Chromian goldmarite is discovered in marble along exocontact zone of the Tongshan copper-molybdenum deposit, Jurorg county, Jiangsu province, It is of isometric system, with space group Oh(10)-Ia3d, unit cell parameters ao=11.9470A Z=8; is chemical composition is Si02=34.99%,A1203=7.61%,Ca0=32.95%, V205=13.41%,Cr2Og=10.13%,giving a chemical composition of(Ca2.938Na0.003)2.941 (Cr0.666V0.737Fe0.006Al0.591)2.00(Si2.938A10.156)3.094O12 Refractive index n=1.799 (士0.0015).Calculated specific gravity3.75, VHN100=1168.7kg/mm2, Moss hard- ness 7.1.It is a mineral formed as a result of syngenetic deposition and intrusive contact metamorphism and contining vanadium, chromium and aluminium. The discovery of this mineral has added a new member to the garnet group and also provided new data of occurrence for chromian-varadic minerals In addition, it is of great sigrificance to the study of chromium-vanadium geochemistry.
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