Abstract:With the development of modern analysis, great breakthrough in PGE measurement has been achieved. Platinum group elements(PGEs) can now be regarded as one of the important fields in petrology, ore deposits and geochemistry. At present, the PGEs are becoming an increasingly important element group to trace the characteristics of geochemical processing. In this paper, the new data of laboratory partitioning of platinum-group elements and gold are summarized from literature abroad. The results of the controlled atmosphere experiments have yielded more S-rich sulfides, which seem to be the most appropriate laboratory data to be applied to magmatic sulfide-PGE deposits. It is also found that the sulfide liquid immiscibility model alone can not account for the apparently high concentration of PGE-Au in PGE-Au sulfide reef deposits based on these laboratory partitioning coefficients, suggesting the existence of extensive transformation and enrichment by either rock-melt process or rock-fluid process during the protracted post-accumulation and late magmatic history of large igneous bodies.