K-Ar age can be determined by means of isotope dilution method with mass-spectrometer MM-1200. Suitable amounts of S0Ar spike- range from 10-11 to 10-12 mole. A standard biotite ZBH-25 is used for the calibration of 38Ar spike. Initial value of 38Ar spike and its standard deviation are calculated by least-squre method. Approximate weights of samples (40Ar/38Ar=1) are listed by computer according to known potassium contents and appoxiraate age. W (mg) can be obtained from that table. when proper (40Ar/38Ar)m is chosen, the appoximate weight of a sample is (40Ar/38Ar)m·W (mg). Estimated precision for angle age measurements is calculated by using a fozmula. Estimated standard deviation at of the spike calibration is ± 0.6%, obtained from the experiments of 38Ar spike calibration. On the basis of repli- cate experiments ak is estimated. When K2O%<0.1%,σk=±1.3%. when O.1%
富云莲, 1985. 关于~(38)Ar同位素稀释技术中若干问题的探讨[J]. 岩石矿物学杂志, 4(3):272~278. , 1985. A Discussion on Some Problems in the Technique of 38Ar Isotope Dilution[J]. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica, 4(3): 272~278.