The green color of jadeite jade was measured and placed in the CIE LAB even color space. The distribution of color was analyzed in order to establish a relation of L*, a*, b*, C*, hab for the green color of jadeite jade. When L* is low, hab keeps relatively unchanging and C* and L* are linearly interrelated. When L* increases, the scope of hab increases a little and C* reaches its peak when L* is approximately 40. This information will have a positive effect on grading jadeite jade to a great extent in that it simplifies and guides the manufacture of jadeite jade color chips.
张晓伟,郭颖, 2011. 绿色翡翠颜色分布规律研究[J]. 岩石矿物学杂志, 30(Z1):23~26. ZHANG Xiao-wei, GUO Ying, 2011. Distribution regularity of the green color of jadeite jade[J]. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica, 30(Z1): 23~26.