Abstract:The occurence of fuse leakage vein means that fused crust material melted under the action of external dynamics, percolated into slight tension fissures,and after gradual cooling, formed dark veinlets.The black permeated cemented vein- lets may penetrate as deep as 10 cm into the meteorite but some of them pe- netrated only a few centimeters under the surface. There are three occurences of the secondary veinlets observed; (1) only one side of the crevice was cod- ted by the fused material, thickness of the veinlts 0 .2-0.6mm, (2) Both sides of the tension cracks are coated by the fused material with incomplete or wi- thout fused stuffing in the middle part and 0.2-lmrn in thickness, (3) The whole crevices were completely filled by the fused black material. In the first occurence of the permeated stock works there is the trace of splash, shoo- ting and stride of the fused permeation. The metaLLic minerals in the secon- dary veinlets are mainly Fe, Ni and a little sulfide in the form of bed-bug on the surface of the veinlets which is mainly composed of the olivine and pyroxene etc. began to crystallize. All of these can be found on the surface of veinlets of λJpes one and two, mentioned above. Besides, direct connection of the fused primary crust and the secondary veinlets is found amony some of the specimens. The open gap of the veinlets on surface of the meteorite was cemented by the fused crust. This, toge- ther with the composition shows that the secondary veinlets were formed under relatively weaker oxidation condition. The shooting of the viscous fusion indicated that during the formation of the secondary veinlets by permeation there occurred compression by the relative movement of the side-walls. The trace of the stria on the surface of the secondary veinlets showed slso that the relative movement of the side-walls occurred after the consolidation of the fused materials. It may be inferred that the rate of cooling of the secondary veialets was somewhat slower than that of the fused crust, so that there was the possibility of occurring silicate minerals (orth.opyroxene etc.)on the surface of the veinlets.