Abstract:TheJining Group in Inner Mongolia consists of a suite of hypometamorphic rocks of granulite facies, with the lower part being mainly two-pyroxene-plagio- clase gneiss origina,tinD froTn volcanic rocks and the upper part, sillimanite-garnetpotasn ieiaspar gneiss from normal seaimentary rocxs, lne garnet samples collec ted from different parts of Jiazing Group belong chemically to similar species and are composed mainly of almandine ( 50-60 norm%)and pyrope (34-42 no- rm%),with less andradite and spessartite. The tzace and rare earth elements in garnets from granulites of Jining Group have been determined by means of modern highprecision neutron activation ana- lytical technique. Expeximental results show that the chondrite-normalized pattern of rare earth elements is mainly affected by the properties of original rocks instead of by the composition of garnets, In the process of metamorphism the gannets from metamorphic volcanic rocks mostly retain the distribution characteristics of mag- matic type garnets, showing considerable enrichment of heavy rare earth, elements, while those from metasedirnentary rocks fail to show obvious LREE and HREE separation but have relatively strong negative Eu anomalies. It is considered that the rare earth element characteristics of the gannets in metamorphic rocks might serve as an indicator fox distinguishing ortho-rocks from para-rocks, and for determining properties of original rocks.