Abstract:wring the symposium in Beijing (1983),the Group on the 5ystematics of Volcanic Rocks of the Commission on Petrology of the Geological Society of China agreed on recommendations on the classification,and nomenclature of volcanic rocks, which were suggested by Li Zhaonai et al. (Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, 1983) [3]and use for China. The classifi- nation system consists of three parts, namely th,e mineralogical quantitative classification, the chemical quantitative classification and the qualitative clas- sification. They have been compiled on the basis of the enormous, actual data of more than 20 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China. The data processing and automatic plotting of volcanic rocks are performed by such. programs as GIGS-GPV-8010,GIGS-GPV-8 02 0,8030,8040,8050 (Li Zhaonai, 1980) on M160 computer. The main types of volcanic rocks are essentially cor- responding to each other in the mineralogical quantitative, chemical quantita- five and qualitative classifications, and all of them may be used alternatively in different cases. According to th.e classification schemes, th.e volcanic rocks are divided as follow: rhyolite, alkali(feldspar)rhyolite,dacite,quartz andesite, and- esite,basaltic andesite,quartz latite(trachyandesite),latite(trachyandesite),latite (trachyandesite),foid-Bering latite(trachyandesite),quartz trachyte, trachyte, fold-bearing trachyte, quartz alkali(feldspar)trachyte, alkali(feldspax)trachyte, fold-bearing alkali(feidspar)trachyte, phonolite, tephritic phonolite, tholeiite, basalt (talcalkali basalt),alkali olivine basalt, oligoclase basalt (mugearite),andesine basalt (hawaiite),traachybasalt, tephrite, basanite, phonolitic tephrite,tephritic foidite,phonolitic foidite, foidite, picrite alkali picrite, meimechite and melilitite. The geological features of the various types of volcanic rocks are systematically described in the Bulletin No. 8 of the Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences.