Abstract:About 64 species of gold minerals in nature have been known so far. These include some subspecies, varieties and the ones not yet named' due to insufficient data. Among the 64 species, 25 of them have more complete mineralogical data. All of them are opaque minerals, the most common ones being native gold, electrum, kiistelite, calaverite, sylvanite, petzite, krennetite and nagyagite. The economic (industrial) gold minerals ase native gold, electrum; ktistelite, aurostibite and gold telluride, the first two being the most important. The economic (industrial) gold minerals. found in China are mainly native gold and electrum, while kiistelite and gold telluride are also found in some mines. The various gold minerals occur under different geological conditions. This articles deals only with the species of gold minerals and their mode of occurrence.