Abstract:Three uncommon zinc phosphate minerals occur in deposits of manganese oxide which are accumulation-leaching deposits in Guangdopg, South China. The physical, chemical, optical and crystal strcture data of these three mi- nerals are compared well with the published data abroad. The infra-red spec- tral and differential thermal analysis data are presented. The parahopeite from Guandong is distinctively different from that in Da- na's Mineralogy as its c-axis is shorter and b-axis is longer and with an optically negetive character. The infra-red spectra of parahopeite show γ4 vibration wavenumbers at 538, 566,603,646,680(cm-1)γ1 vibration at 810(cm-1) γ3 vibration at 947, 1015, 1060. (cm-1)of(PO4)3- ion. The defferenlial thermal analysis shows endothermic peaks at 200℃,348℃, 403℃ resulting from H20 release gradually. The endothermic peak at 1055℃ is resulted from lattice destroyinof parahopeite. The scholzite from Guangdong is in accord with H. Strunz's(1956)data in composition and crystal structure, but 2v is smaller. The infra-red spectra show γ4 vibration at wavenumbers 543,580,640(cm-1),γ3 vibration at 929,958,1005, 1024,1057,1110(cm-1)of(PO4 )3- ion and H2O frequency stretchs at 3334,3420 (cm-1).Differential thermal analysis displays endothermic peaks clearly at 200℃, 292℃,305℃ as a result of H20 release gradually in crystal. The endothermal peaks at 945℃ and 1052℃ are resulted from lattice destroying. The infra-red spectra of tarbuttite show γ4 vibration at wavenumbers 598, 603(cm-1),γ1 vibration at 803(cm-1),γ3 vibration at 912,950,1002,1030,1090 (cm-1)of (P04)3- ion. The differential thermal analysis displays endotherriiic peaks at 545℃,590℃ resulting from OH-1 release in the crystal structure. These are indications that the manganese deposits in Guangdong related to Pb-Zn deposits, because these minerals are accumulated together with manga- nese oxide and gothite.