Abstract:In 1968, the "Ongonite" was discovered in Oregon-haierhaxt of Mongolia etc..In 1981, the "431"dike of Xianghualing of Hunan province was named "Hsianghualinite" by Huang Yunhui et al..The author of the preset paper considers "Ougonite" and "Hsianghualinite" as rocks of the same kind based on their geological occurence, texture, mineral composition and feature of inclu- sion. The author determined the main rockformipg minerals of "431"dike rock being albite(An 0-3),microcline, quartz, zinzlwaldite, tbpaz, hydromuscovite etc... The dike may be divided into 4 textural zones, .namely, the top, edge, interme- diate and inner zone. The variation of minerals arad chemical compositions in. various zones are investigated. Besides, the problems of genetic type and naming of rocks of this kind are discussed through the study of Sr-isotope; trace-ele- ments and inclusion temperatures etc..The existing names of rocks of this kind —"Ongonite", "Hsianghualinite". "Topaz-bearing quartz-keratophyre" etc. are riot suitable. The author suggests to name rocks of this kind "Topaz-felsite porphyry".